The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1921 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic, Jan. 13, 1921: 

DIPLOMAT SPEAKS: General Asgapetian of the Armenian Army made a short address on the Near East Relief work at the close of the dinner given by the Community club ladies. The General fought in the recent war on the aide of the Allies commanding a division of the Russian army at the beginning of the war and later acting with those of the other allied nations. As a military leader in the Armenian army he has distinguished himself in several hard fought battles with the Turks and related many thrilling incidents that occurred in his military career.

He had been billed to speak at the Lyric Theatre but a misunderstanding of scheduling had this affair canceled. He did, however, address the students of the Stronghurst High School previous to departing for Galesburg on the afternoon train.

BAD FIRE IN RARITAN: The loss of two lives in a fire which destroyed the house of Mrs. Adair of Raritan about noon hour was narrowly averted by the prompt action of Rev. Adair, a relative, who dragged her and her son Mace from the house after both had been overcome by the smoke and badly burned. They were the sole occupants of the home and both are cripples. the mother having been lame for many years while the son Mace, who is a telephone lineman, is suffering from a broken leg which he sustained some time ago when he fell from a telephone pole.

The fire which burned the dwelling originated from a gas lamp which Mace was handling and which exploded scattering the burning flames over his clothing and over the carpet of the room. In attempting to put out the fire he was overcome and the smoke and flames and dropped to the floor.

His mother was also overcome before she could escape from the house. Rev. Adair, who fortunately, was passing by when he heard their cries, ran in and pulled them both from the burning house to the yard outside. The burning clothes were pulled from the son as quickly as possible, but not before he had been terribly burned about the body, hands and feet.

Luckily, the wool dress worn by the mother had not caught fire; but she was badly burned about the head and face and nearly suffocated by the smoke and flames. Rev. Adair, who rescued them, was also quite badly burned. The house and its contents were entirely consumed within less than a half an hour after the occupants had been rescued.

The son was taken to Monmouth hospital and Mrs. Adair to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fred Meacham at Roseville. Both are said to be resting as comfortably as could be expected from the nature of their injuries. As they were depended upon the labor of the son as a lineman and of the mother as a dress maker, for their support the sympathy of the community goes out to them.

1895 Column: E. W. Tinkham filed an application for a patent on anew windmill which he had invested and which, it as claimed, would operate with much less wind than was required by ordinary windmills. Dan Shook sold out his hotel fixtures and business in Stronghurst to W. C. Walker of Tolue, Il.

Grandma Moore died on Jan. 16th at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary Rounds at the age of 95 years. R. F. Robinson began construction of a residence north of the Joseph Chant home in the village. The Blandinsville village council passed an ordinance forbidding the sale of cigarettes in that place; the locate editor thought that would be a good idea for Stronghurst.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Miss Florence Cortleyou is recovering from a serious illness. Mrs. Fannie Wood of Raritan is caring for Mrs. Elizabeth McMillan. Doug Steffey left to visit his daughter, Mrs. Maude Winter and family at Maysville, Mo. N. C. Groome, who has been helping at the E. G. Lewis seed house in Media, is stopping at the J. H. Voorhees home for a time.

Mrs. H. N. Vaughn, who was in the Burlington Hospital is now at the home of her father, Mr. Wm. Adair and is rapidly regaining her strength. S.V.A. Simonson is spending the winter with his daughter, Mrs. Ella Rankin, in the east country. Mrs. Myra Fort was taken violently ill and placde in the care of a trained nurse. On Saturday she went to the hospital at Burlington accompanied by her brother, C. E. Fort, and underwent an operation for appendicitis. Her condition is reported as being satisfactory.

Gene Baxter has kept busy passing out smokes to his numerous friends for a day or so as the result of some remarks he let drop leading to the conclusion that he recently joined the ranks of the benedicts(married men).

