The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The Christmas Walk this year will be November 18, 2011 at 5:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.
The Hall of Trees will be in the Flatt's building (old John Deere building).
Winners will be chosen by those attending the walk.
You may decorate your tree from Monday, November 14th to Thursday, November 17th.
The trees will be on display for the Friday evening Christmas Walk on the 18th of November and will remain on display until after Christmas for all to enjoy.
The key will be at Bygones and Buds at 309-924-1856 or call Diana Beals. We ask you return the key when you leave the building.
If you have any questions, contact Diana Beals at 309-337-5720 or Lori Taylor at 309-924-1811.