The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, Aug. 26, 1920
PLANS FOR FISHING CLUB AND PLEASURE RESORT: If plans which are now being formulated are carried to completion, Stronghurst will have at her door in the more or less distance future, one of the finest fishing club grounds and pleasure resorts to be found in this section of the country.
The plan which had its inception in the minds of a few of the members of the old Lake Fort Club, contemplates the enlargement of the present lake to comprise an area of some 6 acres, the erection of a modern club house, the beautifying of the natural park which surrounds the lake and the laying off of tennis courts, croquet grounds, etc. at available and convenient spots.
Engineer McClanahan of Monmouth was here and after making a survey of the site of the proposed park and running some levels to ascertain the amount of dam construction and levy work necessary to increase the size of the present lake to the dimensions proposed, declared that the plan was entirely feasible and said that he had been unaware of the fact here-to-fore that there was in Henderson County a spot so well adapted by nature for the creation of a beautiful pleasure park as this one which lies almost within our village limits. He also expressed the opinion that the work necessary for the enlargement of the lake and making it safe would not cost to exceed $3,000($31,980 today).
The gentlemen who are behind the movement to create the resort have started out to secure 100 subscriptions of $100 ($1,066 today) each to constitute a fund to be used in carrying out the proposed plans.
It is understood that the idea is meeting with good success and already more than half of the amount to be raised has been subscribed.
"WEDDING BELLS" GRANDY-SHARPE: Miss Margery Sharpe, who had charge of the playground in Stronghurst during the past summer and whose home is in Edgerton, Ohio, was united in marriage at Champaign, Ill Aug. 26 to Mr. William Grandey, who is taking a short course at the Illinois University. They will make Champaign their home this coming year.
1895 GRAPHIC: The house of the W.J. McElhinney farm east of town was considerably damaged by lightning during a storm on the evening of Aug. 23. E. F. McCloskey, a son-in-law of Isaac McQuown of the Biggsville neighborhood, met his death in Denver, Colo. during a hotel disaster in which many people were burned to death. Ex-Governor Fifer and Hon. A.J. Hopkins were speakers at the soldiers' reunion held at Oquawka Aug. 22-24.
A. Struble was erecting a handsome residence for himself in the southeast part of town. Elmer Taylor was getting the ground ready for a new dwelling in the west part of town.
Misses Nettie, Fannie and Ida Annegers and Miss Eva Carothers were preparing to enter Monmouth College and the Misses Blanche and Jean Rankin were arranging to take a course at Valparaiso, Ind.
100 Mile Free-For-Auto Race, Galesburg, Sept. 4: The Tri-State Racing Association of Keokuk, Iowa, who so successfully staged the automobile race at Galesburg on May 31st, have again leased the Galesburg mile track and will stage another 100 mile free-for-all event on Saturday, Sept. 4th. This race will be put on in three heats, two of 25 miles each and one of 50 miles for a $1,900 (worth $20,254 today) purse.
In order to get the fastest cars and drivers possible to start in this race, sixteen entries will be accepted, eight of which will start in each 25 mile event. The eight fastest cars from each of those races will then be eligible to compete in the final 50 mile heat for the purse money. This will make one of the most interesting events ever staged on the Galesburg track as it is open to the world and the entries already include all the top-notchers in the auto racing game from practically over the Middle West.
METHODIST NOTES: The evening service at the United Presbyterian Church will be the closing of the union services for the summer. Rev Charles A. Fisher, pastor of the M.E. church at Raritan will preach; he is a man with a wonderful experience. In his life he has met with sin in all of its ugliness.
Converted in a Kokomo mission in Indiana, he has been preaching ever since. Few have the Scripture at heart as he has it. Ready with quotations to back up everything he says, he speaks from experience and a practical knowledge and not from theory. Hear him next Sunday at the U. P. Church.
At Maple Grove next Sunday morning the board of trustees recently nominated will be voted into office and the "Articles of Organization" read and re-established. All members of any evangelical orthodox church, and those not members of any church contributing five dollars annually($53.50 today) for the support of the preaching service in this church are qualified voters and may vote in this election.
The Women's Foreign Missionary Society of the Stronghurst church will give a supper in the church Tuesday evening, Sept. 7th. Fifty cents ($2.67 today) will be charged for it and will be followed by a program in the main auditorium for which a small price will be charged.
Notices to all contributors to the "Centenary Fund" will be sent out this week. The first payment is due the first of September. Mr. W. C. Regan has been elected as Centenary treasurer; make payments to him.
SWEDISH EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN NOTES: Services next Sunday will feature Swedish language at 11 a.m. and English language in the evening. A young people's Bible class will be organized next Sunday with the pastor in charge. At the next meeting of the Luther League, theological student Earl Wilhelmsen, who this summer is serving the Trinity church at Galesburg, will speak about "Work among the Indians in the West." Mr. Willhelmsen has had considerable experience with the Indians having done missionary work among them. The Dorcas Society will be entertained by Mrs. Charlie Lindgren next Thursday. The choir will meet for rehearsal next Friday evening; new members welcome.
MEDIA MEADERINGS: Mr. and Mrs. Jake Ford of Florida are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John Pogue. A large number from here attended the picnic at Biggsville. Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Pendarvis and son attended a family picnic in Crapo Park. The United Presbyterian and Methodist Sunday Schools motored to Burlington and spent the day picnicking in Crapo Park. Mrs. Charles Gunn, manager of the seed department of the DeKalb county agricultural association was in town looking for good weed free clover see.
