The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1920 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic, Sept. 16, 1920:

CELEBRATE 68 YEARS: One of the most unusual gatherings ever convened in Henderson County occurred on Sept. 9th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Bainter when their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren with a large number of invited guests from the surrounding towns and countryside met to celebrate the 68th anniversary of their wedding.

Within the walls of the home which stands on the farm purchased by Mr. Bainter almost three score years ago and under the fine old trees shading the spacious lawn, friends and neighbors mingled with the family and greeted the worthy couple who welcomed us as though we, too, might be akin in blood as well as in spirit. The youngest member of the assemblage was Master Kenneth Mudd of Stronghurst who will not attain his majority until 1941 when he will doubtless go to the polls in his own private airship to cast his first vote, but it is safe to say that he will take no more interest that day in doing his part toward keeping the U.S.A. the greatest country on the globe than his great-grandparents have taken in helping to make it what it is.

From notes furnished by a member of the family we learn that both Mr and Mrs. Bainter were born in Ohio-Mr. Bainter at Adamsville, Sept. 25, 1830 and Mrs. Bainter in Zanesville on Oct. 27, 1832. The first year of their married life was spent in their native state. From Ohio they came to Illinois, traveling a part of the distance to Cincinnati on the first train they had ever seen. Taking a boat there they came down the Ohio to Cairo, Ill. where they boarded a Mississippi steamboat and reached Warsaw after nine days of travel by national highways.

Locating near La Harpe, they lived for several years among the early settlers of Hancock County and then removed to their present home which they purchased for $25 per acre. That many of the friendships formed during these early years in the Prairie State are still unbroken, was evidenced by the hearty handclasps of the many old acquaintances who came to congratulate the worthy couple whom we had met to honor.

Seven of the fourteen children born to Mr. and Mrs. Bainter are still living and with the exception of Mrs. Jane Navens of Brooks, Iowa, are located near Stronghurst. These are Mrs. Nancy Veech, Mrs. Delie Doak, Mrs. Addie Ross, Mrs. Olive Beckett, Mrs. Orpha Lovitt and W. H. Bainter. There are 23 grandchildren and 30 great-grandchildren, many of whom were present to help celebrate the anniversary. The date given above formed the foundation of a short speech by W. C. Ivins which was followed by the reading of a poem written for the occasion by J. C. Coulson of La Harpe. A number of old time songs concluded the program after which the wedding cake was cut and a luncheon was served on the lawn. Some one has said: "To know how to grow old is the master work of wisdom, and one of the most difficult chapters in the great art of living." That these two aged people have mastered this lesson no one who known them can doubt.

GOOD CITIZEN MEETING: "Fundamentals of Citizenship" is the subject to be discussed by Rev. Dr A. A. Samson of New York City at a union meeting in the Stronghurst U. P. Church next Sunday evening. Dr. Samson is the field secretary of the National Reform Association which has its headquarters in Pittsburgh and is now on a speaking tour in Illinois and Iowa.

ACCIDENT AT THE STATION: Conductor Elzbeck of the local freight was standing in front of the station Friday afternoon when passenger train No. 9 , running something like 60 miles per hours. A piece of a brake shoe flew from under No.9 and struck Mr. Elzbeck on the leg with such force as to inflict an injury with necessitated his being ordered to the hospital where he has since been confined. This accident should serve as a warning to persons who chance to near the tracks when fast trains are passing to move away to a safe distance.

1895 GRAPHIC: F. Davidson had purchased the Parsons and Kline meat market in Stronghurst. N. W. Adams and son Lute left for Milton, Ia. to take charge of a farm they had purchased. At public sale of personal property held by Charles Kirby at his residence east of the village on Sept. 14 a fine four year old draft horse sold for $41, a bunch of feeding steers for $30,25 per head and another bunch for $37.25 per head.

George K. Peasley, a brother of C. E. Peasley, was killed near Julesburg, Colo. on the night of Sept. 17 while enroute to Omaha with a shipment of cattle from Greeley, Colo. While walking over the top of the train in the darkness the unfortunate man fell while stepping from one car to another, two cars and the caboose of the train passing over him. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sidewalk along the westside of Division St. from Dixson St. to the Santa Fe right of way was passed by the Stronghurst village council. Lafe Sympson and Fred Baldwin entered bicycle races at the Bushnell fair. The Graphic closed the 7th year of its existence.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Lloyd Hardy, who lives on the Harter farm near Carman, fell from a hay rack and dislocated his left elbow. Miss Clara Mason, who has been a frequent visitor at the Hattie Taylor and other homes in the Decorra neighborhood, is preparing to sail for the Orient, expecting to leave San Francisco on Sept. 25th for Shanghai, China. Robert Adair and sister, Genevieve, left for Urbana to continue their courses at the University. After an absence of four months spent with relatives in California, Mrs. D. Headen returned to her home and Dee no longer keeps "bachelor's hall." E. H. Allison, wife and baby arrived from Rich Hill, Mo. to visit relatives. The drought prevailing in this section for several weeks was broken by a fine shower and vegetation has taken a new lease of life. A. S. McElhinney reports the sale of 190 acres of land eight miles southwest of Stronghurst, owned by Willis Keener to W. H. Hobby of Good Hope, Ill. This farm was purchased last spring by Mr. Keener from Chas. M. Nelson of Pittsfield, Ill.

