The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, Oct. 28, 1920
HOME NURSING CLASS: The Home Nursing class held each Thursdays and Fridays under the auspices of the County Red Cross chapter with Miss Lanty, a graduate nurse of the Chicago Presbyterian Hospital as instructor, has been well attended and the lectures have proved to be beneficial. Some 60 members enrolled in the two classes and Miss Lanty also goes to Lomax for a class between the sessions here. She had devoted considerable time to work in the schools having visited a number of country schools as well as the Stronghurst public and high school during the forenoons. At each she has given talks on hygiene and first aid; her chief aim is to keep the need of obedience to the laws of sanitation and of the abolition of the public drinking cup before the minds of school children. Henderson County is to be congratulated on having this free instruction through the Red Cross Service Bureau.
OYSTERS AT MEDIA: Fried, stewed or raw oysters will be served all day and evening on Election Day by the ladies of the U.P. church of Media. If you don't like oysters, they will serve you pie, doughnuts, sandwiches and coffee. Come and stay all day.
LA HARPE'S BIG CELEBRATION: To the merchants and people of Stronghurst: you are cordially invited to attend and participate in an Armistice Day celebration to be held at La Harpe on Nov. 11th. Planned is a big all day event. The Peoria Military Band has been hired and the Hon. W. J. Graham will be the speaker of the day. Two big football games-Stronghurst high school vs La Harpe high school and the Blandinsville City team vs La Harpe city team-is scheduled. A band concert will be in the park and a special show ("Johnny get your gun") will be featured at the Park Theater. At 9 p.m. a big dance by Stone's Orchestra should round out affairs. You are especially invited to enter floats, decorated cars or turnouts in the parade.
W.C.T.U. ENTERTAINS: The members of the Women's Christian Temperance Union entertained their husbands at a 7 p.m. covered dish dinner at the community Club rooms. The menu consisted of fried chicken, gravy, creamed potatoes, macaroni and variety of salads, fruits, cakes and hot rolls. The ladies proved themselves ideal hostesses and their guests showed their appreciation by the way in which they disposed of the tempting viands. A donation of canned goods for the Elizabeth McFarland Home at Rockford, Ill. was received; these supplies will be shipped at an early date.
AUTO TOUR AND PICNIC: Mrs. Myrtle Siegworth of Decorra entertained about 20 relatives and neighbors with an outing trip in honor of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leander of Los Angeles, Calif., who are on a wedding trip to the Eastern coast. The objective point of the trip was Keokuk, Ia., where the big dam and hydroelectric plant and other points of interest were visited and where a sumptuous picnic was enjoyed by the tourists. Other places visited were Nauvoo where time was taken to inspect the wonderful collection of relics of the early Mormon settlement and Fort Madison, Ia., where the state penitentiary was visited. Ideal weather and the fine condition of roads made the outing enjoyable.
After spending several days with relatives and friends, Mr. and Mrs. Leander continued their honeymoon journey to Eastern points including Niagara Falls and Washington, D.C.
BOX SUPPER SCHEDULED: A box supper and entertainment will be held at the Burrell schoolhouse, one mile north and one mile west of Olena. The entertainment will consist of short comedies and tableaux by the children. Everybody is invited; ladies will please bring boxes.
HE DISAPPEARED! Food for considerable comment and speculation has been afforded the inhabitants of Stronghurst by the sudden disappearance of Dr. R. H. Dickinson, proprietor of the Dickinson Caf and Restaurant. Dr. Dickinson drove to Burlington last Sunday in his Essex roadster and left the car at a garage in that city. Little seems to be known here concerning his movements since that time. The restaurant business which he conducted here has been taken over by Mr. H. N. Vaughn with whom Dickinson was associated in the new Stronghurst hotel project.
THE PERFECT WOMAN-1920 STYLE: The measurements and description of the perfect woman, as approved by a New York sculptor follows: height-5 feet, 7 inches; weight-147 lbs.; wrist-6 inches; bust-36inches; waist-24 inches; hips-42 inches; thigh-22 inches; knee-17 inches; calf-15 inches; ankle-8 inches; size of glove-6 ; size of shoe- 3 ; color of hair-chestnut brown; and color of eyes-hazel. (Today's woman does not measure up!)