RARITAN-MEDIA SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC: The five Sundays schools of Raritan and Media townships met at Crapo Park last Friday and everyone enjoyed themselves; it is regretted that many were unable to attend on account of threshing. Every one went with well filled baskets; even tame ducks would leave the lake long enough to slip up around the picnickers to get a cookie right off the plate; they considered themselves privileged characters.
When dinner was cleared away, the little folks went to the swings and other places. Lomax Sunday school joined the group and then the fun started. The first performance was the tug of war between the four preachers against four Sunday school superintendents; the losers had to slide down every slide present. Next was the shoots, which was a much fun tug of war for the ladies. Next, a three legged race which was also amusing. Next came the little girls jumping rope and the young men setting the peg, high jumping and high kicking-all of which were very good and showed skill and talent. Next was a relay race. Everybody went home glad that they had come.
Our Sunday schools need girls and boys; young ladies and young men; and the older people are needed as much.
The idea that you get too old for Sunday school is a mistake. Every man, woman and child in Henderson County should be helping some Sunday school and its importance often overlooked. (This was how to have a grand time at a day in the park.)
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: At the State Fair in Springfield Good Enuff Pathfinder, the great Duroc boar owned by Messrs Dixson and Walker, won fresh laurels by taking first prize in his class over a large field of competitors. Chas. Ahlers of the southeast country sold to John Simonson 32 hogs which averaged 560 lbs. each; six of the bunch weighed over 600 lbs. Ralph Campbell and wife of Gibbs, Mo. called on friends in the village. He is a former Stronghurst boy who is now making good as a bank in that Missouri town. John Stine gave a reading at the Raritan Opera House last Saturday evening in connection with the presentation by local talent of the play, "A Pack of Lies."
John also filled the position of pianist for the company producing the play. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Walton of Naperville, Ill. visited with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. I.V.D. Perrine in the country south of town. James Crist and family came by auto from Wichita, Kans. to visit relatives and old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Steffey and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Steffey attended the Steffey reunion at Basco. John Fordyce and family returned from their auto trip of 1,000 miles.
Miss Nellie Bowen of Aledo is vacationing among home folks. A. F. Kaiser returned from a ten day vacation in Michigan. Miss Anastasia McMahon of Chicago is a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. C. L. Decker. J.W. McKee, who was one of the pioneer businessmen of Stronghurst and who is now sales manager of the Brown-Moriarty Motor Co. of Chicago called on former friends.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Ernest Youngstrom of Burlington attended the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Matilda Glad. Mr. and Mrs. John Lant of Olena neighborhood and their son Harvey and wife left by auto to attend the state fair in Springfield. Miss Esther Johnson, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johnson of Decorra neighborhood, has gone on a vacation to California and will be a guest at the home of an uncle in San Francisco. After a four month visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rankin east of Stronghurst, Mrs. Ralph Millen and children left for their home in California. They were accompanied by her sister, Miss Margaret who will spend the winter there. Nate Groom left for Saskatchewan, Canada, where he will assist in threshing operations on the ranches of the Illinois colonists in that region. Frank Kessler and two young sons from Minnesota are visiting his mother, Mrs. A. E. Kessler. W. C. Regan and family left on an auto tour through northern and central Illinois visiting Starved Rock, Ottawa, Streator, Champaign, Bloomington, Peoria and other cities enroute Edward Pollock and wife of Colfax, Iowa, visited the G. Q. Fort family. They were met in Burlington by Mrs. J. M. Fort and son Burnham and wife and Miss Ida Davis, who brought them over by auto. Mr. Pollock is the superintendent of the Colfax public schools and his wife is a teacher of Domestic Science. Garnet Burrell and Ilene Jones visited Margery Spence at Denver, Ill. Mrs. Harvey Adair and children of the east country are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Peoples at Tulsa, Okla. Fort Hicks went to Oquawka to join the company enroute to the state fair school for boys at Springfield. Miss Edith Hartquist, who is employed at the farm bureau office, left for Nebraska to spend her vacation.
NATION GETS EQUAL SUFFERAGE: The United States got equal suffrage. Washington and Tennessee have ratified the constitutional amendment making 36 states.
"The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex." Thirty-four states had previously ratified the amendment and six stated defeated it; Washington and Tennessee made the difference-see entire article in this issue.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Miss Alma Pearson arrived home from Swift Current, Canada where she taught voice training the past year. Harry Plummer and George Millen shipped a car load of hogs to Chicago. Mrs. Carrie Wiegand left for Denver, Colo. where she will spend a week with her sister, Mrs. Ed Berry. Mrs. John Keener and daughter Miss Emma left for Washington, D.C. to spend time with relatives. Mr. Eli Westlake and daughter Ethel will spend the winter in Hutchinson, Kansas.
Robert Foster, who has been ailing for a few days, was removed to the Burlington hospital where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. Reports are that he is doing fairly well. James Whiteman sold his driving horse to the highest bidder, Wm. Wiegand. Mr. Whiteman is in poor health and expects soon to enter the hospital for treatment. Charles Welch left for Portland, Ore., where he will work in a railroad office during the day and attend night school. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bull and little daughter from Chipling, Ga. are visiting at the G.C. Foster home.
***OBITUARY***MISS PEARL BROUSE: The funeral of Miss Pearl Brouse, who was killed by an auto near Wever, Iowa last Thursday, was held at the home of Clyde Brouse Rev. Russell of Biggsville conducting the service. She was laid to rest in the Biggsville Cemetery. Miss Brouse was driving an auto and at the railroad crossing a train struck the auto and killed her and the lady with her. She was 18 years old and leaves her father and mother and one brother plus numerous other relatives to mourn her untimely end.