The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, Sept. 23, 1920
SECOND ANNUAL FARM TOUR: The second annual Henderson County farm tour conducted under the management of the county farm bureau proved to be a highly successful event. Last year the farmers from the north end of the county were guests of the south which included a number of the fine live stock and grain farms in Raritan, Terre Haute, Lomax, Media, Stronghurst and Carman Townships, and one of the features of the trip was a noonday feast on the lawn of C. E. Peasley home.
Wednesday's tour was a return trip in which the south end farmers were guests of the north end people in a drive through Biggsville, Rozetta, Bald Bluff, Oquawka and Gladstone Townships and at a noonday banquet in C. W. Cooper's spring pasture near Bald Bluff, which was, perhaps, the most elaborate feast that was ever spread before an assemblage of this character.
The itinerary of the trip which began with an inspection of the Poland-China hog herd at the W. A. Wiegand farm north of Biggsviile included the following other stops. The Hazel Dell School presided over by Mrs. Yeomans, a strictly up-to-date Standard school is fully equipped. The visitors received a very cordial welcome on the part of both teacher and pupils and were honored on their departure by the school yells by the pupils drawn up in the line on the school campus. Next stop was the Clyde Duke farm in Rozetta township where the latest methods in stock feeding including ensilage cutting with improved machinery and storage in silo by the use of "blower". The Fred Welch farm featured Shropshire sheep and Poland-China hogs. The Guy Suith farm in Bald Bluff Township showed the largest and finest herd of Chester White swine and also fine Hereford cattle and Shire horses. Next was the Belmont school, which is the banner country school in the county and a source of pride throughout the county. On the Clarence Rowley farm a fine herd of Angus cattle were viewed and on the C. W. Boock farm a fine herd of Polled Short Horns, a comparatively new breed of cattle, were on exhibition. On the Austin Kelley farm in Rozetta Township the group saw 200 head of fine Hampshire hogs and some Short Horn cattle. The Experiment Station Field near Oquawka showed the beneficial effects of application of limestone and applied fertilizer on sand land in the raising of alfalfa. The Gladstone Stone Quarry and the big rock crushing plant of the Monmouth Stone Co., which was rapidly approaching completion, was an interesting stops. The famous Oak Grove Fruit Farm of W. T. Weir offered an inspection of the fine orchards and his toothsome apples were sampled. At the Wm. Whiteman farm near Biggsville more fine Chester White swine were viewed and admired. The evening was fast approaching with each car and its occupants speeding homeward.
Fully 600 people were present at the festivities held on the Cooper farm at Bald Bluff. The site was one admirably adapted for an occasion of this kind, combining the elements of convenience for autos, plenty of shade, green grass, pure cold spring water and a very attractive setting of hills and woodland. Notwithstanding the fact, the number present far exceeded the expectations of the promoters, the feast was ample enough to satisfy the demand of the hungry multitude and there could no doubt have been twelve baskets full of fragments gathered up after every individual had cried, "Enough." The eats were served in cafeteria style. Suffice to say that the good ladies of the north end of county set a mark to stand as a record in the annals of farm tours in the county for some time to come.
A short program of speeches features County Advisor Miner, Mr. Atwood of the state farm bureau association and R. N. Clark, president of the Henderson County bureau. The tour with all its features shows what real cooperation means.
CULTURE TO ARRIVE IN TOWN: Mr. Leroy Stocker, violinist; Miss Evelyn Wyne, soprano and Miss Gladys Downing, reader and accompanist-three artist of ability-will give an entertainment in the Stronghurst M.E. Church on Friday evening under the auspices and for the benefit of the Ladies Aid Society of the church.. An admission fee of 35 cents will be charged.
1895 GRAPHIC: Felix Shain and son of Dallas City purchased the meat market owned by Chas. Kirby and a number of residence lots in the southeast part of town. The younger Shain and a Mr. Reynolds of Dallas City had also rented the Geo. Foote store room and were preparing to open a racket store. A contingent of the Salvation Army suffered much tribulation from the persecution of the rowdy element of the community. James Clark traded his residence for the Gilmore restaurant. Rev. W. W. Morgan had been engaged to become the pastor of the new Baptist church. The pharmacy laws of the state had been amended to prohibit the sale of "patent medicines and simple drugs" by merchants other than regular druggists except in cases of remote villages. Bank statements of the two financial institutions showed the resources of the Stronghurst State Bank to be $152,847($1.629.349 in today's values)and the State Bank of Henderson County $70,001($746,211 in today's values).
