The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Community Unit School District #235 met on October 19, 2011.
President Lonnie Brent called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the following board members answered roll call: Anderson, absent; B. Arnold, absent; Goff, absent; J. Arnold, aye; Brent, aye; John, aye; Robbins, aye.
President Brent declared a quorum present. Also present were Superintendent Grimm, S. Richard, D. Buss, J. Nichols, J. Bradburn, J. Farniok, M. Frakes, and R. Dwyer, J. Morrison and M. Lafary.
President Brent then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Under good news items, the following items were highlighted:
„Principal Buss complimented the FFA group for providing their annual fire safety program to the entire elementary;
„Principal Nichols reported that Courtney Christensen, Emily Davis, Karyn Furnald, Rebecca Gall, Emilee Landers, Sara Shrum and Kristen Sumpter were selected to participate in the JEM all state music festival on November 5th at Dunlap;
„Principal Nichols reported that Courtney Edwards, Megan Cochran, Alyssa Harpin, Cassie Harpin, Rebekah Harpin, JoBeth Jones, Hannah Shrum, Audrey Vice, and Makenzie Wilson were chosen to participate in Junior level All State music festival at Augustana College;
„Principal Bradburn reported that the High School will be recognizing a large number of students at the PRIDE assembly being held on Friday;
„Board President Brent complimented all buildings on the amount and quality of student work that is displayed throughout all of the buildings.
Motion by John, seconded by J. Arnold to approve the agenda with the addition of action item (H). December board meeting date. Roll call: B. Arnold, absent; J. Arnold, aye; Brent, aye; Goff, absent; John, aye; Robbins, aye; Anderson, absent. Motion carried.
Under recognition of audience for request for presentation, the board heard from Marty Lafary concerning softball. Mr. Lafary asked the board to reconsider their decision to not offer a middle school girls' softball program in the fall of each year. Mr. Lafary asked the board to consider further the possibility of converting the old ag building on the south campus into a facility that would house a batting cage that could be used by softball and baseball players on a year round basis. Mr. Lafary also talked to the board about the possibility of the county securing some funds to build a safe shelter that could be used during a natural disaster. Mr. Lafary suggested to the board that perhaps this facility could be in the form of a gymnasium that could possibly be attached to the north campus building.
Motion by Robbins, seconded by J. Arnold to approve the consent agenda (Minutes of the September 21, 2011 regular board meeting; Minutes of the September 21, 2011 Budget Hearing; Minutes of the September 21, 2011 closed session; Adopt the proposed revisions of Policy 1:10 School District Organization - School District Legal Status, Policy 2:10 Board of Education - School District Governance, Policy 3:10 General School Administration - Goals and Objectives, Policy 3:70 General School Administration - Succession of Authority, Policy 2:125 Board of Education - Board Member Expenses and Policy 5:125 General Personnel - Personal Technology and Social Media; Usage and Conduct as presented on second reading; Approve the request for artwork in the elementary gym and elementary cafeteria; Approve the quote from Mark Muhleman for snow removal services for the 2011-12 for snowfall that exceeds two inches for the Media and Stronghurst facilities at the rate of $60 and $240 respectively). Roll call: J. Arnold, aye; Brent, aye; Goff, absent; John, aye; Robbins, aye; Anderson, absent; B. Arnold, absent. Motion carried.
Motion by Robbins, seconded by John to approve the payment of all bills including those presented at the board table as presented. Roll call: Brent, aye; Goff, absent; John, aye; Robbins, aye; Anderson, absent; B. Arnold, absent; J. Arnold, aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Robbins, seconded by John to approve the activity account summaries for September 2011 for WCE, WCMS and WCHS as presented. Roll call: Goff, absent; John, aye; Robbins, aye; Anderson, absent; B. Arnold, absent; J. Arnold, aye; Brent, aye. Motion carried.
Motion by John, seconded by J. Arnold to approve the September 2011 treasurer's report as presented. Roll call: Goff, absent; John, aye; Robbins, aye; Anderson, absent; B. Arnold, absent; J. Arnold, aye; Brent, aye. Motion carried.
Supt. Grimm informed the board that at the end of September we should have realized 25% of our budged revenue and expenditures. The board was informed that at the end of September the board had received approximately 32.6% of their budgeted revenue and had expended approximately 23.1% of budgeted expenditures. Supt. Grimm informed the board that as of October 19, 2011 the State of Illinois owed the district approximately $310,000 in money that ISBE has vouchered to the Comptroller's Office but the district has not yet received.
Goff entered 7:35 pm
Motion by John, seconded by Robbins to approve the field trip request submitted by Amanda Carpenter, WCHS FBLA Chapter Sponsor, for an overnight field trip to Milwaukee, WI from November 11-13, 2011 as presented. Roll call: Anderson, absent; B. Arnold, absent; J. Arnold, aye; Brent, aye; Goff, aye; John, aye; Robbins, aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Robbins, seconded by J. Arnold to approve the FY11 district audit report as presented. Roll call: B. Arnold, absent; J. Arnold, aye; Brent, aye; Goff, aye; John, aye; Robbins, aye; Anderson, absent. Motion carried.