CARMAN CONCERNS: Wm McIntire was operated on for appendicitis at the Burlington Hospital and is doing nicely. Mrs. Mattie Gillis, Ruth Marsden, Ruth Wisbey and Mrs. G. Rehling attended an I.O.O.F. convention at Keokuk. Mr. And Mrs. Tucker Kemp of West Branch, Ia. are visiting the A. Gillis home. Messrs. Louis and Fred Dannenberg motored to Abingdon and were accompanied by A. C. Babcook, Paul and Gene, Sam Howell, Earl Marsden, Warren Pershan, Frank Marsden and Walter Howell, Jr. to see the football game between Peoria and Abingdon. Miss Gertie Dowell is visiting her sister, Mrs.. Nemo Smiddy at Lomax.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mrs. Meredith Lovitt entertained the 500 Club at her new home. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Kessenger have stored their household goods until they can get possession of their new home in Missouri and have gone out to help at the L.A. Worthington place during the corn husking. The young people society of the Stronghurst U.P. Church were guests of the Biggsville congregation at a "hard times" social Friday evening. A. S. Sanders has moved from Raritan to a house on the J. C. Brook farm southeast of here where he will have employment. Two cars of coal arrived in the local yards and in short order were disposed of. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Jarvis and family, who recently returned from Crandon, Wis., have purchased the Chant property recently vacated by Lee Wilson and wife. A chicken hawk which measured 40 inches from tip to tip was shot by Ross Lefler when he was driving to Stronghurst from the Clifford Thompson farm in Media Township.
After a fine and much needed rain, the weather in this locality has turned considerably cooler with a brisk wind blowing from the north. The sun is shining brightly, however, and the prospects seem to be good for some more glorious autumn weather. Dr. John Highfield of this place has been in a hospital in Fort Madison for some time suffering from a bad case of blood poisoning in his hand caused by spilling some acid over the member several weeks ago. He is now reported to be out of danger, but it will probably be several days before he will be able to resume his dental practice. Mrs. Harry Moore of Berkley, Calif. Leave for the state accompanied by her mother, Mrs. J. P. Riggs, who expects to spend the winter there. During the storm last Saturday evening an electric light wire which supplies the current for the west section of the village became cross-circuited near the intersection of Nichols and Division Streets. For a few moments a display of fireworks caused some to believe that a big conflagration was raging. The wire, which is said to carry 2300 volts, was soon burned off and fell writhing and twisting to the street below where it was viewed at a respectful distance by a number of curious observers until the current was cut off. Electric service in the west part of town was interrupted until about the middle of the next forenoon.
Mr. I. V. D. Perrine, who has spent his entire lifetime on a farm in Raritan Township, has a husking peg which his father made for him in 1860 from a rat tail file and which he has used every year since; he thinks he is safe in saying that he has husked 75,000 bushels of corn with the peg. Can anyone beat this record?
1895 GRAPHIC: Benjamin Holmes, proprietor, and C. H. White, workman, were both instantly killed at Lomax when the boiler of the fence factory blew u p. Quite a severe earthquake shock occurred here on the morning of Oct. 31st. Chant Bros. Hardware was broken into and a lot of razors and other cutlery stolen. The clothing firm of King and Johansen dissolved. G. H. Swartz, an M.E. pastor of Burlington known as "the Iowa Cyclone," was arranging to start a series of temperance meetings here.Stronghurst Graphic
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: A vaudeville show will be held at Bryan's Hall. Frank Jacob is reported on the sick list at his home. Howard McCabe will move to one of F. M. Porter's houses north of the railroad. Glen Tribler has purchased the Willard Graham residence and will remodel it for a home. Raymond Allen, Edward Randall and Paul Galbraith left for Canton, Ill. where they will have employment. While out nutting, Gordon Colley fell out of a tree and broke his arm. Mrs. Nancy Hulet and John Swedenburg went to Downing, Mo. where they were married at the home of Mrs. Swedenberg's sister, Mrs. Mary Fort. The newly wedded pair came home Wednesday evening.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mrs. Maude Mudd is confined to her home with inflammatory rheumatism. Miss Thelma Myers has just recovered from an attack of the grip. Mr. Smith from Monmouth has rented the building on the corner of John and Church Streets from Walter Kilgore and is now running a garage. A birthday party was held at the home of J. W. McClinton at Coloma in honor of his 81st birthday; only members of the family were present. Edgar Rankin and family, Mrs. Jim Rankin and family and Mrs. Arthur McIntyre went to Washington, Ia., to attend the funeral of Claude Swisher, who met his death during the late war in France and whose remains were brought home by the government for burial. Claude lived on the E. D. Rankin farm for seven years before moving to Iowa with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Swisher. A family by the name of Pullin has moved into Dr. Bailey's home; Mr. Pullin will work for the telephone company.