At a family reunion at he home of Mr. and Mrs. G.Q. Fort in this village the following guests were present: W. F. Shain and wife and Dr. C. L. Shain and wife and daughter Harriet of Dallas City; Mrs. F. E. Biggs, Geo. Biggs and wife and Clarence Anderson and wife of La Harpe and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Allison of Rich Hill, Mo. Lieut. Carl Weber and Judge J. W. Gordon addressed quite a gathering here on the street last Saturday morning in the interest of the anti-Thompson Republican primary ticket.

A petition was filed by creditors of the Dallas City Foundry Co. to have the company declared bankrupt. The foundry burned down last June and the creditors claim that the company became insolvent through that misfortune; the company is resisting the petition at Quincy claiming that it is faulty; a new hearing was scheduled.

AT THE ALEDO FAIR: Henderson County is well represented by exhibits at the Mercer County Fair at Aledo this week. Wm. Whiteman of Biggsville entered his pure bred Chester White hogs in several classes. Mrs. Ivabelle Stewart also of Biggsville entered two pens of Plymouth Rock chickens, two pens of Barred Plymouth Rocks and one pen of single comb R. I. Reds. W. T. Weir of Oak Grove Farm is showing some fine specimens of fruit from his noted orchards, his daughter, Miss Hazel being in charge of the exhibit

***WEDDING BELLS***BRICKER & WHITE: Miss Leah E. Bricker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bricker of the Raritan neighborhood and E. L. White of Media were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents Sept. 11th. Only immediate family and intimate friends were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. White will make their home in Media where the groom is associated with his father in the grain business.

LOMAX LINGERINGS: C. Jacobson and wife of Brereton spent the weekend with their daughter, Mrs. Lyman Neff and family. Joe Waterman and wife of Little York visited home folks. Haney & Lutkins, electrical contractors of Burnside were in town on business. The Logan and Wyatt handle factory will commence operation as about all the machinery has arrived. The Red Cross nursing service is being established in the county with the first lesson given at the church.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mrs. Dr. Henderson and Mrs. J. Y. Whiteman returned home from Springfield where they attended a Salvation Army meeting. These two ladies have been appointed advisors of the organization in Henderson County. Herb Jamison is driving a new Studebaker car. George Millen is driving a new Ford car purchased from Willis Lowden of Kirkwood and is having a new garage built at his place.

The Nursing Training class started with 16 scholars in the afternoon and 19 for the evening. William Whiteman entered his Chester White fine hogs and White Plymouth chickens in the Aledo fair. Mrs. Ivabelle Stewart entered her fancy chickens and canned fruit put up by the cold pack method. These two families took first prize at the Burlington Fair. Mrs. Bessie Bailey has accepted the position of instructor of music at Pasadena, California. Mrs. Tina Dixon and sons have sold their home on Main Street and have moved in the house with Mrs. Dison's sister, Miss Emma Folmer. John Graham is doing chores and caring for the stock at the Al Miller place during their absence at York, Pa.

OLENA OBSERVATIONS: A light shower occasionally lays the dust, but nothing more and some of the wells are reported as failing. Rev. Russell will preach his last sermon for this conference year this Sabbath. Leslie Lyons and family and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lyons have returned from a few weeks visit with friends and relatives in Iowa, Nebraska and Missouri making the trip overland in Charles' touring car.

Miss Mabel White was given a prenuptial shower and party at the home of her parents west of Olena. Miss Mabel was married Sept. 8th to Earl Borough of Burlington, Iowa at the Christian parsonage in that city; they will live in Burlington. Miss Thelma Peterson has accepted a school near Media and began her duties; Mr. Huff is now wielding the rod in the Olena school, Miss Burrell in the Brooks school, Miss McClinton at the Hopper school, Miss Long in the Evans district, Miss Grace Marshall in the home school and H. S. Lant at Oquawka grade school.

Miss Goldie Davis was so unfortunate as to get a very badly burned foot by dropping a lighted match so close to her foot which was bound with a cloth saturated with turpentine as to ignite and burn the foot and limb; it in such a serious condition that she was taken to Dr. Marshall's office each day to have the wound dressed and cared for. Messers McCartney, White, Elbridge Fort and Mr. Ross have been buying some feeders. Mr. Ross is also having his silo filled. Lee Davis, Keith Hicks, Floyd Burrell, Clinton Burrell and father are working on the mausoleum which is being erected in Stronghurst.

Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Lant motored to Oquawka where he took up his school work while she spend time getting their new home in readiness for future use. A few cases of scarlet fever prevented the opening of school

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: The Misses Mabel Rhoads, Doris Ahlburg and Grace Rodman and Loren Graham and Kenneth Babcook are attending high school in Biggsville. Mark Kemp is the new clerk in C. A. Hedges' store. The Jones Chautauqua Company was in the village three days; a fairly good crowd attended the meetings. Miss Iva Graham is in charge of the post office in absence of Miss Josephine Graham, who is taking a vacation. At a ball game with Monmouth, the home team won with a score of 16 to 1. C. E. Kemp and family are the proud owners of a fine Hup car in which to go joy riding. Clyde Galbraith from Clifton Hill, Mo. visited relatives. Mrs. Nancy Hulet from Downing, Mo. spent several days with home folks. George Rhoads and family moved onto one of Sam Stevenson's farms in the drainage district.

CARMAN CONCERN: Mr. and Mrs. Marion Bradway and daughter and Ed Woods started to Mississippi going in their car. Golden Babcook has gone to Peoria to attend college. Harry Dowell returned home from Eldred, Ill. where he was called to attend the funeral of his brother-in-law, Frank Holford, who was accidentally killed by falling under a barge on which he was working. Joe Barnes was distributing election supplies. About thirty Masons of Dallas City conferred degree work on new members.