The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Stronghurst Discuss Septics, Raise Pay

By: Shirley Linder, Quill Editor

A letter from Oak Lane Nursing & Rehab requesting the village pay half of their septic tank cleaning bill sparked a lengthy discussion among the village board members on Monday, April 4th.

The village will pump an individual resident's septic tank free of charge if there is a problem. However, if the problem lies between the house and the septic tank it is the home owner's problem. Usually a resident septic tank will only be pumped once every 20 years, while an industry like Oak Lane needs pumped at least once a year.

Since Oak Lane is considered an industry, board members agreed not to pay half of the bill in order to be fair to the other industries in town, such as the schools.

The trustees agreed that anyone with sewer or septic problem should call the village employees first to determine where the problem lies. The number to call is Water Superintendent Ron Gittings - 309-221-5846.

In an executive session which was called at 8:30 p.m. and returning to open session at 8:50 p.m. the board passed a motion made by Angela Myers, seconded by Leota Caldwell that village employees Ronnie Gittings, Mike Nelson, and Lou Ann Nortrup receive a 25¢ an hour raise. The police department received no raises as their budget is already set.

The board approved extending the culvert 30' on the north side of the road, on the east edge of Stronghurst past the Rodeffer trailer court and Elsie Carhoff's.

The police department has been contacted by the Henderson County Probation Department indicating 2 local juveniles have been issued 50 hours of community service. Chief Smith will coordinate with the juveniles' families, probation department and Ronnie Gitting as to when they can start doing things around Stronghurst to serve this time.

It was reported Deputy Chief Vancil has started new employment and is no longer available during daytime hours during the week to respond to calls.

Calls will then continue to be referred to the sheriff's department during "off-duty" houses for thie disposition.

In other business:

Those present included: Mayor Eric Chockley, and Village Trustees, Michael Bohnenkamp, Lawrence Neff, Chris Cook, Angela Myers, Leota Caldwell, (David Vancil absent);

Village employees Ronnie Gittings, Mike Nelson, Chief Gary Smith; Clerk Lou Ann Nortrup;

Guests, Amanda Kane, Deb Hale, David Knutstrom, Terry Myers, Betty Waterman, and Shirley Linder

The next board meeting will be held on Monday, May 2nd at 7:00 p.m. at the city hall.