The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, Oct 21, 1920
THE POLLED HEREFORD SALE: Good weather, fine roads and the desire to see one of the classiest bunch of Polled Hereford cattle ever disposed of in an auction ring brought out a crowd to the Stine and Sons sale which taxed the capacity of the big sale pavilion.
While by far the largest part of the crowd was composed of mere spectators, there were many cattle men present from various states and while conservatism was the rule, the bidding for the choicer animals in the offering was spirited and some very good prices were obtained. Col. Reppert, the recognized leader amongst livestock auctioneers, was in his happiest mood and he was ably supported by one of the liveliest bunches of ring assistants that has ever participated in an event of this kind. Forty-three head of cows, heifers and bulls were disposed of in something less than three hours at a total price of $18.735,($199,715 today's worth) the average price her head being $436.36 ($4,652).
Local breeders took the larger part and also the cream of the offering although cattle men from other sections of Illinois and from Iowa, Ind., and North Carolina were liberal purchasers.
The heaviest purchaser was Mr. H. N. Vaughn of Stronghurst, who bought seven head for a total of $5,005 ($53,353). Roy W. Park took three choice animals. Polled Improver, the great herd bull which stood at the head of the Stine herd for several years went to Hill and Conger of Galesburg:(long article with particulars of sale).
WHOLESALING TO THE FARMER: A very smooth-tongued stranger claiming to represent a concern called The United Purchasers Association has been calling on the farmers of this vicinity contracting to sell them supplies of most every description at price reductions from 20-30 per cent below the regular market price:County farm advisor Miner sent out a circular letter to the farmers of the county warning them to be on their guard against the arguments of the stranger selling memberships certificates at $15 each:Inquires to the responsibility of United Purchasers' Association have been received and it appears that the concern has its headquarters in St. Louis, that its authorized capital is $10,000 and that it visible assets consist of a desk and other office furniture. The representative who was here and who made his headquarters at La Harpe has quietly taken his departure.
In the meantime a number of farmers hereabout are anxiously awaiting the delivery of supplies bought at "wholesale" price and for the privilege of buying which they parted with fifteen dollars of the coin of the realm.
DEATH OF FORMER LA HARPE EDITOR: Dr. I. M. Martin, founder of the La Harpe Quill and publisher and editor of the La Harpe Times for a number of years until ill health made his retirement necessary, died suddenly at his home in La Harpe. Dr. Martin was engaged in farming and stock raising at the time of his death and was making a success in that line of work
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: George Binns of Green Bay, Wis. is visiting his old navy "buddy," Ernest Putney. Erman Dodds has given up his position as bookkeeper at the Sutliff and Wallin Garage and is now is the employ of the Stronghurst Lumber Co. J. W. Stine and family moved into their recently completed new modern home on the corner of Mary and Court St. Fred Mudd and family have moved into the Johnson property on Mary St. which the Stine family occupied while their home was built. Jack Montroy and family moved from the Guy Lamphere farm to Olena. Madam Schumann-Heink makes her first appearance before the footlights in Stronghurst this Friday, Oct. 29th.
Nat Bruen has suffered with a large splinter in his foot; he is doing nicely now. Leslie McMillan left for Oklahoma where he has a position with an oil refinery. Relatives learned of the birth of a young daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Nevius at Los Angeles, California. Miss Margaret McCullough of Galesburg, a former Stronghurst high school teacher, married Mr. Ray Eaton of Peoria on Oct. 16th.
Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson recently purchased the new concrete bungalow which A. E. Moore completed in the Dixson addition to Stronghurst and expect to become village residents the first of the year. Oscar Swedland has purchased the Sol. Kessinger property in the west part of town. The Kessingers went to Gorin, Mo. to close the deal for a small farm. Alton Vaughn is attending military school at Mexico, Mo. Oswald Smith is reported to have bought the auto repairing business in La Harpe formerly owned by W. B. Towler. Mrs. Kate Nevius, whose home is in Somerville, N.J. and who spent the past summer with relatives at Pawnee City, Nebr., is visiting the W. J. McElhinney home. A six month old Duroc boar, sired by Royal Pathfinder, sold for $2,000 at the Hanks and Bishop sale at new London, Iowa. James, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Lukens, formerly of Media, fell from a trapeze while at practice at Monmouth and sustained a broken arm. Henry Schlotzhauer, a life long and highly respected citizen of Oquawka, passed away at his home at the age of 53 years. Edwin Voorhees and Tom Cook from Raritan with their well digging outfit are putting down a well on the property on North Broadway where the Stronghurst Lumber Co. is building a dwelling house for Manager Ayres.
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Rev. Sailor, the new M.E. minister, preached his third sermon here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Carlson are at home in a tenement house on the George Fort farm west of Olena. Previous to their house keeping they were given a miscellaneous shower at the groom's home and many beautiful and useful presents were left as an evidence of esteem in which these young people are held. Light refreshments were served and a good time reported. Mrs. George Detrick, who for many years has been an Olena resident, rented her home to Mr. Zang; she will probably spend the winter with her children. Miss Golda Davis, who has been such a sufferer from a badly burned foot, is slowly improving but is as yet unable to walk without crutches.
She accompanied her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Lant to their Oquawka home Sabbath evening for a short stay. Mrs. Margaret Payton is home for several weeks stay in Humeston and Red Oak, Iowa. A few of farmers have begun cribbing corn and others are waiting a little cooler weather. Many children and some grown-ups are spending much time in the woods laying in their winter supply of nuts of which there seems to be a great plenty.
Charles Lyons has been in very poor health for some time and was thought best by his physician that he go to the hospital for a while, but Charles thought otherwise and he is now somewhat improved but possibly not permanently. Marvin Booten and bride are visiting Olena relatives.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mrs. Mabel White has bought the Norman Wiegand property in the northwest side of town. The Wiegands expect to spend the winter in Colorado. Lawrence Allison and Miss Jesse Paul spent time at the Alvah Martin home. The Senior Ladies Missionary Society held an all day comfort tacking in the church parlors. Mr. and Mrs. Hart and children left for several weeks visit with relatives in Kentucky. J. Y. Whiteman is having his home treated to a new coat of paint. A new concrete bridge is being put in just north of town below the cemetery. Mrs. John Stevenson, who has been ill at her home northeast of town for several weeks, has been taken to the hospital. The movie picture room will soon be completed. The work is going on rapidly. Lots of changes in buildings-the Stotts store is making fine progress. The Community Club is invited to meet at the home of Mrs. John Sandstrom south of town to make handkerchiefs for the bazaar. Booths will be furnished with aprons and cap and candy booths.
COUNTY NEWS: A miscellaneous shower was given Mrs. Eldon White in Media at the home of Mrs. Etta Thompson. Mrs. Alice Neff of Lomax expects to leave for Nebraska to make her home with her sister. Sixteen young people of Lomax boarded a truck with Mrs. Dora Neff as chaperon and went to Crapo Park Sunday-all returning at a late hour and reporting a fine time.