The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, Dec. 23, 1920
ANNUAL SPELLING CONTEST: The Annual Spelling Contest was held at Biggsville Township High School beginning at 12:30 p.m.. The roads were fine, the day a fine one and boys and girls that represented the different townships were fine, wide awake pupils.
Three hundred words were pronounced and two pupils had missed but one word in the list and were tied for first place. Marie Dillon fell down on "discretion" and rhinoceros" was too much for Fred Painter. In spelling off the tie in the second list of ten words Fred missed "conscientious" and first place was given to Marie Dillon; Mary Burgett was in third place. The first place prize will be a gold medal, second a silver medal and third a bronze medal. A fine gold and enamel pin was awarded each of the township winners (long list included in this article). Marie Dillon will be entitled to represent Henderson County at the contest to be held in the Springfield High School. This is the first time two medal winners have come from the same school.
STATE POULTRY SHOW AT MONMOUTH: "The Way Monmouth Does It" is emphasized in the elaborate preparations that are being made by the local poultry association and the Monmouth Association of Commerce of the Illinois State Poultry Association to be held in that city Jan 4-8th in Armory. Monmouth is ideally situated to handle the show as it is in the western part of the state and has every facility for entertaining its visitors in an excellent manner.
From early reports about ten thousand participants will attend the show. Headquarters will be established in the Monmouth Association of Commerce Rooms where delegates will be furnished lodging and other information. State Secretary, A. D. Smith of Illinois State Poultry Association of Quincy, Illinois, urges all entries be in his office not later than midnight of Dec. 26th. He states," On every variety that has 50 speck pens in the single classes we will give the winner of best display a mahogany chest of Community Silverware of 20 pieces fine enough for any table." The entire show will be copped with the Kelpper coops. The Warren County Poultry Association will banquet free all visiting exhibitors on Thursday evening. The Rhode Island Red Club, the Buff Orfington Club, the Single Comb Black, Minorca Club, the Partridge Wyandotte Club, the Columbian Wyandotte Club and the Light Braham Club will meet and the Ancona Andalusion and Brown Leghorn Clubs are expected to hold their state meeting there too. In the event of the clubs showing 100 birds, pens counting two birds, they will receive 20% of the entry fee back to be used as the clubs see fit.
NEW BURGLAR ALARM: The State Bank of Stronghurst has installed one of the new types of burglar alarms which are fast coming into general use and which will reduce premiums on policies carried by the bank. The device consists of an outdoor gong operated electrically and connected with the bank vault in such a way that the gong will be sounded whenever the vault is tampered with in any way. The housing for the gong is also so constructed that any attempt to tamper with it will sound the alarm.
FASHION NOTES: The gauzy tulle scarfs, twisted around the bare throat with evening gowns promise to be just as popular this season as they were last. The airy tulle scarf adds a bit of extra formality to the costume and protects the bare throat and neck from draughts. Bright green tulle and deep blue tulle look well with black evening gowns and give a certain dash to the whole costume. Tulle is used for sashes, too, and some of the Paris dance frocks have huge sashes of tulle in contrasting color. The full width of the tulle is used, crushed around the waist to form a close sash or girdle and then pulled out in the big fluffy loops and streamers of the sash. (This was how to be up-to-date in Stronghurst and not too different from that of today!)
1895 Graphic: A fireman's basket supper was held to raise funds for new uniforms for the members of engine Co. No. 1. The basket furnished by Miss Ruby Crenshaw sold for the highest price and she was awarded the prize, a $5 ring. Forty carriage and express horses were cremated and 200 wagons and carriages, 20 sleighs and 75 sets of harness burned up in a fire which destroyed the Strickland livery barn in Burlington on Dec. 24th.
A great sensation was created in this country during the week by President Cleveland's message to Congress declaring that this nation should use force if necessary to prevent England from taking possession of Venezuelan territory after she had refused to submit the boundary line dispute between that country and British Guiana to arbitration. The bank at Farmington was forced to close because of slow collections. About 60,000 bushels of corn had been contracted by local buyers to be delivered as soon as the weather would permit. The marriage of W. T. Weir of Oak Grove Farm to Miss Anna Knutstrom occurred at Burlington on Dec. 24th.
TELEPHONE RATE INCREASE: The statement received by subscribers of the Stronghurst Telephone Co. shows that the state public utilities commission approved a rate increase. The individual residence rate, which was formerly $15 per year, is now $21 while business telephones which formerly cost $21 per year now cost $27. This is an increase of 16+% for residences and 23+% for businesses.
KEANE-MCCLEARY WEDDING: Mr. John Keane of the country south of Stronghurst and Miss Anna McCleary were married at the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Monmouth on Dec. 15th. Mrs. Keane was formerly a teacher in the Barry school north of Raritan and later graduated as a nurse from the St. Francis hospital in Macomb. Mr. Keane is a brother of Mrs. Albert Kaiser of this place and is a successful farmer. After a short wedding journey, they will be at home on a farm north of Raritan.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: The First National Bank at their annual meeting voted a 4% semi-annual dividend to all registered stockholders. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Lee of the south country are the happy parents of a daughter born Dec. 5th. Mr. and Mrs. Iva Carter of Pleasant Hill, Mo. are spending Christmas at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Voorhees. Abram Davis leaves for his home at Olathe, Kans. accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Kate Hunt of Raritan. Oscar Beckett was badly injured by being dragged from his buggy while taking the mail from the box near his residence two miles south of town. Herman Calvin, who has operated part of the Foote land one-half mile south of Stronghurst, will move with his family to Chillicothe soon; C. L. Johnson has leased the farm for the coming year. Clifton Regan has been detained from school by an attack of tonsillitis. Grandma Stratton who has spent several weeks with her children, Mrs. Chas. Marshall and David Stratton at Coloma, returned to her home at Newton, Kansas.
