The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, Feb. 24, 1921:
CORN FOR THE HUNGRY: If plans now under way reach their fulfillment, Henderson County bids fair to become one of the best advertised counties in the whole United States and to have the example of the generosity of her farmers presented as an object lesson to the people of other sections of the country as a stimulus for them to take up the work of saving from starvation the people of the war devastated and famine stricken nations of the earth.
March 2nd will be observed as gift corn delivery day in the county, and the occasion will be made one of much more than ordinary interest because of the special features which will be connected with the delivery of the corn.
This was decided upon at a meeting of the executive committee of the Henderson County Farm Bureau held at Stronghurst.
President R. N. Clarke called the meeting after the receipt by him of a telegram from the officials of the American Federation of Farm Bureaus stating that it was desired to put on a campaign inaugurated by the Federation whereby the starving millions of the old world are to receive aid to the form of millions of bushels of corn donated by farmers.
The corn or the products manufactured there from is to laid down in the famine stricken countries without a single bushel being absorbed in transportation, milling or manufacturing costs.
In a telegram, Mr. Clarke was asked if Henderson County would be willing to set apart a day for the delivery for transportation of corn pledged by the farmers of the county and whether the farmers would cooperate with the Farmers' Film Corporation in the filming of the incidents and scenes connected with the delivery and shipment of the corn.
It was explained that the film was desired for use in the moving pictures houses throughout the country in connection with the campaign and that the selection of Henderson County as the place for making such a film was made in recognition of its being the first county in the United States to pledge a carload of corn for the famine sufferers.
The American Federation of Farm Bureaus also offered to send President J.R. Howard, Secretary J. W. Coverdale and national committeeman Carol Vrotman and a number of other speakers here to address the people and assist in other ways in making the occasion a noteworthy one.
It was an unanimous decision of the county executive committee of the farm bureau when called by President Clark that the county could not afford to thrust aside the honor and plans were at once started to carry out the proposed project.
It was decided that Stronghurst should be the place and March 2nd the date for the delivery of the gift corn and the staging of the features proposed. It was decided to ask the farmers to reserve this day as a special holiday and to cooperate in every way possible.
County Supt. Of Schools, A. L. Beall, was present and by special request and stated that he would designate March 2nd as "institute day" for teachers making it possible for the schools to dismiss and for teachers and pupils to participate in the event and to have a part of the parade and to have a place in the film.
The township committeemen of the farm bureau were asked to look after the delivery of the corn from their respective townships and also to seeing to interesting every person in their townships in the big demonstration.
It was decided that the problem of feeding the multitudes which will no doubt be attracted to Stronghurst could best be solved by making it a basket dinner affair and the Community room, the farm bureau office and the dining rooms of the various churches of the village will be thrown open and provided with the necessary tables and chairs to allow those who come to enjoy the contents of their lunch baskets in company with their neighbors.
Hot coffee, ice cream and other trimmings for the feast will be provided free of charge by a local committee under the chairmanship of Mrs. B. G. Widney.
The musical program will be under the direction of W. C. Ivins and there will be committees to have charge of other special features of the day's program. If the weather is propitious, the speaking will take place from an open air stage, but arrangements will be made for the use of the Lyric Theater or some other auditorium if the day is cold or stormy.
A parade is to be one of the big features of the day and it is proposed to offer a prize for the display in the parade which expresses in the most original and unique way the central idea of the occasion, which will be "Henderson County Corn for the Starving."
Representatives of the Farmers' Film Corporation will be here a day of two before to confer with county advisor Bane and the local committee in regard to the details connected with the taking of the moving pictures.
It is expected that with favorable weather and roads, Stronghurst will be called upon to play the host to one of the largest crowds ever assembled here and it is expected of everyone in the community to see that the comfort and enjoyment of her guests are properly looked after.
1896 GRAPHIC: A farmers' institute held in Stronghurst covered such topics as "The teeth of our animals, a paper on cattle feeding, and paper on fruit raising, and a paper on selection and prorogation of fruits." Walter Huston, one time prominent citizen of Henderson County, died at his home in Monmouth on Feb. 24th. Dr. I. P. Cowden, a former well known physician of Olena, died at his home in Winfield, Ia. On Feb. 18th.
The marriage of Eugene Moreland and Miss Mary Tadlock occurred on Feb. 26th at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Tadlock in Stronghurst. J. B. Lant and wife of Olena had purchased the H. F. Turner property and were preparing to become residents of the village. W. A. Baldwin has leased the Dunsworth store room and was preparing to pen a grocery store.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Miss Martha Davis was here from Hedding College to spend the weekend. Miss Mary Dixson, a student at Knox College, was also home for the weekend and attended the home talent play at the opera house. S. E. Corzatt and sons attended the Dixson and Walker hog sale here. This sale was well attended and fair prices were obtained for the 35 head sold bringing an average of $90 per head. A fall gilt purchased by H.N. Johnson of Rapid City, S.Dak. topped the sale at $415 ($4,934 in today's values). At the morning service of the U. P. Church an offering of $49.25 was taken for the China famine fund. Mission treasurer, W. H. White, will be taking additional donations before forwarding the amount on Feb. 25th.
