The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, March 31, 1921
UNDER THEIR OWN WOOL: Many; Henderson County farmers will soon be sleeping under blankets made from wool from their own flocks, just as their pioneer forefathers used to do. Mr. F. M. Bane, Farm Adviser of Henderson County, has received word from Chicago that 100,000 pounds of the million and a half pounds of wool in the Illinois Agricultural Association wool pool have been sent from the scouring mills in Chicago to the woolen mills in the East and will be made into blankets as fast as the mills can turn them out.
Hundreds of farmers all over the state have placed orders for blankets and auto robes.
People of our own county ordered 65 double blankets, 19 wool batts and 11 auto robes. Four fifths of the wool in the Illinois Agricultural Association wool pool has already been sold and the pool is regarded by agricultural experts as one of the most successful statewide co-operative marketing projects in the farming industry.
WALKER MYSTERY UNSOLVED: Although more than two weeks have elapsed since his mysterious disappearance in Chicago after selling a load of cattle, no clue has been received by any of his friends or those who have been trying to obtain trace of him, C. W. Walker of this vicinity. The fact that he was still alive on March 22nd, a week after he sold his cattle and announced his intention of returning home seems to be established from a check received at the First National Bank here bearing Mr. Walker's signature an dated March 22nd.
This circumstance has served to strengthen the belief held by many that the missing man has not met with foul play, but is remaining away or being detained by reason of some unknown cause.
WEDDING ANNIVERSARY: March 25th marked the 42nd anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Murphy of this village. On that day this worthy couple entertained a company of friends at a six o'clock dinner at their home and amongst the guests was their daughter, Mrs. Edna Hitchner of Dixon, Ill.
After the feast the balance of the delightful social intercourse the group enjoyed reminiscences of the past. Mr. and Mr. Murphy are numbered amongst the oldest of the settlers in Stronghurst and are held in high regard and esteem by the entire community.
COUNTY LITERARY AND ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION ORGANIZED: Some time ago the teachers of the various high schools of Henderson County met at Biggsville to discuss plans for a county Literary and Athletic Association. No definite plans were arranged at that time, but at another meeting in Stronghurst, the organization was practically effected and a decision reached to have the first meet at Terre Haute some time in May. This meet will include the usual track and field events and a declamatory contest for girls only.
All the high schools of the county have joined the association with the exception of Gladstone and Lomax and that these two schools will in all probability also become members of the league.
So far as Henderson county schools are concerned, the county league will supersede the triangular league composed of the La Harpe, Dallas City and Stronghurst schools which have held an annual meet for several years past.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Rae Nordstrom and family of Rushville, Ill., visited Stronghurst friends. Miss Abbie Drew and her niece, Miss Winnifred Drew of Peoria have renewed old friendships. Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Mathers and son, Robert, visited at the home of the lady's mother, Mrs. Paul D. Gibb at Biggsville. Miss Sara McElhinney returned to teachers' training at Normal. Chester Brook was home from Normal to see home folks.
Miss Mary Dixson, Jack Regan and Richard Peasley were home from Knox College for Easter. Miss Esther Marshall who is attending college at Tarkio, Mo, spent Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Marshall, southeast of town.
The Novelty Repair Shop is now located in the East room of the new Tom Morgan barber shop building. Miss Pearl Henry and sister, Mrs. Susie Simonson and daughter of Grey, Can., were guests at the J.P. Milliken home southeast of town.
Rev. and Mrs. Nels Olson attended a concert given by the Ladies Oriole Club of Augustana College at the Lutheran church in Burlington. Miss Evelyn Fort is touring the western states with the Monmouth College Girls' Glee Club.; they will visit Shenandoah, Iowa, where Grady Fort is located. Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Amerman are comfortably located in a new home recently purchased at Alpha, Ill where he is engaged in the banking business. W.T. Weir, Henderson County's well known fruit expert, is quoted by the Monmouth Daily Atlas as saying that he believes the peach and plum crop will be seriously affected by the late freeze; and that there may also be some damage to the apple crop. He does not believe that the small fruit was injured to any considerable extent.
Mrs. L. Mabel White of the Biggsville was arrested on the complaint of A. L .Boyd last Saturday on the charge of disturbing the peace at the John White farm south of town. The case was brought before Justice W. E. Hurd of this place but on account of his being ill was taken before Justice W.H. White. On account of lack of sufficient evidence the case was dismissed by the plaintiff. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Allison and their son, W. F. Allison and family arrived here last week after having spent the winter in the South. They report having enjoyed the balmy Gulf breezes during the sojourn in Dixie, but Mr. H. M. Allison is not in the best of health. W. F. Allison and family will not return to their Missouri home at present but will move out to their farm east of Stronghurst which Will will operate this season.
CHICAGO DESPERADO HERE? Last Sunday night Sheriff McDill at Oquawka received a telephone message from the Burlington police officials stating that a man believed to be O'Connor, the Chicago desperado who is being hunted by the police on the charge of murder, had dropped off a freight train at Gladstone and was hanging about the waiting room in the station there.