FATAL AUTO ACCIDENT: This community was shocked and saddened last Monday when it became known that Chesley Towler had passed way at an early hour that morning at the Burlington Hospital following an operation which it had been hoped would afford relief from internal injuries received in an automobile accident last Thursday evening.
The accident occurred at about 6:30 p.m. on the the road running south from Stronghurst at a point about 2 miles from town near the Frank Gustafson residence. It seems that Chesley, who was engaged in the automobile and repairing business in partnership with his father in La Harpe, had driven to Burlington Thursday accompanied by Loy Duncan, a young man from Blandinsville. They came through Stronghurst on their return trip and stopped at the Sutliff & Wallin garage for gasoline, leaving here a short time after 6 o'clock in the evening.
People who saw the car on the road south of town say that it was traveling at a very high rate of speed and Frank Gustafson near whose home the accident occurred said that the roar of the motor indicated the same fact. Mr. Gustafson also said that when the roar blended into a crash, he knew that a serious accident had occurred. He hastened to the scene and found the car, a new five-passenger Essex, standing right side up along the side of the road, but headed in the opposite direction from which it had been traveling. The top of the car was smashed flat, the wind shield forced back so that the frame almost touched the steering wheel, the radiator hood badly dented, and the fenders and running boards on both sides of the car badly bent and twisted.
The two men who had occupied the car were laying along side the road some distance from the car. With the assistance of Mr. Gustafson, Chesley was soon able to arise, but young Duncan remained in an inert condition for some time after the accident. Reading that the men were seriously hurt, Mr. Gustafson telephoned to Stronghurst for assistance. Dr. Marshall was soon on the scene and by his direction the two men were brought to town and an examination made of their injuries. While considerably bruised, Chesley appeared to have sustained no serious external injuries, but he seemed to be suffering much pain internally, which it developed came from the injuries to the kidneys.
Young Duncan was found to have three ribs broken and the hair had been shaved close down the scalp in a narrow streak running from the forehead to the back part of his head; the scalp being scratched just enough to cause the blood to come through. This peculiar wound had evidently been caused by the top of the man's head coming in contact with the sharp edge of the wind shield glass. Duncan was able to be taken to his home in Blandinsville on Friday and Chesley was taken to the home of Mrs. Nellie Hollingsworth where he was cared for until Sunday when it was thought advisable to have him removed to the Burlington Hospital. An operation which was performed at 8 o'clock Sunday evening failed to bring relief and he passed away at about 3:30 o'clock Monday morning.
Chesley, who was driving the car when the accident occurred, stated that the front wheel struck a rut and suddenly threw the steering wheel out of his control, the sharp turn on the wheels causing the car to overturn. It is the opinion of many who saw the car after the accident that it had turned a complete somersault and then rolled over a couple of times and come to an upright position on its wheels.
This theory seems to be born out by the dented radiator hood, the bent back wind shield frame and the smashed top and fenders. Some remarkable features of the accident were that the body of the car did not show a scratch, the engine had sustained but little damage and the car was brought from the site of the accident to the repair shop here under its own power.
PLANS FOR LAKE FORT: The plans for the enlarging of Lake Fort, the conversion of the surrounding wood and meadow land into a beautiful park and recreation grounds and the erection of a club house thereon are gradually taking shape and those behind the movement are encouraged by the favorable manner in which the project is being received by the people of the village and the community.
The plan thus far worked out is to incorporate an organization with capital stock of $15,000 and contemplates the sale of shares of stock at a par value of $100 per share. The funds raised would meet the work planned, but not provide for maintenance and upkeep of the grounds, which would be met by annual dues from the members.
Pledges for the subscription of fully one half of the proposed capital stock have already been secured by a soliciting committee and at a meeting held at the Sutliff and Wallin garage it was decided that each person who had pledged a subscription of stock be asked to bring in the name It has been suggested that the impression may prevail that the purpose of the proposed organization is to provide for the exclusive pleasure of a few individuals in the community who find life rather irksome under existing conditions. Attendance at the Oct. 1st meeting will serve to correct this impression. The general good of the community is an object which will be kept in view in the development of the plans and while the privileges of Lake Fort grounds and club house will not be granted to unauthorized and irresponsible parties, it is proposed to adopt a policy in management which will permit of their use and enjoyment by members of civic and religious organizations in search of a place in which to enjoy a day's outing and also by picnic parties. . .
