The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, March 3, 1921
GIFT CORN DELIVERED: Henderson County farmers "shelled out" merely figuratively but literally yesterday in response to the cry of the starving millions of the old world when they hauled 1,500 bushels of corn, mostly in the ear into Stronghurst and shelled it and ran it through the local elevator into cars for shipment while one of the largest crowds of people ever assembled in Stronghurst looked on and cheered and motion picture cameras recorded the scene on films which will be used to stimulate like generosity on the part of farmers in every section of the United States.
There is also enough money in the hands on the local farm bureau committee to purchase enough more corn to swell the total amount of the county's donation to 4,000 bushels.
Mr. Carol Vrooman, secretary of the American Farm Bureau gift corn project, who was present and addressed the people in the afternoon stated that the pictured story of this county's response to the cry of suffering humanity would be told in cities, villages and hamlets in all parts of the country, and that it would typify the spirit of unselfishness and true brotherhood of mankind, which must replace the spirit of greed and rapacity which has been so much in evidence since the close of the war. (WWI)
He said that he believed the action of the farmers of America in donating millions of bushels of corn to the starving races of Europe and Asia to be the most hopeful sign of a new and better era in the history of the world and he congratulated Henderson County farmers in the fact that they had pledge the first carload of these millions so bushels of corn.
Mr. Vrooman might have added that Henderson County had not only redeemed her pledge, but that she had more than doubled it in actual contributions and that it would take 3 cars instead of one to transport her gift corn to its destination.
Weather conditions were most favorable for the demonstration which had been planned, this day being as balmy and spring like as anyone could wish for. The sun shone brightly most of the time, thus giving the picture men the opportunity of taking many pictures of the scenes connected with the day's events from a variety of angles. In addition to the camera men sent there by the Farmers' Filming Corporation, operators for the Pathe News film service were on the ground and took many pictures for the individual use of their company.
The cars in which the corn was loaded at the elevator were decorated with banners calling attention to the fact that they contained Henderson County's contribution of corn for the starving; and the scene presented when the cars were being pulled away for the elevator by the switching engine and started on their journey with the vast crowd of people cheering and waving flags, handkerchiefs and hats, was an inspiring one. Another scene which created a great deal of enthusiasm was a parade of the school children of the county, each bearing an arm full of corn which they deposited on a pile near the sheller which was at work. There was no general parade as had been planned, but many of the wagons and trucks which brought in the corn were bedecked with banners and other decorations.
The public speaking for the day took place at about 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon from a stand at the intersection of Broadway and Main Streets. R. N. Clark acted as master of ceremonies and presented the speakers, Hon. Carl Vrooman, secretary of the national corn relief organization and Howard Leonard of Eureka, Ill., president of the Illinois Agricultural Association. Mr. Vrooman told in his speech of the inception and development of the farmer's corn gift project and explained the manner in which the corn would be handled from the time it left the initial shipping station until it reached the destitute and starving people from whom it is intended. Mr. Leonard's speech dealt with the history of farmer's organizations, past and present, and with the great work now being done by the National Federation of Farm Bureaus, the Illinois Agricultural Association and the various county farm bureaus.
An interruption occurred in Mr. Vrooman's speech when little Lawrence Pogue and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pogue of Media Township, who had been lifted up on the platform, handed the speaker a sack of popcorn of his own raising as a contribution to the corn gift cause. Mr. Vrooman acknowledged the gift on behalf of the committee. . .
Following the speaking, a quartette composed of Prof. C. Larson, Chas. Fort and Mr. Yoakam sang several songs including "Illinois" which were heartily applauded.
The Wallin and Knutstrom garages in the village were made use of in feeding the multitude from all parts of the county who attended the demonstration and under the capable management of the women of the Community Club this part of the day's program was carried out without a hitch. Tables and chairs were provided for all and the feasts which had been brought in baskets and which included all sorts of substantial viands as well as delicacies were served in cafeteria style.
