The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Biggsville's Town Meeting

The Village Board met in regular session for their May meeting with Brian Sterett, Village President pro-temp presiding and with Trustees-Brian Cochran, Jennifer Hopkins, Renee Sprock and Scott Rhinehart; Clerk-Cindy Rhinehart; Treasurer-Marilyn Simmons present. Also present were visitors Amanda Cochran, Bill Ewing, Kathy Curtis, Bob Onion and Travis Pence.

Brian Sterett, Village President pro-temp opened the meeting by leading the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:00 p.m. Bills were circulated and approved for payment.

Brian Sterett appointed Travis Pence as Village Board Trustee and Bill Ewing as Village Board President for a two year term to end April 30, 2013 and then they were sworn into office by Cindy Rhinehart.

Scott Rhinehart was appointed to the Park Committee as the Village Board representative.

Jenny Hopkins was appointed as the public relations representative.

Richard Reid was approved to continue mowing Reid Park but using the village equipment after a waiver is signed that states that the village would not be responsible for any injuries that might occur

Town clean up was scheduled for June 4 from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m with Floyd's recycle. No batteries, oil, paint, tires or yard waste was to be accepted.

Sterett said that he met with the FEMA Rep and completed all paperwork for the storm grant. There are high hopes to be reimbursed for all the expenses that were occurred during the time frame allowed for the storm clean up.

Sterett also asked the Clerk about the status on the balance sheets and proposed budget to Rural Development. Rhinehart said that she needed to file the reports and they would be done before May 15, 2011.

The board make a project list to be sent to Rural Development as follows: Tank Painting $50,000; Car and equipment for Marshall - $10,000 and Drainage supplies to fix the Post Office culvert- $1,000.

A list of the new Village Board would be sent to Rural Development.

A report is being sent to Missman that the village uses 34,900 gallons of water on a daily bases.

Missman, asked for the board to give them dates that allows them to open the bids for the painting and sand blasting of the water tank. The dates are June 15, to July 15, 2011.

Sterett reported that the quarterly public water notification letters would be sent out.

Brian Cochran reported that the kitchen sink faucet at the community building needs to be replaced.

Kathy Curtiss asked if gravel could be put at the end of the circle at Worthy Acres Drive since there wasn't chip and oil put there last year when the streets were done.

It was approved by all except Scott Rhinehart to rent the storage shed owned by Steve Craig if he would rent both sheds for the one price quoted and to move the equipment that is stored at Susie Goff's to the Craig's sheds so all equipment could be stored out of the weather .

Duties of the marshal/maintance supervisor were discussed and a list was started of what the board will accept out of the person that will fill the position. The marshal will be expected to write tickets, check the locks on the businesses doors after business hours, monitor traffic on Hwy 34 and Hwy 94, check lagoon daily, report to the village board at a minimum of 75% of the regular scheduled board meetings.

After a brief closed session, it was voted to pay Missman, Inc the two invoices from 2008 for $4,420.26 and $434.00 all accepted motion except Brian Cochran and Scott Rhinehart.

The May meeting was adjourned at 9:01 p.m.