Those who have already pledged stock are as follows: Fred Chandler, E. R. Grandey, B. G. Widney, Dr. Dickinson, M. E. Beardsley, Arthur Peterson, Dean Burrell, H. N. Vaughn, Lee Wilson, J.F. McMillan, Foster Lazear, Grover Rehling, M. L. Evans, F. Pendry, Clarence Hartquist, Wm. Marshall, Joe Peasley, Allen Annegers, Geo. Dixson, Del Dixson, Dr. Marshall, F. W. Wallin, Chas. Lukens, Fred Johnson, Earl Beardsley, A.H. Kershaw, C. L. Decker, Edgar Lewis, H. Links, NB. Curry, I. F. Harter, Tom Morgan, F. E. Baxter, A. L. Brokaw, Roy Park, Will Hartquist, Jim Sutliff, Harry McGaw, Dr. Highfield, Fay McGaw, K.E. Yoakan, A.E. Kaisier, C.F. Heisler, Charles Marshall, Lyman Ross, M.R. Lovitt, John Fort, Charles Fort, Bert Wallin, Jr., John Mudd, Dale Davis, L.M McAndrews, Earl Huppert?, Mr. Fort, Mr. Stine, Dale Stine, Cleo. Stine, Chas. F. Heisler, Edw. Logan, Geo. Widney, L.R. Duncan, Erman Dodds, Sterling Simpson.
OBITUARIES-WILLIAM C. TOWLER: William Chesley Towler, son of Will and Fannie Brizendine Towler, was born at LaHarpe, Sept. 27, 1893, and died at Burlington Hospital Sept. 20, 1920 at 3:30 am. He was married to Miss Lorena Hollingsworth of Stronghurst, Jan. 20, 1915, who with his parents survive him.
When about a year old his parents moved to Lewiston, Ill. and four years later to Stronghurst where they engaged in mercantile business. He attended the Stronghurst schools, graduating in the class of 1911. There were four graduates in the class, two boys and two girls, and both boys have been killed by automobile accidents, Harry Beckett being killed when his car turned over just west of LaHarpe several years ago.
It is a strange coincidence that both boys should have lost their lives in this manner.
After leaving school he became an assistant of his father and mother in their store; and later, when the father"s health became such that he needed freedom from the close confinement of the store; Chesley took charge of business.
He volunteered for service in the great World War and was assigned for duty in the Lewis Institute, an army training school in Chicago.
He was there when the flu was so bad and nursed his comrades, working day and night for weeks and finally contracted the disease himself.
Owing to his worn out condition, his life was despaired of for a time. Later he was sent to Camp Jesup near Atlanta, Georgia, and was with the Motor Transport service Corps until his discharge which he received Feb. 12, 1919.
His corps was ready to leave for overseas when the armistice was signed. He was a member of the Am. Legion of LaHarpe and Sergeant at Arms.
He was converted in a tabernacle meeting held by Hicks and Galloway and united with the United Presbyterian Church under Rev. Monteith in Dec. 1906. In 1919 his father decided to go into the automobile business in LaHarpe buying properties and coming with the intention of spending their lives here.
Chesley and his wife were happy in their home and had many plans for their future which are so rudely broken that the wife feels crushed with the burden of her sorrow while the parents, who have devoted themselves to planning for him-their only child, feel that the sunshine has gone from their lives. The end came so suddenly and unexpectedly that they can scarcely stand the shock.
Chesley was of a happy disposition and his sunny smile won him friends wherever he went. He was idolized by his wife and parents who could not do enough for him. The aged grandmother and his uncle and aunts were devoted to him. The sympathy of all the community goes out to them in their sorrow. (Last week's paper covered the accident.)
BIGGSVILLE BASKETBALL: Biggsville High school won her first basketball game Friday night by defeating the strong town team by a score of 24 to 8. Biggsville has been practicing for about a week and has prospects for a good team this year.
Those playing were Gibb and Stevenson-guards; Strattan and Mickey-forwards and Galbraith-center. The town team were made up of Boyd and Douglass-guards; Sterett and Myers-forwards and Whiteman-center. It seems most of the schools are taking a great interest in basketball this season as Biggsville has games scheduled with Media, Roseville and Kirkwood.
OBITUARY-MRS. JANE STEELE: Mrs. Jane Grossman Steele was born Aug. 15, 1869 near Media and passed away Sept. 17 at 4:45 p.m. at her home in Monmouth, 522 North F St., aged 51 years, 1 month, 2 days. She was united in marriage to Frank Steele in June 1894. to this union seven children were born: Leonard of Media; Mrs. Ruby Park of Carman: Lance, Bessie, Beulah and Opal, who resided with their mother at the time of her death, one child having died in infancy.