As the cigar bill mounts up, Gene is beginning to have doubts as to just whom the joke in on. Hazel Dell School, of which Mrs. Della Yeomans is the teacher, held a chicken pie supper at the Reed M.E. Church. The event was well patronized and the supply of food became exhausted before all were served. The students gave an entertainment. Dr. Clara Huston of Abingdon is at the home of her sister, Mrs. Elmer Davis, where she is recovering from surgery. W. C. Regan was called to Tulsa, Oklahoma, by the death of his brother-in-law. George H. Campbell tendered his resignation as cashier of the First State Bank of Oquawka to the directors at the annual meeting and Mr. Pearl Linell of Chicago was elected as his successor.

J.H. Miner left for Michigan taking advantage of the fine roads and weather to drive his car there. He will leave the machine there and will return by rail to complete the arrangement of moving his family there. (former county extension agent)

BURY A SOLDIER BOY: The remains of Harry Voorhees, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Voorhees of Raritan who died in France of pneumonia shortly after the armistice was signed, was laid to rest in the Raritan Cemetery following an impressive service at the Reformed Church. A large assemblage was present to pay homage to the memory of the departed soldier.

The service was in charge of the Roseville Post of the American Legion assisted by members of the La Harpe Post. The pall bearers were Russell Brokaw, Leo Wallace, Lawrence Barry, Frank Smith, Boyd Lauver and Glen Melvin, all ex-soldiers of the Raritan vicinity.

Young Voorhees was 22 years of age at the time of his death. He enlisted in his country's service on Jan. 3, 1916 and was sent to France in November 1917 passing away in a base hospital on Oct. 1918.

JUDGE SUFFERS STROKE: The news of the illness of Judge R. J. Grier caused by the paralytic stroke which he suffered at this home in Monmouth, will be received with profound sorrow by the well-known jurist's host of friends and admirers throughout the judicial district and the state at large. While he had been contemplating retiring from the bench at the close of his term, his friends were urging him to become a candidate for another term. The misfortune which has befallen him will undoubtedly preclude his accepting the position and this judicial circuit will be deprived of the services of one of the best and most popular jurist who ever graced the bench.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Miss Ollie Lewis and George Asbury were united in marriage at the U.P. parsonage by Rev. Harry Whitemyer. After the ceremony they repaired to the bride's home where a fine wedding dinner was served to relatives of the bride and groom. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis and is a highly respected young lady. The groom has lived here for a number of years and is a fine young man. Miss Thelma Rodman, who spent 9 months in South Dakota, came to visit the Ernest Rodman home. C.D. Mears went to Marinetta, Wis. to look after farming interests and expects to move there in the spring. Floyd Lewis went to Chicago to enter a barber school. C. A. Hedges and Elmer Pence gave a ball in Pence's new building Friday evening. The Stone Orchestra from Burlington furnished the music.

Jo Robbins has purchased a new Edison Victoria which he has put in his home to furnish music for these long winter evenings. Frans Jacob has a brand new Ford automobile which he drove out from Burlington. Ed Kessinger got pretty badly hurt by a falling tree in the timber where he was cutting wood on the Forward farm for Chas. Kemp.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: The Community Club met at the home of Mrs. D. C. McDill with some eighteen members present and one voted in. The president, Mrs. Daisy Babcock, had charge of the meeting. The subject of the Armenians was brought up and discussed whether the club would donate a sum of money to the Armenian fund. $50 was to be given to the cause and the treasurer was notified to send it off at once. (People there were starving and this became a big missionary cause nationwide.) A pleasant program and refreshments finished the afternoon. E. D. Rankin and wife and daughter Lucile and Mrs. Arthur McIntyre attended the poultry show in Monmouth. P. H. Wiegand disposed of his house and lot to the Dyson brothers. Ross Smith has been laid off from garage work on account of illness. A slumber party was held at the home of Miss Lois Fuller in Galesburg. Those present from here were Leone Kilgore, Lucile Zimmerman, Pauline Whiteman, Fannie Ericson, Gladys Stevenson, Eva Gibb, Mick?Whiteman, Wendall Whiteman and James Sterett.

MARRIED IN MT. PLEASANT: Miss Violet Pendry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pendry, Sr., was married to Mr. Fred Leiser of Burlington at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. After a short wedding trip they will be at their home in Burlington where the groom has the readiness a nice home.