The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, Feb. 17, 1921
HOW TO HAVE FUN 1921 STYLE: Last Friday evening the Community Club room was the scene of merry making and a general good time. The Club was hostess to all its friends of Stronghurst and vicinity of high school age and over. An interesting program of entertainment clustered around the central theme of "Musical Festival."
The evening began with a group of piano solos by Mr. John Stine. This was followed by a guessing contest by all present trying to guess the songs represented by the dress of 48 guests in costume who represented some favorite popular or sacred melody. Mrs. Eleanor Widney then sang the "Humming Bird," and Miss Huskey gave an original musical story made up of phrases selected from well known songs. A group of songs by the Misses Frances Worley and Opal Billups with Miss Alice Wax at the piano followed. Miss Marie Larson read a music story including 24 songs, assisted by Mrs. Grace Wallin at the piano. The closing feature of the evening was the dividing of the guests into groups with each group given a song to be put into pantomime and guessed by the other groups. The entertainment closed with Mrs. Widney singing "My Alice Blue Gown."
Three prizes were awarded: Miss Effie Maxey guessed the largest number of impersonated songs; Mesdames Kaiser and Beardsley identified the largest number of songs in the song story and Mrs. Olive Gilliland gave the best impersonation. After refreshments were served, all went home having enjoyed the first in a series of such events sponsored by the Community Club.
RURAL CARRIER EXAM: The United States Civil Service Commission announced an examination for Henderson County, Illinois to be held at Stronghurst on March 12th to fill the position of rural carrier at Stronghurst and other vacancies that may occur on rural routes from other post offices in the county. The salary of a rural carrier on a daily standard route of 24 miles is $180 per annum with an additional $30 per mile per annum for each mile or major fraction thereof in excess of 24 miles. The exam will be open only to citizens who are actually domiciled in the territory of a post office in the county and who meet the other requirements set forth in Form No. 1977. Both men and women, if qualified, may enter this exam but appointing officers have the legal right to specify the sex desired in requesting certification of eligibles. Women will not be considered for rural carrier unless they are widows of U.S. soldiers, sailors or marines, or the wives of U.S. soldiers, sailors or marines who are physically disqualified for exam by reason of injuries received in the line of military duty. Forms and application blanks maybe obtained from the offices mentioned above and then forwarded to the Commission at Washington, D.C. at the earliest practicable date.
OBITUARY---GEORGE TAYLOR: George Taylor, a former resident of Burlington and who was for many years engaged in business in Chicago, passed away at his residence there on Feb. 13th after a brief illness from pneumonia. He was one of a large family of children of which Mrs. H. M. Allison and Miss Hattie Taylor, both of this vicinity, are the only surviving members. Miss Taylor accompanied by her nephew, Mr. John Annegers of this place, left for Chicago to be present at the funeral.
CELEBRATED HIS 75TH BIRTHDAY: A. C. Allison reached the 75th milestone of his life journey on Feb. 14th and the event was the occasion of a surprise birthday gathering of his children and grandchildren at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allison east of Stronghurst. The guests brought the findings for a sumptuous dinner and the day was thoroughly enjoyed by all. The families present were those of Roy Hixson and W. D. Gearheart of Raritan and Elbridge Fort of Olena.
1896 GRAPHIC: L. A. Wilson of Stronghurst and Miss Belle J. Brown of Kinsley, Kans. ere married On Feb. 12th at the home of Dr. J. M. Duncan, Kansas City, Mo. Wm. E. Coquillette died at his home in La Harpe, Ill. on Feb. 15th at the age of 69 years. E. W. Tinkham "shot" his failing gas well in the village with several pounds of dynamite but failed to increase the flow. An interest farmers' institute was held in town with many informative papers presented.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Media Township has a new power road dragging machine which is being used to good advantage. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Brokaw are rejoicing over the arrival of an 8 lb. boy at their home. E.E. South, former manager of the E. G. Lewis Seed Co. at Media, has been retained for the coming year as manager of the Seaton Farmers' Grain Co. at Seaton, Ill. Porter Bros. of Gladstone Township and J. H. Voorhees of Raritan Township had short horn cattle consigned to the sale in Galesburg.
