The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Lomax Village Board Meets

Leslie Roberts, Clerk of the Lomax Board reports that minutes are not official until approved by the Board of Trustees at the following monthly meeting of the Board.

February 8, 2011

The President and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Lomax met in regular session on Tuesday, February 8, 2011. The President of the Board Mike Peters called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and Clerk Leslie Roberts gave roll call.

Roll: Mike Peters (P), Leslie Roberts (P), James Rosenboom (A), Ron Van Niewaal (P), Ron Logan (P), Karl Schaefer, Jr. (P), and Kim Peters (P), Greg Webster (A).

After approving the agenda, minutes, Treasurer's report, and payment of all bills, all approved Kim Peters motion to donate $300 to Illini West After Prom activities, seconded by Karl Schaefer, Jr..

All approved Ron Van Niewaal's motion to approve an increase in retainer fee to Capps, Ancelet, Clark & Rasmussen to $325 per month; seconded by Ron Logan.

The board decided to let out for bids for the 2011 mowing season. The Parks Commissioner is to make up specs for the bids.

Kim and Mike Peters reported about meeting with the Dallas City Board regarding contracting for police services. No action was taken but negotiations will continue for next month.

Ron Logan reported about calling about street lights that were out. Individuals can call if they see lights out if they have a physical address for the light.

Bids were discussed for the furnace and the air conditioning at the hall. Action was tabled until more bids are received.

Streets and Alleys reported that there were some street repairs completed at 4th Aviston when weather permits.

Adjourn: Ron Van Niewaal moved to adjourn; seconded by Kim Peters and all approved.

The next regular Lomax board meeting will be on Tuesday, March 8th at 7 p.m.