She is also survived by five brothers and one sister: Norman of Media; Harm, Samuel, Sumner, James and Mrs. Sarah C, Wingo of Kansas. Also a half bother, Wm. G. McLean of Grant, Iowa. One sister, Mrs. Harriet Magill, passed away three years ago last March.
After many weeks of patient suffering during which time she was so tenderly and lovingly cared for by her children and her brother Norman, who were all with her at the time of her death, she passed away quite suddenly.
With the exception of a few years spent in Kansas and Oklahoma, her life was spent in the vicinity of Media until she with her family removed to Monmouth recently.
Mrs. Steele united with the United Presbyterian congregation of Walnut Grove and later transferred her membership to Media where she remained a faithful member until her death. It is but fitting that she be laid to rest in the community where she had formed a wife circle of friends.
TOOK FIRST PRIZE AT ALEDO: Illinois Yankee, the fine Poland-China boar owned by Messrs. Lee Brokaw and Gray of this vicinity, took first prize in the aged boar class, the senior championship prize and the grand championship prize at the Mercer County Fair at Aledo. These gentlemen also won second place on their showing of four pigs in the senior pig class. A fact which makes the winning of the prizes especially significant is that the swine exhibited this year was the largest and best ever made there, something like one thousand head in all being shown. Messrs.
Lee Brokaw and Gray are justly proud of their wonderful boar, Illinois Yankee, and it will be to the advantage of breeds to attend their sale the night of Sept. 30th and grasp the opportunity of securing some of the progeny of this prize winner.
OBITUARY JAMES T. WHITEMAN: James Thomas Whiteman, a prominent resident of Henderson County, Ill. and well known in this city, died at the Burlington Hospital at 5:30 p.m. He was born in Preble County, Ohio, July 14, 1852, the son of Henry M. and Elizabeth McDill Whiteman, who were among the pioneers of Henderson County, Ill., and came with his parents to Biggsville, Ill., where he continued to make his home to the end. He was married to Miss Margaret McKinley, who survives him.
The deceased was the oldest of eleven children of whom seven survive him as follows: Mrs. Mary J. Myers of Biggsville, Ill.; H.O. Whiteman of Burlington, Ia.; and J.Y.; W.M.; S.C.; A.F. and Charles M. Whiteman, all of Biggsville, Ill.
Mr. Whiteman turned his attention to general farming for many years but of late has been specializing in raising and fattening horses for the market in which he was highly successful. He was a member of the United Presbyterian Church of Biggsville and was held in the highest esteem by wide circle of friend and acquaintance.-the Hawkeye
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Miss Belle Negley left for Galesburg to resume her course at Knox College. Clem Jarvis and family, who went to Wisconsin something over a year ago, returned to Stronghurst Sept. 11 with intention of again taking up residence in Illinois.
Dr. John C. Haines, for the last 25 years a practicing dentist in Blandinsville, committed suicide last Wednesday by shooting himself in the temple with a 32 caliber revolver. He is supposed to have been mentally unbalanced. Frank Murphy went to Wright County in Northern Iowa to take charge of the shipment of a span of mules from there to a point near Chicago. He reports that there have been unusually heavy rains there and that the country was flooded while he was there. George Chant and Chas. Swanson returned from a land inspection automobile trip to Southern Illinois and Southeastern Missouri. John Wilson, who had been visiting relatives here, left the party at Odin, Ill. to go to his former home in Oklahoma.
Dr. Puddicome, the Burlington Chiropractor, passed over the village in an airplane enroute to the Albert Lebeck home near Old Bedford to administer treatment to Mr. Lebeck for injuries sustained several days ago when he fell from a load of oats. This is said to be the first instance of a professional visit of a physician by airplane in Henderson County. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Snider of Omaha, Nebr. visited the C. E. Fort and Marshall homes. Mr. Snider is credit manager for the Studebaker Co. in Omaha; Mrs. Snider is a granddaughter of the late John Marshall.
Miss Evelyn Fort is not teaching in the Monmouth public school, but has charge of the music in the College Conservatory while she is completing her musical course there. Mrs. E.A. Kessler, having disposed of her residence here to Mr. A.S. McElhinney, took her departure for Vancouver, Wash. where she will make her home with her daughter, Mrs. W.A. Porter. Rev. Nels E. Olson was installed as pastor of the Swedish Lutheran Church. The membership just completed a fine modern parsonage for the comfort of the pastor and his wife.