The spirit of beneficence and true charity which prompted the donating of the corn by the farmers seemed infectious in its nature and manifested itself in many ways in those who participated in the day's demonstration either actively as mere spectators; and Stronghurst never entertained more orderly or good natured crowd of people than those who came here yesterday from every section and corner of the county.
The use of the sheller which shelled the corn brought in was donated by Mr. Raymond Mathers of Media and the use of the tractor engine which furnished the power from the sheller was donated by the Twin City Tractor Co., represented by P.W. Wallin of this village.
Mr. E.L. Bill of Chicago, Educational Director, and Chas. Plumb, cartoonist for the I.A.A. were here preceding and during the demonstration and rendered material assistance to the local farm bureau committee in carrying the project through.
(A long list of donators follows so go to the Henderson County Public Library and look at the microfilm for this issue of the Graphic to see if your relatives are mentioned. To include the list in this column would require too much space.)
---OBITUARY---MINNIE A. ZIEGLER: Minnie A., the youngest daughter of William and Wilhelmina Ziegler, was born on the home place in Terre Haute Township, Nov. 6th, 1881 and died Feb. 22nd, 1921, aged 39 years, 3 months, and 15 days. She was the youngest child of a family of six children and was educated in school district No.13. She was of a kind and sympathetic disposition having a special care for dumb animals, always ready to shield them in case of danger. She was always a home girl, desirous of helping her parents, who were honest, hard working folk of German descent and now growing old.
About 12 years ago she suffered a severe attack of typhoid fever from which she never fully recovered. Almost 4 years ago she had a complete relapse when she was stricken with a serious nervous breakdown which necessitated giving her constant care. All was done that could be done, but in time it was found necessary to take her to a Sanitarium where it was hoped that something could be done to restore her to herself again. In her distress she was not always delirious and it was very comforting to have her recognize her father and other friends when they would visit her from time to time.
Minnie was a Christian girl. When an old friend and neighbor visited her recently, she requested that her Bible be brought from home that she might have the comfort of the "hope of the Desolate' from time to time. Without a doubt she had a comfort in her bereavement that would cheer loved ones and friends if they but knew. Her death was caused by a severe attack of bronchial pneumonia.
She leaves to mourn her departure, her father and mother, three sisters-Mrs. Louise Evans of Kansas City, Kan.; Mrs. Rilla Bladen, Lang, Sask., Can. and Mrs. Emma Wolford of Ethel, Mo. One brother, William, Jr. and one sister, Mary, preceded her in death. Funeral services were held at the home of her parents, six miles southwest of Stronghurst with interment in the Terre Haute Cemetery.
PLAN CHILDREN'S GARDEN ARMY WORK FOR 1921: The committee of the Stronghurst Community Club having the Children's Garden work for 1921 in charge, have formulated their plans and announce the following rules: any child in the grades in the school of Stronghurst and surrounding community may become members of the Children's Garden Club by enrolling with their respective teachers. Gardens may be 12218 Ft.,(?) the ground to be in condition by the children after breaking. Suggestions may be received from others as to the laying out of the gardens and the methods of planting and cultivation, but the actual work must be done by the children.
The following vegetable may be planted: onions, radishes, lettuce, peanuts, potatoes, tomatoes (red), cabbage, rice, pop corn, beets carrots, squashes, mango peppers, and parsley. Gardens will be inspected between May 23 and June 5 but the products will not be judged until Oct. 1st. The prizes will be as follows: best garden-$3.00; 2nd best-$1.50, 3rd best-75 cents. Best of any single variety of products including not less than a 6 specimens 1st-$1.00' 2nd best-50cents; and best collection of products 1st-$1.50; 2nd best-$1.00. The committee in charge on the contest will be Miss Margaret Wheeling, chairman, and Miss Martha Davis, Mrs. T. Walker and Mrs. A.E. Moore, assistants.
