The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, Nov. 11, 1920
TO LAUNCH BIG SEED CONCERN (From the Monmouth Atlas) Another mail order house is also to be launched in Monmouth. The Monmouth Seed Co., formerly the E.G. Lewis Seed Co., is making preparations to push mail order seed business that will doubtless assume large proportions in a few years. The business will be started on a modest basis and as conditions warrant additions will be made and different lines of the business added. . .
Manager James McCracken has the first catalog ready for the printers. The first of the week he will go to Des Moines to interview a printing concern that makes a specialty of printing seed catalogs. The first one will list more than 250 varieties of vegetables, field and flower seeds, besides bulbs, plants, etc.
It will contain about 40 pages which is a good sized book for the first time; about 15,000 copies will be mailed to farmers in the surrounding community and should be ready about the first of the year.
The company will specialize on several items among them being seed potatoes. They are now putting in a supply of Early Ohio's cobblers, Early Six Weeks, Green Mountain, Carmen No.3 and rural New Yorkers.
They will also furnish potato eyes to the farmers nearby. They will specialize on the Lewis seed corn, field seeds and peas and beans. Not only will they do a retail business on those later items, but Mr. Mc Cracken will place contracts in Colorado, Michigan and Wisconsin for peas and beans next spring and thus handle them as a wholesaler going around to the different retail house and selling them their stock for retailing.
He will place contract orders for small vegetable seeds in England, France, Germany and Holland. In fact, different of the seeds will be grown under contract in these places best suited for the different seeds. The corn and clover seed will be raised on the Lewis Seed Farms at Media. . .
PRETTY UP THE PARK: Through the efforts of the City Beautiful Committee of the Stronghurst Women's Club the portion of the Santa Fe right-of-way lying south of the tracks between Broadway and Mary Street is to be beautified by the planting of trees and shrubbery in accordance with plans which have been prepared. (Mary Street led from the depot to the business district and travelers' first view of the village would be walking down this street.)
Section Foreman Walker is in charge of the work and some of the trees have already been planted. It will, however, be necessary to delay the completion until next spring.
It is planned to have a memorial tree planted for each of the boys from this community who made the "supreme sacrifice" (died) during the recent war. It is believed that such a memorial placed within the view of passing travelers would be fitting and appropriate.
MEDIA ANNUAL BAAZAR: The Media Community Club will hold their annual bazaar Friday afternoon and evening Nov. 19th in the basement of the Media U. P. Church. A nice assortment of fancy work, aprons, caps handkerchiefs and many other articles suitable for Christmas gifts will be on sale. Another booth will feature all kinds of pie, cake, fruit and many other good things. Oysters will be served during both the afternoon and evening. At 8 p.m. a play will be given by the high school students in the Academy building. Come and bring your friends.
AUTO FIRM DISSOLVES: The firm of Sutliff and Wallin has been dissolved by mutual agreement. This firm has done a large business in the automobile sales and general garage line during the past 15 months and they wish to express their appreciation of the liberal patronage accorded them by people of the community. Mr. Wallin will hereafter conduct the business under his own name and assures the Graphic readers of his desire to merit a continuance of their patronage through fair and liberal treatment. At present, the paper does not know Mr. Sutliff's plans.
ANTI-TUBERCLULOSIS DRIVE: Mrs. J. Y. Whiteman of Biggsville, who is county chairman of the Anti-Tuberculosis Campaign met a number of representative women of this community and made known her plan for the county drive for funds. A state law gives the locality where funds are secured by the sale of Red Cross stamps and bonds and other methods the privilege of retaining 70% of those funds for work at home while 30% goes to the state fund.
It has also been decided that the money raised by the Red Cross and the Anti-Tuberculosis drive shall be divided equally between the two organizations and that an effort be made to procure the services of a special county nurse so that those who contribute to either or both causes may receive direct benefit if the occasion arise. . .
RUMPUS AT FOOTBALL GAME: In an article which appeared in the Macomb Journal evidently given by Coach Roberts of the Normal Academy Football team, a big howl is made about the alleged unfair treatment which the Academy team received at the hands of Referee Hartquist in the game here last Saturday with the local high school team.
The claim is made that five touchdowns should have been credited to the Macomb team whereas 8 points in all were all that were allowed them. The paper learned from those who were there that the Macomb team did not show that they considered themselves being unfairly treated until the magnificent dropkick from the field by Gilliland in the last minute of play turned what seemed to be certain victory for Macomb into a defeat by one point.
Chagrined at this unexpected turn in the tide of the game, coach-umpire and would be referee-Roberts seems to have become suddenly imbued with the idea that a foul conspiracy existed to deprive them of their victory.
Here is Supt. Larson's report of the game and the paper believes to be true: "Except for the squabble which occurred in the last minute of play, the game was an annually fine exhibition of high school football.
It was perhaps the finest one which the local team has displayed this season. Outweighed by about 20 pounds to the man, the local boys went into the game with determination and as a result were able to hold the husky visitors down to one lone touchdown and a safety while a touchdown and a field goal were marked up to the Stronghurst credit."