Persons desiring to take airplane flights in the Hartman-Cellar airplane from Burlington, be at F.A. Lebeck's landing fields seven miles south of Stronghurst at 11:30 am Sept. 27th. Lorenzo Foote, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Foote was one of the principals in a double wedding event at Plymouth, Ill on Sept. 22.
The scene was the home of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hedgcock at Plymouth, their daughter, Martha Elizabeth, becoming the bride of Mr. Foote, and another daughter, Nellie May, marrying Melvin P. Roske of Ortonville, Minn. Only immediate relatives and friends of the contracting parties were present at the ceremony. Mrs Jay Foote, mother of the groom, was one of those in attendance.
OBITUARY LUCY M. CARTER Lucy M. Churchill, daughter of Sylvester and Elizabeth Churchill, was born in Ohio April 1, 1838. She passed away at he home of her brother, J. S. Churchill, near Smithshire at 9 o'clock Sept. 20, 1920, aged 82 years, ? months, and 20 days.
When 14 years of age, she joined the M.E. church and has been a faithful member since that time. In 1861 she united in marriage with John Eaton. To them were born three children, Ida Iona, Viola May and Joseph Lawrence. The son died on the same date and hour as the mother eight years ago. Mr. Eaton died Jan. 20, 1874. On the 9th of March 1870 she married Tobias M. Carter. To them one child, Bertha Irene, was born; she is now Mrs. Willis Keener of Stronghurst.
Mrs. Carter leaves two sisters, Mrs. Emma Quillen of Crawfordsville, Ind. and Lydia Barrett of Grand View, Tex and one brother, J. S. Churchill of Smithshire, Ill. She has 17 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren and also 5 step-children living.
As she was slipping away, she was surrounded by her daughters and brother. Her only regret in going was that she was leaving those she loved. With her last bit of strength, she was saying. "You poor girls; I hate to leave you; but I am willing and ready to go." She left a goodbye for all her friends and asked them to meet her in heaven. She said, "I am going home to see my loved ones and Lawrence." She was gone.
Funerals service for Mrs. Carter was held in the Smithshire M. E. Church with interment in the Stronghurst Cemetery.
JOHN HUSTON: John Huston of Blandinsville, Ill., generally known as "Elder John," died at his home in Blandinsville Sept. 16th from heart trouble. He was one of the foremost citizens of Western Illinois and a man of many activities.
For 40 years he preached in the Christian Church; he was a lover of fine stock and was at one time a heavy importer of Percheron horses; he had a national reputation as a judge of draft horses. From 1908 to 1916 he was a member of the Illinois legislature and at the time of his death had been president of the Huston Banking Co. of Blandinsville for many years. Funeral services were held in the Blandinsville Christian Church with interment in the Glade City Cemetery.
DR. RIGGS DEAD: Dr. J. P. Riggs of Media passed away at the Burlington Hospital Thursday morning at about 8 o'clock. He was taken ill the latter part of the week with what appeared to be an attack of appendicitis and grew rapidly worse. He was taken to the hospital Wednesday, but was in such a weakened condition that the doctors did not think it advisable to operate. He continued to sink rapidly until the end came.
LA HARPE AVIATOR KILLED: T. C. Stout, the La Harpe aviator, was instantly killed at Birmingham, Iowa Wednesday when one of the wings of his plane broke, causing a fall in which both the unfortunate man's arms and legs were broken. He was on a visit there when the accident occurred.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mrs. Otis Ervin has returned home from visiting her daughter, Mrs. Brown of Cedar Rapids. The household goods were sold at the late home of Mrs. Ellen Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McDill of Bushnell drove over to attend the sale. Others from away there were Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Troburg of Macomb, Miss Grace McDill of Chicago and Mac Lynch and Dave Gibb and family of near Raritan vicinity. The little infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mears was buried last Wednesday. A good many changes have taken place in town in that so many people are changing places and moving out of town. Rev. A. C. Douglas, who was released Sabbath after the morning services by the congregation, has received an offer to accept a position at Ames college as Associate Director of the Westminster Foundation and collegiate church and Bible school. Miss Lizzie McKinley who returned home from the Burlington hospital is not much improved in health. The annual Swedish picnic was held last Saturday by a large gathering of people at the South Henderson Church.
Mr. Elmer W. Carlson and Miss Ethel M. Galbraith were united in marriage at the M.E. parsonage in Biggsville Sept. 16th. Mrs. Carlson is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Galbraith and has lived all her young life in the community. Mr. Carlson is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Clas Carlson of the Olena vicinity and is a highly respected young man. After a brief honeymoon trip they will be at home on his father's farm.