The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Hancock County Consolidated Election

In Tuesday's Hancock County Election, only 18.94% of the county's 13,468 registered voters came out to make the decisions of who will run their villages, their schools and parks and if an economic development tax should be passed.

Out of the 2,551 voters across the county, 1,684 (68%) voted not to have an annual .03% tax levied for the purpose of promoting economic development here, and 773 (31%) agreed it would be a good idea and voted yes.

The effort for the tax failed.

In La Harpe's Uncontested Races in the City Election, Mayor Kenneth L. Brown received 134 votes, City Treasurer Marcia S. Neff received 135 votes, City Clerk Lucretia McPeak received 129 votes and Ward I Michael Bennett-51, Ward II Todd Irish-27.

Tracey Anders received 724 votes in his uncontested bid for a 4-year term on the Illini West School Board from the La Harpe Elementary School District Board of Education.

Richard Grisham (127), Rena Quigle (121), and Greg Dunham (116) were elected for six year terms on the La Harpe Park District as Commissioners. Kasey Livingston (140) was elected to the unexpired 2-year term as La Harpe park District Park Commissioner.

In Dallas City, Janet Vass received 757 votes in her uncontested bid for a 4-year term on the Illini West School Board from the Dallas City Elementary School District 327 Board of Education.

In the Dallas City City Election, Mayor Ruth A. Higgins received 164 votes uncontested.

Three commissioners ran plus there were three write-ins who voters selected from for the four positions on the Dallas City Board with candidates:

Esther Newberry (115 Hanc)(30 Hend) =145;

Harold E. Northup Jr. (107 Hanc) (25 Hend)=132;, and

Sally Six- (61 Hanc) (24 Hend) =85;

Write-ins were:

Thomas Schaefer-101,

Robert Weese-76, Kevin Brewer-47.

Henderson County results obtained did not show the write-in candidates here but only showed 37 votes for a write-in.

Contested Election Results

La Harpe Community Unit School District #347 Board Of Directors

(Hancock-Henderson County Vote)

Four Elected

1st - Nathan M. Butler (Hend-27) (Hanc-218) 245

2nd- Cindy Wear (Hend-26) (Hanc-173) 199

3rd - Pam Campbell (Hend-22) (Hanc-173) 195

4th - Willo Carpenter (Hend-13) (Hanc-160) 173

5th - John Scott Wetterling (Hend-17) (Hanc-151) 168

6th - Chris Haney (Hend-9) (Hanc-98) 107

Illini West High School District #307

Board Of Directors At Large

One - Four-Year Term Elected

1st - John T. Huston (Hend-39) (Hanc-560) 599

2nd - Michael A. McDowell (Hend-64) (Hanc-467) 531

City Of La Harpe

Alderman - Ward III

One Elected

1st - Brian Lovell ........ 30

2nd - Benny Cox .......... 24