The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The La Harpe Golden Rule Club has announced the 2011 Grand Marshall for the La Harpe Christmas Parade.
Ada Hubbard of La Harpe was chosen for her dedication to the betterment of our community.
Ada taught at Burlington School of Nursing, was an administrator for the La Harpe Mary Davier Hospital and was a nurse and pharmacy technician at Carthage Memorial Hospital.
Her work for her church has included starting, organizing and overseeing the La Harpe Christian Church library, which is open to the public every Sunday. She plays the piano at church on occasion and has made 180 dresses to date for orphanages in Mexico.
Ada is the Secretary/Treasurer of the La Harpe Community Council and works on the Community Fund Drive. She is an active member of the La Harpe Senior Citizens.
She is also the president of the La Harpe Historical & Genealogical Society, where she has helped organize the museum and put articles on the computer.
She does genealogy research for others, was responsible for contacting the State of Illinois for the Lincoln Site Signs, organized the Cemetery Walk and was the driving force behind the Lincoln Reenactment held in La Harpe in 2008.
Ada was awarded the 2005 Community Service Award through the Illinois State Genealogical Society. Ada will be honored in the Christmas Parade on Saturday, November 26 at 3:00 p.m. in La Harpe.
Lucretia McPeak, President of the Golden Rule Club, along with members, Donna Wood, Barb Duffie, and Jeanette Ford, made the surprise announcement at the La Harpe Museum on October 17th.