The sheriff lost no time in getting out his car and starting for Gladstone. He made the trip in about 20 minutes and going to the station found the waiting room unoccupied. Inquiry of the agent revealed the fact that it was at Biggsville and not Gladstone where the supposed bad man was thought to be lurking. Bob again cranked up his car and the distance between the two villages were soon covered. Entering the ticket office, the sheriff asked the agent if the suspect was still there. He was informed that the man was in the waiting room and was its sole occupant and that there was no question, but that he was O'Connor. Knowing that if this was true, he could afford to take no chances, the sheriff gripped his automatic revolver and pushed open the door between the ticket office and the waiting room. Before the stranger, who was sitting on a bench in the corner, could make a move of any kind, he was looking into the muzzle of Bob's automatic and the command of "hands up" was obeyed with promptitude. The suspect was immediately searched for concealed weapons, but none were found on his person. He was then questioned and soon succeeded in convincing the sheriff that he was not the much wanted O'Connor, but that his name was Frank Brackett and that his home was in Albia, Ia. He also accounted for the fact of his being in Biggsville by saying that he had been in Ottumwa during the day where he had imbibed pretty freely of "hootch" and had afterward fallen asleep and that on awakening, he had dropped off the train at the first opportunity. Telephone communication from Albia convinced the sheriff that the man's story was true and he was released.
The Biggsville agent told the sheriff that when his suspicions were aroused that the stranger was O'Connor, he had feared to telephone Oquawka lest the man should overhear the conversation and that he had adopted the expedient of telegraphing the Burlington police and having them forward the message to Oquawka. It seems that the Burlington officials complicated matters by reporting the suspect to be at Gladstone instead of Biggsville.
The sheriff admits that in view of the stories which have been printed about the desperate character of O'Connor, he was slightly nervous over the possibility of a gun battle taking place if the suspect should prove to be the much wanted bandit; and this nervousness was nothing compared with the scare which Brackett confessed he experienced when he found himself staring into the muzzle of an automatic gun backed up by the grim and visage of our popular and fearless sheriff.
April 17, 1921 FAST DEPARTURE: J. T. MAXEY: Jed T. Maxey, well known Stronghurst resident and rural mail carrier for the past ten years on Route No.2 out of the village, passed away last Sunday afternoon at about 5 o'clock following a stroke of apoplexy which occurred about 3 hours previously. Mr. Maxey had been down to the post office in the forenoon and assisted in the distribution of the morning mail. When through with this work he returned to his home in the west part of the village with the intention as his custom was of spending the day quietly with his family. While waiting for dinner, which was somewhat later than usual, he took down the violin with which he was accustomed to while away some of his hours at home and played a number of pieces, being accompanied on the piano by his daughter. While playing a selection he suddenly complained of feeling ill and said he would have to lie down. His illness seemed to be of such a violent nature that a physician was summoned at once. He was afforded temporary relief and for a time appeared to be resting quietly. After about an hour he attempted to get up and it is thought that the exertion of the effort brought on a hemorrhage of the brain as he sank back on his bed and lapsed into unconsciousness which terminated in death within about two hours.
Jed. T. Maxey was born in Knox County, Illinois, April 11, 1854 and departed this life at his home in Stronghurst April 3, 1921, age 66 years, 11 moths and 22 days. He was the eldest son of Clayborn and Charlotte Randall Maxey. He married Miss Daisy E. Reed Oct. 18, 1893, who proceeds him in death; she died June 7, 1911. Five children were born to this marriage, four of whom are still at home: Eleanor, Lucille, Effie and Garnett. Charlotte, the second daughter, married Mr. Frank Lebeck and lives near La Harpe; they have an infant son, Frances Eugene Lebeck.
Mr. Maxey was the eldest of a family of eleven children, two brother and sisters have died, leaving five children of his parent family still living.
His home was always on the farm until entering the postal service of his country as a mail carrier some ten years ago. The first three years of his marriage he farmed in Knox County and then moved to Henderson County where he farmed for seven years on land on the Evans' estate near Stronghurst. From there he moved to Iowa near Kingston where he stayed but one year. He then returned to Henderson County and for the next seven years farmed some of the Carothers land to the northwest of this place. He then moved into the village of Stronghurst, ten years ago last February and started to carry the mail on Route No. 2 out from Stronghurst. This position he loyally filled until the hour of his death, having taken care of his work in his usual way Sunday morning.
His education was received in the country schools of Knox County with one year of elective work in Knox College preparatory to teaching school. Funeral services were conducted at the M. E. Church with a large concourse of friends and neighbors including a great many of the patrons of Rural Route No.2 assembled to do honor to the memory of one who had always been a kind hearted and obliging friend and very faithful public servant. The music for the occasion was furnished by a quartette consisting of B. G. Widney, W. C. Regan, Mrs. P. W. Wallin and Mrs. Geo. Widney accompanied on the piano by Miss Erma Kaiser. Interment was in the village cemetery. (Long list of relatives and friends from a distance attending.)
