The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Council Has Busy Session

by Christy Kienast, The Quill

The La Harpe City Council meeting was held on Wednesday September 14, 2011 at the City Hall.

The meeting was held on a Wednesday this week because there was not enough aldermen to have a quorum for the Monday meeting, so it was cancelled and moved.

This was the first time this has happened in the last 35 years, according to Mayor Ken Brown.

The minutes and the treasurers' report for August were accepted. In new business City Attorney Kurt Dittmer brought plans to be accepted for Tom and Theresa Link to subdivide 11.83 acres of their property.

This is for tax purposes only and really has no effect on the city.

Although it passed with a 4-1 vote, it was asked of the city attorneys to provide more information on this.

There was some confusion as to why it even needed to be brought to the council in the first place.

The transmission is starting to slip in the Chevrolet Impala car that Police Chief Justin Livingston drives.

In the last few months, there have been several issues with the car. It has a new radiator, the air conditioner works now and it doesn't overheat. It has approximately 135,000 miles on it.

The council will be getting bids to see how much a new transmission will be. Also, the city workers are having problems with one of the city trucks. The 1997 Ford has bad brakes, no heater and the fuel pump is going bad. This could cost around $,2000 to fix it was estimated.

The council will be deciding on whether to fix this truck, buy a new truck or just do away with this city truck after more information is brought forth.

City Wide Clean Up will be Friday October 7th.

The issue with the sidewalk at the LaHarpe Davier Healthcare Center will be tabled for now. Although the sidewalk is fixed now, a study by the city engineer says to properly fix the situation could cost around $26,000.

The Class of 1952 has asked if they are able to get the old cornerstone of the old La Harpe elementary building, if they could put it in the city park.

There is interest in the former Ayerco building. The owner of the building, Carl Adams is in favor of leasing the building rather than selling it.

McClure Engineering will be giving an update on the smoke test that was done a couple weeks ago.

Although, city officials didn't think there was too much to be concerned about.

A private La Harpe citizen has offered to buy an American flag for the La Harpe cemetery to be up all the time. City Alderman Darryl Kraft asked that it be put in the budget for the city to pay for some solar powered lights to go high up on the pole to illuminate the flag, and pay for the flag. The flag will be kept up since there is no one to put it up and take it down every day.

La Harpe city council members present were Brian Lovell, Marcia Stiller, Mike Bennett, Vicki Burford, and Darryl Kraft. Alderman Todd Irish was absent. Mayor Ken Brown, city secretary Lucretia McPeak, and city treasurer Marcia Neff were also present. Guests at this meeting were, Kurt Dittmer, Dan Gillett, Willo Carpenter, Justin Livingston, David Little, Wayne Humphrey, Doug Endres and Christy Kienast.

Next meeting is Monday, September 26th at 7:00pm.