With but one minute to play, Stronghurst was in possession of the ball on Macomb's 30 yard line. The drop kick signal was called and Gilliland mustered all the strength there was left in him and with his trusty right toe made good.
Too much credit cannot be given the shifty halfback for this kick. With one minute to place, the score against Stronghurst, a touchdown almost impossible, the only hope was a field goal and he delivered the goods.
It was at this time that Mr. Roberts, the Macomb Academy coach, took exception to Hartquist's ruling and attempted to disqualify the goal kick, claiming that he as umpire had called a foul on Stronghurst previous to the kick by Gilliland. He was unable to prevail on Hartquist, however, and so took his team and withdrew from the field refusing to play the last minute.
This was quite a disappointment to the Stronghurst spectators who felt that Stronghurst was giving the visitors a square deal from every standpoint. Ending score was Stronghurst 9, Macomb 8. Lineup for the home team: Salter, Jones, Dixon, Kershaw, Dowell, Decker, McKeown, Sanderson, Gilliland, Putney, Smith and substitution, Carlson for Jones (Read this issue on microfilm at the Henderson County Library for all the particulars of the game.)
ARMISTICE DAY OBSERVANCES: The second anniversary of the signing of the armistice with Germany is being observed by the closing of most of the business places in the village for the greater part of the day. Outside of the display of a few flags there is no public demonstration in honor of the day.
Quite a number of our citizens have gone to La Harpe to participate in the celebration there and to root for the local football team which is scheduled to play LaHarpe.
The grade school pupils had exercises appropriate to the day during the forenoon and this evening a celebration will be staged at the school house by the high school students. A short play will be included in the program and an invitation has been extended to the general public.
MUSICAL RECITAL: The pupils of Mrs. W. C. Ivins class in music gave their annual recital at the Stronghurst M. E. Church on Saturday evening. The program consisted of vocal and instrumental solos and duets and vocal quartettes and choruses. The assignments were appropriately made and the various selections rendered in a manner which reflected great credit on both pupils and instructor.
The audience was made up of the parents of the pupils and a number of especially invited guests. Mrs. Ivins is widely known as a musical instructor of ability and the company of performers in the recital numbered many pupils from the country surrounding Stronghurst as well as from the village itself.
RECORD SMASHING ENTRIES: That interest in livestock has not been impaired by the war exigencies is indicated by the heaviest entries for the 21st anniversary exhibit of the International Livestock Exposition this year. The 1920 entries exceed those of any previous exposition.
Numbers, however, will not be at the expense of the quality as the aristocrats of the animal world, the prize winners of all other shows will assemble here for a final contest making the 1920 exhibit superlative in every degree. The best seed stock in the world will be on view insuring a series of the most spirited contests ever witnessed in a livestock display arena. . .
HOME NURSING CLASSES CLOSE: The Home Nursing Classes closed at the Oquawka meeting with examinations given to those who had not been absent from class more than three times in the eight weeks. Stronghurst class, for some reason, failed to do full credit to itself with only 22 being eligible.
Those who were absent from indifference deprived themselves of one of the best opportunities of the kind ever placed within their reach. Out of a class of 60 at Biggsville, 41 were eligible. The total enrollment in the count for the term was 213.
1895 GRAPHIC: Curt Davidson and Simon Starkey formed a partnership to engage in the grocery business in Stronghurst. Electric lights were turned on at LaHarpe for the first time on the evening of Nov. 9th. The first snow of the season fell on the night of Nov. 8th with the ground being covered with a mantle of white the following morning. The Santa Fe R.R. was carrying out a policy of retrenchment in the matter of expenses and the section force here had been reduced from ten men to three. Will Carver, a young man who had mysteriously disappeared from Burlington five weeks before, was found or rather found himself, standing on the depot platform at Elmwood, Ill. He claimed to remember nothing of what had occurred during the five weeks which had intervened since his disappearance.
An accession of 18 new members raised the total membership in the Stronghurst Modern Woodmen of America lodge to 90. Theodore Sterling returned to Stronghurst from a land seeking trip to Missouri having purchased a 260 acre tract near La Plata.
HANDY HINT-TO WHITEN STEPS: The following preparation for whitening doorsteps is a great labor saver as only very hard rain will remove it. Place one pound of powdered glue in a saucepan with one and one-half pints of water, and melt over a slow fire. When dissolved, add one pound of powdered whitening stirring it in gradually. Put this mixture on the steps with a strong brush and if it is too stiff, add a little more water. (Must have been the fashion to have white steps).
