The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
by Christy Kienast, The Quill
Adam and Sara Wright and their daughter Sammie, are missionaries for the Vacation Bible School which is sponsored by the La Harpe Christian Church and Union Church.
The Wrights are currently working in Windhoek, Namibia at Community Hope School.
Adam teaches 2nd grade while Sara leads the children's choir and cares for their 19-month-old son Sammie.
A group of seven from the La Harpe Christian Church will be traveling to Namibia to work alongside the Wrights at Community Hope School.
Those traveling include:
La Harpe Christian Youth Pastor Evan Sheckler, and his wife Ronni, Brad and Debbie Hunt, Jodi Adcock, Jonah Sheckler and Janel Schneider. The group plans on leaving La Harpe on June 29th.
During their two week stay in Windhoek, Namibia, they will work alongside the staff at Community Hope School, leading chapel services and assisting Adam with his "Grade 2" class. For a fun event, they plan on teaching the children how to play American baseball.
Those attending LHCC's/UC's Vacation Bible School on June 6th-10th will be able to learn more about this mission trip and see updates from Adam and Sara and their work at Community Hope School.