---WEDDING BELLS---WARING-JOHNSON: The home of Mr. and Mrs. August Johnson near Gladstone, Ill. was the scene of a pretty home wedding the evening of Feb. 23rd when their oldest daughter, Tuckla(?) Viola, became the bride of Mr. Axel Waring. Preceding the ceremony, Miss Anna Swenson, a cousin of the groom sang "O Promise Me." At the conclusion of the solo Mrs. N. E. Olson began playing a wedding march to the strains of which the bridal couple descended the stairway of the house leading to the parlor where the officiating clergyman, Rev. N. E. Olson of Stronghurst, and a few near relatives awaited them.
The bride was attired in a white Georgette gown and wore a veil and spray of smilax and orange blossoms. She also carried a beautiful bouquet of white Carnations and ferns. The groom was attired in a suit of dark blue. The bride's youngest sister, Ellen, dressed in white organdy, acted as flower girl.
The room was tastefully decorated with smilax and ferns and the color scheme of pink and white carried out. A four course dinner was served following the ceremony after which the bride and groom took their departure for a short wedding journey. Mr. and Mrs. Waring will make their home of the farm south of Stronghurst owned by Wm. Ogden.
WHERE ARE WE AT! As next Tuesday is village primary day and there have been no notices published either of the election or of the color of the ballots to be used, we are led to wonder just what the official charged with the duty of attending to such matters have in mind. Justice Thompson, who was a member of the Supreme Court, which declared the primary act of 1919 unconstitutional, told us that there was no question about the old primary law, which requires primaries to be held in all villages and cities being again in force; and he also stated where no candidates petitions had been filed, the primary should be held and blank ballots provided on which the names of candidates could be written in by the voters. However, with no action taken by the designated officials, it is difficult to see how a legal primary can now be held.
---ALICE YODER--- Mrs. Alice Hardin Yoder passed away at her home in Monmouth, Ill. on Feb. 27th, her death being due to pneumonia. Mrs. Yoder was the eldest child of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hardin and was born and grew to womanhood on the old Hardin homestead farm southeast of Stronghurst. She united in marriage to Charles Yoder and two children, a son and a daughter, were born to them. These with three brothers, Charles Hardin of Raritan Township; J.E. Hardin of Lincoln, Nebr. and T.N. Hardin of Canton, Ill. and one sister, Mrs. Minerva Barnes, survive her. Mr. Yoder passed away about 10 years ago Funeral services were conducted at the home in Monmouth with interment in the cemetery at that place.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The young people gave a play and pie supper at the Academy Saturday evening with proceeds of $30 to be used for improvements on the church. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Campbell left for their home in Detroit, Michigan after several weeks visit with relatives.
Representatives of the Chicago Lyceum circuit were in town trying to sell enough tickets to bring the lecture course to town next year. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Everhart are the proud parents of an 8 lb. boy that arrived on Feb. 26th. Mrs. John Lawyer has been quite ill and under a doctor's care. Mrs. Etta Keith and sons returned home from a month's visit in Florida with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson.
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Earl Kissinger moved from near Weaver, Iowa into one of Sam Stevenson's homes here. Mr. and Mrs. George Ashberry have moved on a farm between here and Oquawka where they will farm this summer. Mrs. J. A. Sterrett left for her home at Bellgrade, Nebr. after a 6 weeks visit with relatives. John McCabe moved to a farm of Sam Stevenson southwest of town. A fine baby girl was born Feb. 24th to Mr. and Mrs. L.F. McDermit to brighten their home. A large delegation from Biggsville attended the revival meetings to hear Dr. Sensibaugh talk. Dorthea Robbins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jo Robbins, fell while playing after school at her home and broke her arm between the wrist and elbow.
Her father took her in a car to Oquawka as soon as possible to Dr. Eads & Ryley to have her arm set. Mrs. Max Radman and daughter Marion left for their home in South Dakota accompanied by Miss Thelma Radman who will spend the summer.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: The men of the U.P. congregation began shingling and putting new siding of the barn at the parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bergren are the proud parents of a baby girl born at the hospital last Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McIntyre left for Gerlaw where he will farm this summer for Mr. Dennison.