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: John Voorhees accompanied a shipment of hogs to Chicago. F. V. Brokaw and son shipped one load of hogs and the cooperatives shippers' shipped one load of cattle to Chicago; Mr. Brokaw accompanied the shipment. Mrs. Ellen Finch and daughter, Alice, were called to Clarksville, Mo. by the death of her sister, Mrs. Mary Wright who passed away Oct. 19th at the age of 89 years. Mrs. W.J. McElhinney and son Glen and Mrs. Kate Nevius were sightseeing in Burlington. Mrs. Nevius left that same night for Omaha, Neb. where she will visit relatives before returning to Pawnee, Nebr. for the winter. Tom Howell, who has served as deputy county clerk of Henderson County for the past 15 years, has resigned and accepted a position with the Media State Bank. John E. Edmunds of Terre Haute will succeed him as county clerk. Miss Lucille Butler is detained from school by a mild case of chicken pox. The proceeds of the chicken pie supper given by the Raritan Reformed Church ladies on election night were $129 ($1,375 in today's values). Friends of Mrs. George Barnett, formerly of this community, will be sorry to learn that she is in very poor health and is now at the Burlington Hospital receiving treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bowen mourn the loss of a little daughter born to them Nov. 4th; the remains were interred at Biggsville. Roy Hixson and Elmer Hunt of Raritan were arranging for the sale of Mr. Hixson's pure bred Chester White swine at the Hereford sale pavilion on Nov. 17th. P. W. Simonson of Jackson Corners returned from Wilcox, Sask., Can. where he had been for several weeks attending to the harvest of the crops on his farm there. While there, he sold his 640 acre tract for $65,000($692,900 in today's values).
The first of the four cars of potatoes purchased by the Henderson County Farm Bureau for distribution in this section arrived here; they are the Rural New Yorker variety and are being disposed of rapidly at $1.15 per bushel ($12.26 today). A car of Early Ohio's is expected soon. These will, however, be sold at a slightly higher figure. After being out of commission for several weeks while the motor was being repaired, the new organ in the U. P. Church was placed in service again last Sabbath with Mrs. R. W. Upton as organist.
The new organ is a fine toned instrument of much volume and its use adds considerably to the impressiveness of the musical part of the church services. A partial eclipse of the sun between 3 and 6 o'clock Wednesday morning was observed by four people in this locality who happened to remember that the event was scheduled for that time. J. R. Marshall, after a visit of nearly two weeks with old friends here, left for Pike County, Ill., where he will spend time with his son Norton before returning to North Dakota.
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: C. A. Hedges gave a ball at Bryan's Hall with Christy Orchestra furnishing the music. Virgil Dixon sold his farm for $116 per acre ($1,236 today). Some of the land he bought a short time ago for $25 ($266 today) per acre and was formerly known as the Chilon Kemp place. The ladies aid served dinner and supper election day at the post office and cleared $70 ($746 today) for the church. A show, "Bringing up a Husband," will be held here. Mrs. Coleman of Abingdon was at the M. E. Church and gave a talk after which she organized a foreign missionary society.
MRS. ANNA AHLBURG: Mrs. Anna Ahlburg, widow of Peter Ahlburg, passed away Friday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Peter Johnson. Mrs. Ahlburg was born in Sweden Nov. 25, 1840 and was 80 years old. She came to this country and to Gladstone when she was 39 years old and has lived here 41 years. She gave up the family home two months ago to live with her daughter. Mr. Ahlburg died Oct. 1918. She was a member of the Lutheran Church in Gladstone. She leaves two sons, Herman Ahlburg of Burlington and Charles A. of Gladstone, and two daughters, Mrs. Elina Anderson of Joy, Ill. and Mrs. P. Johnson of this place. The funeral was held at South Henderson Church with interment there.
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: A good rain has delayed the corn pickers but has been beneficial to small grain and pastures. The Davis sale was fairly well attended but most everything went too cheap. Miss Long and pupils who gave a box social and entertainment Friday evening at the Burrell School acquitted themselves with much credit. The program was fine and the boxes sold mostly low.
This was equalized, however, by selling votes on the popularity of two young ladies present-Miss Myrtle Deitrick and Miss Laura Marsden, the latter being the winner. Mrs. Evans who moved to the village a short time ago moved back to her home near Hopper; this was necessitated in order to hold her dower rights. About 40 young people enjoyed a masquerade party at the Albert Hult home; several other invited guests were prevented from going by the inclement weather (mud roads really were mud roads then). Mr. Sanford Russell, sons and two sons-in-law put up a monument to their deceased father who was laid to rest in the Olena Cemetery a short time ago. Young sons arrived at the homes of S. C. Lant and Walter Carothers. It is said that many cars were badly delayed Saturday night between this place and Burlington on account of rain and bad roads. Two cars spent the night at the foot of Hopper Hill and several others dug themselves out. Two of our prominent young men who had gone to "Burlington to get their lady friends" for a social that evening decided to leave the fair ones on the Iowa side and then they (the boys) spent the remainder of the night in the cars at the foot of Hopper Hill. Great fun that-but what the dif? It all goes in a lifetime.
Glen McKeown and wife have moved from the village to a house on his father's farm east of Olena. Fred Gray, our popular auctioneer, was leaving on a hunting trip in the Ozark Mountains. James Brewer is shipping cattle and hogs to Chicago and will accompany the shipment.