The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

April La Harpe School Board News

The La Harpe School Board held a special meeting April 7, 2011 to accept bids for the Health Life Safety-related renovation of the 1958 portion of the main building.

Bob Huff of Huff Architechtural was present as well as board members president Cindy Wear, Pam Campbell, Darren Spangler, vice president Dan Horton, and Rex Huston.

The board accepted a re-bid for plumbing and bids for both general work and studs and drywall work. The project start date is May 23, 2011.

The Boards of Education of La Harpe and Dallas City school districts held a special joint meeting April 11, 2011 at the La Harpe District Library to consider the contract renewal for shared Superintendent, Jo Campbell, LaHarpe CSD #347 members present were Pam Campbell, vice president Dan Horton, Rex Huston, Mark Irish, Darren Spangler, Deanna Stambaugh, and president Cindy Wear.

Dallas ESD #327 members present were Betty Blaesing, Richard Douglas, Chris Greenhalge, Cindy Leake, vice president Darren Smith, and president Brent Sparrow.

Both La Harpe and Dallas City Boards unanimously renewed Dr. Campbell's contract as shared superintendent for three years including the current school year.

The La Harpe School Board held a rescheduled regular meeting on April 26, 2011 in the District Library.

Board members in attendance were president Cindy Wear, vice president Dan Horton, Pam Campbell, Rex Huston, Mark Irish, Darren Spangler, and Deanna Stambaugh and newly elected members Nate Butler and Willo Carpenter. Also present were superintendent Jo Campbell, principal Lila McKeown, board secretary Jeanne Clayton, and Jimmy Halcomb of Halcomb Oil Co.

Halcomb spoke to the board regarding fuel bidding. Principal McKeown announced Stephanie Mencel as one of four Illinois recipients to receive the IESA Fine Art Award.

McKeown listed the following students of the month of April: K-Peyton Brown and Spencer Brown; 1st-Trayton Anders; 2nd-Gabe Quayle; 3rd-Noah Nichols; 4th-Tanner Miller and Baileigh Lionberger; 5th-Annie Sholl; 6th-Chris Howard and Kevin Oliver; 7th-Caroline Sirtak and Jessie Jack; 8th-Leah Shores and Ethan High.

The board discussed a possible grant award pertinent to the renovation project, the athletic coop agreement, and approved the final calendar for 2010-11 and the new calendar for 2011-2012.

The board obligated federal grant funds to be spent on technology.

The board approved prior meeting minutes, bills, and the financial report was presented by Dr. Campbell, renewed district IESA memberships, approved junior high athletic coaches pending approval by the Dallas school board, and accepted with regrets the resignation submitted by Janet McKoon for the end of the school year 2014-15.

The board moved to discontinue the Transportation Agreement with IWHS District #307 following the school year 2011-12, set a budget amendment hearing date for June 21, 2011 at 7:30 p.m., approved the first reading of policy updates and the official canvass of election results, and authorized the deletion of closed session recordings according to district policy.

The members were administered the oath of office and the new board organized, re-electing Cindy Wear as president, electing Rex Huston as vice president, appointing Karen Nudd as district treasurer, and Jeanne Clayton as board secretary.

The following board committees were organized: Curriculum and Instruction- Mark Irish and Pam Campbell; Facilities-Mark Irish and Darren Spangler; Policy-Cindy Wear and Willo Carpenter; Technology-Mark Irish and Nate Butler; Transportation-Rex Huston and Darren Spangler; and Athletics-Cindy Wear and Pam Campbell.

The newly organized board set regularly scheduled LCSD #347 board meetings for the third Tuesday of each month in the school library at 7:00 p.m.

Note: The following information was inadvertently omitted from the La Harpe School Board March news release: The board accepted with regrets the letters of resignation from Laurena Hunter and Cindy Jones both for the end of the school year 2011-12; and approved an amendment to the pricipal's contract.

The board also approved reduction-in-force resolutions for three bus drivers due to potential changes in routing and transportation funding. The board secretary regrets any inconveniences this omission my have caused.

We invite you to view agendas, news releases and approved minutes on the school board section of the La Harpe Eagles web site at