The children of the Sabbath schools in the village are being urged to contribute to the relief of the starving children in Europe and Asia at their entertainments this year instead of expecting so much themselves. Raymond Voorhees was discharged from the regular army at Camp Funston, Kans. and arrived at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Voorhees at Raritan on Friday. Another son, Harry, died in overseas service and the body is expected to arrive here soon for burial. The expected shaking up of the whole county failed to occur when the big blast was shot off at the Gladstone Quarry. Those who were in attendance from here stated that while the whole ledge in which the five tons of dynamite had been placed was lifted bodily in the air and then toppled over forward, there was but little tremor of the earth produced. Alton Vaughn is home from the Military School at Mexico, Mo. for the holidays. Ice skating at Lake Fort is becoming the popular sport with school children. Oscar Hartquist of Denver, Col. is a guest at the home of his uncle, William Hartquist in the village. The usual custom of putting presents on the Xmas tree will be foregone at the M.E. church this year.
Miss Huskie, teacher in the local high school, left for her home in Missouri to spend the holidays. Mrs. Anna Simpson of Minneapolis arrived for a visit at the home of her brother, W. J. McElhinney. Prof. Larson took the high school Agriculture class to Media to tour the Lewis Seed Co. establishment. A car of New York State York and Imperial apples was on the track here and sold at $1.50 bu. Corn sold at the Dan Leinbach sale for 65 cents; this should encourage farmers as prices have been much below this mark for the 1920 crop. Dale Roll, a La Harpe young man, is suffering from lock jaw at the Macomb hospital with little hopes entertained for his recovery. A peculiar phase of his case is that there is no scratch upon his body to which tetanus germs could have developed. Hugh Foresman, who lives near Niota, Ill., is in the Santa Fe hospital at Ft. Madison suffering from a severe scalp wound and internal bruises when the buggy in which he was riding was struck by a double header freight train on the Santa Fe crossing just east of Niota. Charles Worley of Lomax is in the Burlington hospital suffering from a gun shot wound in his hip inflicted when a gun in the hands of a hunting companion named Grandy was accidentally discharged.
CHRISTMAS WINDOW DISPLAYS: Stronghurst merchants have given special attention to their window displays of holiday goods this season. At the Grandey store Santa cannot mistake the chimney with the hanging stockings waiting to be filled while the snow covered rail fence enclosing the display of appropriate gifts is very suggestive of both the winter season and the Christmas spirit.
The Dixson hardware store has a very attractive exhibit and the reduction prices advertised in an added inducement to the holiday shopper. The artistic window of the Yoakam gift store attracts much attention as do also the displays in the Lazear and Worley drug store windows. The grocery store windows all draw attention by their bright festooning display of tempting edibles suggestive of holiday feasting while the decorations in the windows of the two banks reminds us of the fact that while money may be a little tight at present, there is still to the credit of every customer a big balance of good will and kindly wishes and the spirit of helpfulness and cheer.
STORY HOUR: Last Monday evening's Story Hour for children was one of the best held thus far. The subject was "Christmas Stories."
After roll call the secretary, Miss Winfred Jones, presented their leader with a Parker fountain pen and added the reading of an original poem. Mrs. J.W. Decker, librarian and assistant leader, was presented with a number of books for use of the library.
The room was decorated with Christmas greens and a miniature Christmas tree. At the close of the meeting, Mrs. Harter, who has been very active in the children work, presented each with a Christmas treat.
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Mrs. Roscoe Deitrick and Mrs. John Lant are on the sick list. As Rev. Sailor was called to Oquawka Sabbath day to conduct a funeral, Rev. Lorimer of Biggsville U. P. Church very ably filled the pulpit. He informed the members that he was the grandson of Rev. Wm Lorimer who was pastor of the Olena U. P. Church about 49-50 years ago and passed away in the Olena parsonage after being so badly crushed by the cars in Burlington, Ia. as to necessitate the amputation of both limbs and could not survive the shock.
John Lant and wife were the only ones present at this service who had a distinct memory of Rev. Wm. Lorimer who had often in their young teen years of having the privilege to hear him while pastor of the Olena congregation. John Lant was in Burlington the day of the accident and recalls many of the incidents following it. The present Rev. Lorimer preached from a sermon, the only one known to exist, of his grandfather based on the 23rd Psalm. Chalmer Perdue and John McCartney have been seeing to it that Mrs. Kelly, who is a recent resident of Olena, is supplied with plenty of winter fuel. Floyd Burrell, best girl and Miss Charter, were recent guests at the Bert Burrell home. Mrs. Perdue and Mrs. Kelly are weaving some very nice rugs that seem to find ready sale. Bert Burrell and family are enjoying a new phonograph.
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Lucius Lox went to Chicago where he will be at the army hospital for treatment. Agent G. W. Christy has resigned; he certainly was a good man and filled the place royally. Elmer Pence and W. M. James took a trip to Rock Island in Mr. Pence's new automobile.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Miss Brown, the high school principal, spent the weekend with her parents at Little York. William Wiegand and Walter South have sent out their catalogues for the big hog sale to be held at the Monmouth sale pavilion Jan. 5th. A miscellaneous shower was given Miss Beth Whiteman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Whiteman by the Country Club; she is soon to become the bride of Mr. Robt. Glenn.