The First National Bank has provided for a man to assist its customers and friends in completing their income tax returns commencing March 1st. Mr. Jesse Fort, who has spend the winter with his brother George at the J. W. Hicks home, has purchased the old Tinkham residence and expects to begin remodeling it in a short time. Dr. J. F. Percy, the noted physician and surgeon whose home was formerly in Galesburg but who is now a resident of California, has brought suit for divorce in the California courts alleging "extreme mental cruelty" on the part of his wife; the latter is said to have gone to California to defend the suit. The evening service at the local M. E. Church was largely attended; the moving picture feature depicting scenes from the life of Christ prove quite an attraction. The musical part of the program conducted by the junior choir with orchestra accompaniment was a pleasing feature of the service. Cal Williams is moving from the Ross place to the Chas. Lind place where he will be employed this summer. Walter Fornell and family are moving from the Chas. Lind tenant house to the Phil Wilson place where he will be employed. C.L. Thompson, who has been the Stronghurst agent for the Illinois Oil Co., has turned the business over to Mr. W. M. Webster.
Several hundred acres of "black jack" land lying north of Oquawka were burned over by a fire which raged fiercely all afternoon and night. Thirty or more men worked all night trying to check the progress of the fire, which is supposed to have originated from the sparks from a passing train. The property loss was confined to fences, several hundred dollars worth were destroyed. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hartquist are mourning the loss of their infant daughter.
DECLINE INFARM LAND VALUE: That farm land values are on a rapid decline in this section has been demonstrated in the auction sales of two fine farms. The 80 acre farm of Asa Wassom seven miles southeast of Stronghurst was sold to James Milligan of Smithshire for $256 per acre ($3,044 in today's values). A short time ago this farm could have been easily disposed of at $100 more per acres. The quarter section farm of B. L. Mudd lying three and a half miles south of town was offered at public auction and the highest bid which could be obtained was $227, which was declined by Mr. Mudd.
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Dr. Sensabaugh, the evangelist, is holding a revival union meeting in the M. E. Church assisted by Rev. D. K. Sailor of Biggsville, who is the leader of the singing. They have a fine choir and good music; the meeting will continue for two weeks. Mrs. Max Rodman of South Dakota is visiting at the Ernest Rodman home. Edward Ransdale and Robert Thomas are employed in Canton, Ill. Clark Alvine moved on a farm near Lone Tree where he will farm this summer. Mr. Cartwright moved into the house he vacated. The Gladstone schools gave a box social and entertainment in Bryan's hall. A full house enjoyed the pupils, even the little tots. An amount of $60 was made to help fix up the children's playground. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer and children from near St. Louis have moved to the Frank Johnson farm 3 miles west of town.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The young people of the Methodist church will give a play at the academy free of charge, but afterward there will be an auction of pies. All of the ladies are asked to please bring pies. B. Dyson had the misfortune to smash one of his fingers quite badly at the saw mill. The post office was moved into the south part of the building that is used by the Co-operative Store. Miss Florence Drain was given a surprise birthday part. Some 28 of her friends enjoyed the evening of playing rook and other games. Refreshments of cherries, bananas, apples and cake were served. The cake was a large and beautiful pink and white one given by her grandmother, Mrs. John Wever.
CARMAN CONCERNS: Chas. Bowlyou was operated on for appendicitis at the Burlington hospital and doing nicely. He and the children are staying at the U.L. Marsden home. The Chas. Dillon family is moving on Chas. Lindgren's farm near Hopper. Geo. McCannon held a sale and will move to one of J. Y. Whiteman's farms in the drainage district near Crystal Lake. Fred McKim purchased the L.M. Neff property in the north side of Lomax and has moved there. John Dowell, who has been living on the C. B. Vaughn farm, has moved to the Mary King farm south of Lomax.
KEROSENE TO DESTROY BUGS: Kerosene emulation is one of the best lice killers on plants and animals says a North Dakota college. It is easily prepared and very cheap. Dissolve one half pound of soap in one gallon of kerosene and stir very vigorously or better yet, churn with a force pump for a few minutes. For use, dilute one gallon with nine to ten gallons of water. Stir well. It is best to use rain water. If only a small quantity is wanted, use one to two ounces of soap, two quarts of boiling water and one pint of kerosene and dilute to two gallons. (Householders had to make their own remedies and these items would have been readily available.)