The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Memorial Day Services

by Ryan Kienast, The Quill

A crowd of patriots gathered in the park this past Memorial weekend as the La Harpe American Legion Auxiliary conducted their annual Memorial Day Services

At 10:00 a.m. on Monday, May 30th, Auxiliary President Arleen Gard gave the welcome followed by the presentation of colors by American Legion Post #301 Honor Guards.

The Star Spangled Banner was sung by Karly Jones and Marlie Burt, and Arleen Gard led the audience in The Pledge of Allegiance.

Chaplain Jeannie Jones gave an opening prayer followed by her solo of "God Bless the USA," by Lee Greenwood.

The introduction of speakers was made by Arleen Gard with La Harpe's American Legion Commander Darrell Kraft giving opening remarks, followed by Veteran and La Harpe Mayor Kenny Brown.

Melissa Burt sang, "Blessings" and recognition was given of blue &gold star mothers by Viet Nam Veteran Michael Blythe.

The closing prayer was offered by Pastor Bruce Goettsche of the Union Church and was followed by the retiring of the colors by the La Harpe American Legion Post #301 Honor Guards.

The Legion Armed Forces Guards conducted the traditional 21 gun salute, with the La Harpe Jr High Band members playing taps. The service was well attended.

photo by Nicole Anderson-The Quill

A Community Remembers

Recognition of Blue & Gold Star Mothers was given during the La Harpe American Legion Memorial Services Monday morning by Viet Nam Veteran Michael Blythe. (See: page 12)