The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The Wisdom Of Barnyard Bruke: 'If'n life was fair we would die in the order we were born"

Greetings to everyone in western Illinois. Well, some in our area received rain Saturday, some more than others. Rain is always welcome, no matter the amount.

Most folk feel the rain will help the soybean yields a great deal. But, it is supposed those beans that are fairly well along in turn'n yeller probably won't be helped much.

Some fields have "Sudden Death Syndrome" disease, and those for sure have stopped putt'n on any additional yield.

Reports from the boys are, the rain up north was anywhere from 1.8 inches on some farms to 2.5 inches on other farms. "It came in buckets", Stronghurst area and south received very little moisture. Those folk up north said with a lot of wind so a feller can assume the rain gauges didn't measure it accurately as it is difficult to measure horizontal rain. Those gauges were made for vertical downfall of droplets.

The wind did a powerful amount of corn damages west of Roseville, and I'm told, up north near Kirkwood and to the west from Kirkwood along a route 1/2 mile either side of route 34. A tornado twister was spotted touch'n down southwest of and near Kirkwood.

Not much tree or build'n damage was reported, that I've heard of. The corn fields are a different story. Not only were they reported flattened by the wind up there, but the boys said the hail hammered them as well in certain spots.

A few of the boys and I traveled up there to have us a look see. Schrock, Gunter, Giertz, Clarks and Defenbaughs are a gonna have fun try'n to harvest their down'd wind damaged corn.

We visited with some of them and supposed they'd be set up for this type harvest with reels and all, see'n as how this is about the 4th time they've experienced wind damaged corn in earlier years, in that community.

Seems the spokes for those reels of a certain manufacturer come off from time to time and raised major problems with the combine as they are be'n run thru. Those combines, especially the rotary ones, are not designed for remanufacture'n major parts of corn head reels. Consequently, they were sold for scrap when scrap metal became so high last summer. Best utilization of that metal, they said.

They all figure now they had better come up with a good alternative as it'll be needed soon. Those fellers with the downed corn tell us they're a figure'n they'll move harvest ahead now a week to avoid major field loss.

Down corn is hard on all machinery, as it comes in contact with wear areas. Seems it brings up dirt that just wears away at metal.

By appearances, the 20 inch row width corn and the "split row" corn took the heaviest damages. Those narrow rows that had a particular "race horse" hybrid really took a beat'n.

You can really see the difference with that hybrids' poor standability in some of the demonstration plots up there. Right beside it, the other hybrids are stand'n fine.

The boys tell me, after travel'n up north and see'n first hand the wind damage, they is a gonna hold off for a spell on that particular race horse hybrid and on narrow 20 inch rows and split rows in case those nasty winds get off course and come down their way attacking their fields.

It might be, that particular "race horse" hybrid potentially was the best corn yield'n hybrid and the stalk quality was sacrificed for kernel growth. Whatever the case, no one enjoys try'n to harvest downed corn with excessive wear on $300,000 plus combines, corn heads, auger wagons, and other grain handl'n equipment.

I suppose when them folks up there fills out their financial statements for the banker this winter they'll have to make note of their land be'n frequently susceptible to over exposure of wind, see'n as how it seems to habitually follow annually either side of Route 34. It will be hard to determine the extent to which the land should be discounted but at the very least a side note should be indicated on their statements. Maybe it will discourage outside land investors!

Of course, all farmers with down corn will depreciate their machinery on the financial statement accordingly due to the extra excessive wear. If'n we continue to have $7.00 corn or better it should all work out in the end.

The Farm Progress show, Midwest Old Threshers Reunion and the 32nd Argyle Gas Engine Show has come and gone.

In visit'n with folk at them events, from other parts of our state, I "m told of their high priced land sales, excessive cash rents, and the lack of young folk come'n back to the farm.

We are fortunate in most parts of western Illinois, that we've not been overcome by some of these melodies. It is good that some of our young'ns are a work'n their way back onto the land and cooperat'n landlords and/or parents and relatives or friends and neighbors are a work'n with them to see that they can do it. Our future remains with bring'n youth back to the land.

Bill Jones nieces' tells him the volleyball girls at West Central took part in the Stronghurst run/walk on Labor Day. It was a big hit, they told him. The FFA helped with breakfast and there was a mighty good turnout of both young and old. Our community spirit is alive and well by the sounds of their support for the fair, outside of government help and withdrawn government financial support. Congratulations to all involved, and us boys hats are tipped off to you'ns and especially to those young one's who added to the fun. Speakin' of fun... Predictions of corn fields have been interestin'.

Early corn yields are surprisingly be'n reported at both good and bad at this point. I reckon that'll be the way it's gonna be this fall. Some surprises to the good, and and some surprises to the disappointment side. That's the way of farm'n and life in general.

Some sez "it's not fair!"

I sez "of course not, if'n life was fair we would die in the order we was born. We do not so, I sez "get over it!" and keep on pluggin' away."

Keep on Smilen
Catch ya Later
Barnyard Bruke