Calvin Thompson of Jackson Corners in Warren County reached his 96th birthday on Feb. 10th. He was one of the early settlers of Ellison Township and is one of the few remaining survivors of the Mexican War. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Curtis have given up their restaurant business at Dallas City and returned to Stronghurst taking up residence in one of Mrs. Starkey's house in the west part of the village. S.V.A. Simonson celebrated his 92nd birthday Feb. 9th; he retains a fair degree of health and goes about at his pleasure. He spends time reading and keeping himself posted on current events. Mrs. Alice Atkins of Raritan began teaching school in the Point Pleasant district in Warren County at a salary of $150 per month. She had retired from that profession on a pension but found herself unable to resist the urgent demand to work again.
O. J. Sanderson fell from a load of baled straw which he was delivering to Sol Kessinger's barn in the west part of town. Lighting on his head and shoulder, he was rendered unconscious for a short time. Fortunately, his injuries were of a temporary nature and he was apparently all right within a few hours after the accident.
Mrs. W.H. VanArsdale of the Raritan country is taking treatment at a Kansas City hospital. Orchestra music was introduced at the M.E. church and proved a very pleasing addition to the regular musical part of the services. Chas. Wolford is holding a closing out sale on the Nat Bruen farm southwest of town and is expecting to take charge of the general store at Decorra. Harry Ross, who recently sold his farm west of town to Clarence Apt, will move to the old Ross homestead farm which he will continue to operate.
The apron and food sale conducted by the Willing Workers of the U.P. Church at the Community Club room proved to be a very successful affair. The room was thronged with customers and the ladies had no difficulty in disposing of their wares. Something over $100 was realized from the sale. Farm adviser Bane and family are now at home in the former Kessler property two doors south of the Lutheran church. Velna Reid Highfield was operated upon at St. Mary's Hospital at Galesburg for appendicitis and seems now to be well on the road to recovery. Dr. F. M. Henderson and daughter Miss Madge and Mrs. Fannie Reid accompanied Velna to the hospital to be with her until after she had safely gone through the ordeal. Mrs. C. S. Cooper arrived from Kansas City. On advice of physicians the Coopers have left there and expect to locate in either Raritan or Stronghurst. D. Headen and wife left for a six week trip to Long Beach, California.
The north bound passenger train on the Burlington-Quincy branch of the C.B. and Q. was wrecked just as it was pulling into the Dallas City station. The accident was caused by a broken flange on the front engine truck. The engine, tender, mail car and front truck of the smoking car left the rails and several lengths of track was torn up before the train was brought to a stop.
Fortunately, no one was injured. The accident occurred at 9:45 am and by 8 o'clock that event the wreck had been cleared and the track put in shape for the resuming of traffic.
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: The Gladstone schools gave an entertainment and box supper at Bryan's Hall. Every little tot as well as the high school pupils was perfectly trained. The sum of $60 was made to help fix up the playground. C.A. Hedges bought the Dr. Ditto garage and will move it off the ground it now occupies. The Epworth League gave a pie, sandwich and coffee social in the basement of the M.E. church. Rev. Sailor of Biggsville showed a moving picture illustrating the life of Christ.; there was also fine music. The piano tuners from Burlington tuned the church piano for the series of special meeting which are to being conducted by Rev. Sensibaugh, the evangelist. A fine baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis. Robert Thomas and Edward Ransdale went to Canton, Ill. where they will have work for some time. Mrs. Frank Jacob is in the hospital in Burlington recovering from an operation. G.W. Christy has purchased and taken possession of the Robbins restaurant. He also bought two small buildings of Elmer Pence and will move them.
BIGGSVILLE BENEFIT: The ladies cemetery association held an Exchange at the Palace Theater. The following program was given: Piano Solo-Lois McMillan; Monologue-Mary Adeline Felmer; Reading-Margaret Berry; Solo-Miss Louis Wittman; Monologue-Marie Kennedy; Quartette-Eva Gibb, Lucile Zimmerman, Marian Gibb and Leone Kilgore. After the program a cafeteria lunch was served. Receipts of the afternoon were about $50.
THE VERY RICH: Who is the richest per in the U.S. and what is his fortune? John D. Rockefeller is so designated with a fortune of about $650,000,000 as reported on his 1918 tax return. His total wealth in that year was probably between $800,000,000 and $1,000,000,000. The richest woman undoubtedly is Mrs. E.H. Harriman, widow and inheritor of nearly all her husband's fortune. In 1918 she paid taxes on $4,000,000 to $5,000,000. ( In value of today's $1,00=$11.89 then).