The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

West Central Board Meets

On Tuesday, December 20, 2011 the West Central CUSD #235 Board of Education conducted their regular meeting.

As a result of this meeting the following items took place.

The meeting was called to order at 6 p.m. by Board President Brent. All board members were present at roll call except Mrs. Goff and Mrs. John. Mrs. John entered the meeting at approximately 6:03 p.m.

President Brent then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.

Under good news items, Board President Brent recognized West Central Elementary teachers Laura Lewis, Chris Wright and Jessica Winters for successfully completing the process to become National Board Certified Teachers.

Board President Brent presented each of the three teachers with a frame in which they can place their Board Certified Certificates when they receive them.

Each of the three teachers thanked the board, administrative team and their colleagues for their support during this process.

Following the recognition of the National Board Certified Teachers, Board President Brent and the board recognized six West Central High School students for becoming Illinois State Scholars.

President Brent informed the audience that the criteria to be selected as a Illinois State Scholar is based on SAT, ACT and/or Prairie State Achievement Exam scores, and/or class rank at the end of the junior year.

The students recognized were Hannah Brueck, Brandon Carter, Gretchen Higgins, Kristen Rankin, Mariah Wallace and Miranda Wallace.

Other items highlighted as good news items were as follows:

Under financial activity, the board approved the payment of all bills as presented. Supt Grimm responded to several questions that the board had on some of the bills. The board approved the November activity accounts and the November treasurer's report as presented. The board heard that as of the end of November actual expenditures and revenue to budget should be 41.67%. It was noted that actual expenditures were 40.77% of budget and actual revenue received was 40.58% of budget as of the end of November 2011.

The board approved on second reading the proposed policy revisions that were approved on first reading at the November board meeting.

There was a change made to proposed new policy 7:305 which deals with student athlete concussions and head injuries.

It was noted that the policy referenced physicians that practice in Illinois as being part of the policy.

It was the recommendation of the policy committee to delete the words, "in Illinois" in order that doctors who practice in Iowa would be allowed to declare a student fit to return to activity following a concussion or experiencing concussion like symptoms.

The board approved a quote from Ruyle Mechanical Services in the amount of $17,800 for repair to one of the boilers at the Media campus. It was noted that this boiler is an original boiler and was placed in that building in approximately 1959. Following that motion, the board approved a health life safety amendment that will be used, upon its approval from ISBE, to pay for these repairs from the health life safety fund rather than the building fund.

The board heard reports from the building Principals Mr. Buss, Mrs. Hanson, Mr. Nichols, and Mr. Bradburn. The board briefly reviewed a report submitted by Mrs. Rima as well.

The board heard a lengthy update on the district curriculum from Supt. Grimm. Included in that update were:

The board briefly reviewed the reports submitted by Mrs. Frakes regarding district technology and Mrs. Farniok regarding special education.

The board briefly reviewed a report submitted by district librarian Renee Russell. This report highlighted the operations of the north and south campus libraries.

The board confirmed the date for the board's planning retreat as being January 21, 2012. This retreat will be held at Pzazz in Burlington beginning at 8:15 a.m. and conclude with a dinner Saturday evening.

The board was updated on a recent meeting conducted by the board's building and grounds committee. On behalf of the committee, Supt. Grimm informed the board that they had briefly discussed options to replace Mr. John Wetterling upon his retirement effective December 30, 2011. The committee was also updated on the Media boiler situation. The committee also discussed asking Bill Phillips to begin working on a list of summer projects that the district needs to consider doing during the summer of 2012. Specifically that list should focus on any items that remain from the 10 year Health Life Safety Survey and other items of a general maintenance type that the board should consider at this time. The board was updated on the plans to clean out/rearrange the south campus buildings as per previous conversations at the board table. The board was updated on the status of the paperwork between the district and IDOT regarding the Biggsville by-pass highway easement that has been requested by IDOT as well as the easement to allow IDOT equipment to cross the district's bus parking lot during construction of the Rt 94 overpass. Supt. Grimm informed the group that there has been no progress on the exchange of that paperwork since the November board meeting.

Supt. Grimm then discussed at great length with the board the proposed Henderson County Safe Building. Supt. Grimm reviewed with the board a list of eleven questions that he presented to members of the Henderson County Board at a recent meeting with the board's building committee and representatives from the Henderson County Board. The board was informed that district architect Bill Phillips is working on a drawing of where this addition which will be funded in part through a FEMA grant might be placed on the north campus as well as the addition of three basic classrooms that could be used by high school staff. The board was informed that the building and grounds committee will meet with Mr. Phillips some time during the second week on January to review the prospective costs of this project and to determine if the district is in a position to move forward with this grant application process. The board was reminded that district architect Bill Phillips will be responsible for completing the grant application. Supt. Grimm also addressed specifically with the board questions that related to issues we might have with a shared facility and our district insurance carrier. Supt. Grimm noted that he had a conversation with the district attorney about allowing registered sex offenders access to this building during an emergency and under what circumstances that might be allowed to happen. Mr. Grimm also informed the board that a general conversation about district liability was also held with the district insurance agent.

The board reviewed a report on a potential WCMS softball program presented by Principal Jeff Nichols and District Athletic Director Roger Kerfoot. Following a review of this report, the board indicated that there was no change in their position from last June when they decided not to pursue implementing a middle school softball program. As a result, there will be no middle school softball program implemented in the future.

The board briefly discussed a proposed policy on anti-nepotism. Upon clarification it was pointed out that perhaps a policy on anti-nepotism would be too restrictive. After additional discussion it was determined that a proposed policy should be drafted that would require a board member to recuse themselves from participating in discussion and subsequent voting on the employment of certain individuals. This matter was referred back to the board's policy committee.

The board discussed the annual "not in attendance" day that falls on the first day of deer hunting shot gun season. The board briefly discussed the background on why the district has chosen to not be attendance on this day and the impact of requiring students and staff to be in attendance on this day. It was pointed out that there has been virtually no discussion about this topic since this was implemented on the school calendar in 2006. Supt. Grimm discussed with the board the process that is used to develop the school calendar. The board was informed that a committee is formed and they meet two times. The main task of the committee is to solicit feedback from district staff on a proposed school year calendar. The committee meets a second time and the committee determines the calendar that is then presented to the board in February of each year for the upcoming school year. As a result of the discussion, no changes are necessary regarding this day.

The board reviewed Policy 5:240. This policy deals with discipline of employees. A concern was voiced about having the procedures that are followed in these situations should be better articulated in the board policy. Following a brief discussion on this issue, this matter was referred to the board's policy committee.

Board President Brent briefly discussed the process for board members to complete the Superintendent's evaluation.

The board took the following action regarding personnel:

The board enter closed session at 8:10 p.m. to discuss matters pertaining to personnel. The board exited closed session at 8:40.

There being no other business to come before the board, the board adjourned their meeting at 8:43 p.m.