Motion by Robbins, seconded by John to approve the 2011 district school report card and the school report cards for West Central Elementary, West Central Middle School and West Central High School as presented. Roll call: B. Arnold, absent; J. Arnold, aye; Brent, aye; Goff, aye; John, aye; Robbins, aye; Anderson, absent. Motion carried.
Motion by Robbins, seconded by John to approve the plan to build an internal network utilizing the EBS license from the FCC in an amount not to exceed $50,000 as presented. Roll call: J. Arnold, aye; Brent, aye; Goff, aye; John, aye; Robbins, aye; Anderson, absent; B. Arnold, absent. Motion carried.
Motion by John, seconded by Robbins to change the December board meeting from Wednesday, December 21, 2011 to Tuesday, December 20th beginning at 6 p.m. as presented. Roll call: Brent, aye; Goff, aye; John, aye; Robbins, aye; Anderson, absent; B. Arnold, absent; J. Arnold, aye. Motion carried.
The board reviewed reports from the building Administrators Mr. Buss, Mrs. Hanson, Mr. Nichols, and Mr. Bradburn, a curriculum report from Mr. Grimm, a technology report from Mrs. Frakes and Special Education report from Mrs. Farniok and the board reviewed a discipline report as submitted from Mr. Dwyer.
The board heard a report from the WCHS SIP team regarding the progress that they have made since May 2010 on the high school restructuring plan. During this presentation, the HS SIP team presented the board with factual information with regards to student progress that has been made and updated the board on the variety of programs that have been instituted at the high school to assist our students in achieving at a higher level. The HS SIP team did a wonderful job with the presentation and the board was appreciative of receiving the information. The board congratulated the SIP team on the progress that has been made to date and encouraged them to continue the excellent job that has been done so far.
The board discussed the possibility of bringing the SAFE school and the Alternative school into the district in the event that the Regional Office of Education is no longer able to support those programs at some point in time in the future. The board approved a request from Supt. Grimm to begin a contingency plan to bring those programs back into the district to be housed in the outer building on the Media campus. Supt. Grimm informed the board that he would update them on the progress on the development of that plan and whether or not such a plan would need to be implemented.
Supt. Grimm pointed out to the board a requirement of Senate Bill 7 that outlines some mandatory board member training. Board members were directed to go to the Illinois Attorney General's website and take the training on the Illinois Open Meetings Act that is found on that website. The other two programs that are required as a result of this legislation were briefly discussed and ideas were generated as to how board members can receive that required training.
B. Arnold entered 9 p.m.
The board heard a brief presentation from Supt. Grimm on the 2011 district tax levy. A power point presentation on the levy process was shared with the board. At the end of the presentation, the board asked Supt. Grimm to return in November with two different levy scenarios, one indicating no increase in the extension amount and the second with an increase in the extension amount that would be something less than 5%.
There were no future agenda items identified by the board.
The board did not convene to closed session as the board felt there was no need to do so.
Motion by B. Arnold, seconded by John to approve paying Chris Wright, Kathy Lafary, and Amanda Hennenfent a stipend of $1000 for serving on the WECS RtI team as presented. Roll call: John, aye; Robbins, aye; Anderson, absent; B. Arnold, aye; J. Arnold, aye; Brent, aye; Goff, aye. Motion carried.
Motion by B. Arnold, seconded by J. Arnold to accept the resignation of Brandon Rothzen as WCHS assistant boys' basketball coach as presented. Roll call: Anderson, absent; B. Arnold, aye; J. Arnold, aye; Brent, aye; Goff, aye; John, aye; Robbins, aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Goff, seconded by John to accept the resignation of Jon Waterman as WCMS 6th grade boys' basketball coach as presented. Roll call: B. Arnold, aye; J. Arnold, aye; Brent, aye; Goff, aye; John, aye; Robbins, aye; Anderson, absent. Motion carried.
Motion by B. Arnold, seconded by John to employ Richard Goff as WCMS assistant boys' basketball coach as presented. Roll call: J. Arnold, nay; Brent, aye; Goff, aye; John, aye; Robbins, nay; Anderson, absent; B. Arnold, aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Goff, seconded by J. Arnold to employ Jenna Crouch as WCMS 6th grade girls' volleyball coach as presented. Roll call: Brent, aye; Goff, aye; John, aye; Robbins, aye; Anderson, absent; B. Arnold; aye; J. Arnold, aye. Motion carried.
The board was reminded that the next regular board meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 16, 2011. This meeting will be held in the elementary cafeteria and will begin at 6 pm.
Motion by B. Arnold, seconded by J. Arnold to adjourn at 9:46 pm. The vote was unanimous. Motion carried.