The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The La Harpe School Board held a regular meeting on June 21, 2011 in the District library. Board members in attendance were Nate Butler, Pam Campbell, Willo Carpenter, V.P. Rex Huston, Darren Spangler, and Pres. Cindy Wear. Supt. Jo Campbell, Princ. Lila McKeown, and Board Sec. Jeanne Clayton were also present.
Mark Irish had recently toured the 1929 building and sent a facilities report which was read and considered by the board. The board discussed and agreed to rebid the demolition of the 1929 building based on the rapid deterioration reported. The board also discussed flooring options for the renovated halls, classrooms, and foyer areas. It was agreed flooring needs to be bid soon. The board transportation committee had discussed changes in routing for the 2011-12 school year and brought recommendations to the board for review. The Dallas and La Harpe Athletic Committee members met and jointly discussed the coop and coaching assignments for FY12. Their recommendations were brought before the board. Dr. Campbell and Mrs. McKeown led the Board on a tour of the renovation areas where the progress was viewed. Dr. Campbell gave the board a report of Asbestos Abatement and Rehabilitation Work for May 23-June 17.
Principal McKeown presented AYP reports showing La Harpe Elementary and Junior High have both met the requirements for the 2010-11 year. The May 8th grade service project was worthwhile and a great success. Mrs. Crim's retirement party was a wonderful way to say goodbye to such a dedicated district employee. McKeown also reported on the 8th grade field trip, several training workshops in June including Math Common Core Standards, Cyber bullying, and a two-day training on Student Assistance Teams which five La Harpe teachers also attended.
Board approved prior meeting minutes, bills, and the financial report presented by Dr. Campbell, held a budget hearing and approved the amended FY 2011 budget, adopted the annual prevailing wage ordinance, discussed language changes to the student and teacher handbooks, approved the fixed fuel bid prices submitted by West Central FS, approved FY2012 bus routes, approved recommended Athletic Coop Agreement language changes, took action to repay on inter fund loan, and authorized the deletion of closed session recordings according to district policy. The board also moved to reopen the application process for 7th/8th grade boys' head basketball coach, accepted with regrets Dede Beachy's letter of resignation, extended the technology coordinator's contract by 20 days per year, hired Sharon Moore as part-time central office secretary, awarded additional sick days to retiring certified staff as requested according to contract, and approved recommendations for bus driver employment for FY 2012.
To view agendas, news releases and approved minutes, please visit the school board section of the La Harpe Eagles website at