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Mrs. Wm. Wilds returned home to Keithsburg after visiting relatives in town. Len Ditto and family moved from town to a farm southwest where they will make their home. The state fire marshal was in town inspecting buildings. A social will be held at the U.P. church Friday evening; everybody is invited to attend. J. L. Duvall of Weaver, Iowa moved to their own house here. Mr. Frank Jacobs has been quite ill at his home.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Rev. McHenry of Table Grove has spent the last few weeks at the home of his son Albert. Miss Mary Wheeling left for Estes, Colo. where she will visit the Cyril Williams home. Mrs. August Weigand returned from Galesburg where she had gone to attend the dedication of the new Christian Science church at that place. Clendon Welch, who spent the winter in Oregon and attended school, arrived home.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Miss Clara Schrenk received some violet and lilac blossoms from her home at Golconda, Ill.; there certainly are a lot of differences in the season even in our state. Mr. Lee Seman of Prairie City, noted horseman was a business caller in town. Harry Lefler of Hamilton, Ill. visited his brother, Raymond, who is agronomist for the Lewis Seed Co. Geo. Strong, who has been working in town for a couple of weeks returned to Monmouth where the Western Stoneware Co.'s plant No. 2 is expected to be started April 4th; he will begin there again. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Myrtland moved from the Terry property into Richard Gould's house. Mr. and Mrs. Gould expect to leave for Minnesota where they will make their home.
CARMAN CONCERNS: Little Earl Dixon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dixon, Jr., who was kicked by a horse and dangerously injured, was able to be brought home from the Burlington hospital apparently out of danger. Fred Clover is driving a new Ford on the mail route. Miss Gertrude Dowell visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Dowell; Willis has been quite poorly for several days.
DECORRA DABS: Mr. and Mrs. Austin and daughter Ida from Standish, Mo. visited their daughter, Mrs. Willie Farrar. Chas. Wolford, having bought out the Decorra store, has now taken up residence in the village and the community is invited to call and learn his reasonable prices.
Sam Gray and family have moved to the Peasley place; he was formerly from Terre Haute. J. W. Denum has been helping Mrs. C. W. Walker put in her oats. (Her husband disappeared in Chicago after selling cattle.)
April 7, 1921 NOT INTERESTED: The township election was one of the quietest conducted here in many years. This was owing partly, no doubt, to the fact that there was no contest for the office of supervisor and that there was no other offices to be filled which carry any great renumeration. Many farmers did not feel like dropping their work in the fields to come in and vote. Only 40 votes were cast and of these each candidate on the republican ticket received a majority.
In the annual Town Meeting convened in the afternoon, C.H. Curry, supervisor as special committee, reported the purchase during the year of the old M. E. Church at Olena for $350, the building to be used for the purpose of storing road tools and machinery belonging to the township. This action was approved and the committee was discharged.
SPRINGTIME FESTIVAL: The pupils of the grades in the public school were entertained at the Community room by their teachers, Miss Hortense Harbison and Mrs. Ruth Wilson assisted by Mrs. Charles Davis and Mrs. T. C. Knutstrom of the Community Club. A round of parlor games was enjoyed by the students and a delicious picnic lunch with fruit punch added much to the success of the evening.
PLACE TO EAT ON SUNDAY: The NuVon Hotel in Stronghurst announced special Sunday dinners would be served from noon to 2:30 p.m.. A chicken dinner will be served with reservations needed
WILL PRESENT PLAY: The April group of the Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. Church is arranging to present the play, "The Old Maids Association" at the Lyric Theatre.
1896 GRAPHIC: The first regular meeting of the Henderson County Telephone Co. was held in Stronghurst on April 4th. It was decided to put the exchange here, ten parties having agreed to put instruments in their places of business and pay a rental of $2.00 per month for use of the lines.
Miss Bertha Butler was employed as central operator at a salary of $12 per month. A toll rate of 10 cents between any two given stations in the county was decided upon. And parties living in the country would be allowed to string wires on poles to their nearest station and have instruments installed. They would be allowed use of the lines at a rental of $2.00 per month.
S. W. Carothers was endeavoring to negotiate with the Stronghurst village board for a franchise and street lighting contract preparatory to the construction of an electric lighting plant and system in the village.
An ordinance placing a ban on the sale of "Maltina," a near beer beverage, was passed by the village council and an ordinance limiting the speed of passenger trains within the corporate limits to 10 miles per hour and freight trains to 6 miles per hour was passed.
The $12,000 residence of Andrew Kirby of Dallas City, known as the Rolloson Mansion, was destroyed by fire on April 1st. Potatoes were being quoted on the Chicago market at from 15-25 cents per bushel; corn at 28-29 cents and wheat at 62-63 cents per bushel.