The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1920 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic, Sept. 30, 1920 

A SOCIAL EVENT: A number of friends gave an impromptus covered dish dinner party in the Women's Community club room Monday evening in honor of the home coming of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Milligan and their four children of Ivesdale, Illinois. (Long list of those attending in this article.) On account of a weenie roast and other engagement 25-30 were unable to be present.

It was learned during the day that Mr. J.F. Mains and Miss Dulcie Davidson were united in the holy bonds of matrimony of the 27th of September 1893 and on the same day of the same month of the same year was born Miss Grace Slater; their friend concluded that this was opportune time to celebrate all these events.

The first number on the program after an appropriate prayer by Mrs. Miller was the enjoyment of dining of the good eats. Then during the strains of the march, "When the Storm Clouds Gather," played by Mrs. Milligan, Mr. J. F. McMillan as best man and Dr. Harter as giver away of the bride, conducted Mr. and Mrs. Mains to the center of the hall where Mr. George Dixson, as minister, demanded the plighting of many vows some of which have never been seen in Webster's dictionary by the writer. Miss Ruth Mains acted as flower girl with a liberal supply of wandering jews dangling from an old tin can. Many gracious and hot congratulations followed.

On behalf of their friends, Mr. Mains in his usual happy strain, greeted Mr. and Mrs. Milligan on their home coming; felicitated them upon being so fortunate to have their lots cast in pleasant and prosperous places, so prosperous that they can now enjoy some leisure and occasional return in a Cadillac to visit their relatives and friends.

Dr. Harter on behalf of those present as well as those who were absent, congratulated Miss Grace Slater, wished her many returns of the happy day and all good things which the world has in store and may she live long enough and grow old enough to vote for a future President of the United States. All the guests concluded that this was the end of a perfect day.

LOCAL TEMPERANCE UNION MEETS: The annual meeting of the local union was held at the Community room. Devotionals were in charge of Mrs. John Staley after which the president reviewed the work of the past year. Reports were given from the various departments and a cash balance with 32 members was reported. The contest for the best cartoon was closed and Idele Hollingworth and Chas. Crumbaker received the prizes. Officers elected for the coming year were as follows: President-Mrs. Frank Murphy; V-President-Mrs. Ida Wood; Treasurer-Mrs. Chas. Davis; Cor. Sec.-Mrs. Chas Kaiser; Rec. Sec.-Mrs. M. E. Beardsley; Vice-Presidents of churches-U.P. Church-Mrs. Worley; M.E.-Mrs. Regan; Christian-Mrs. Ralph Butler.

ENTERTAINED FRIENDS: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Putney entertained some 150 friends at a wienie roast on the lawn at their new home on the west side of town. A round of outdoor sports was engaged in by old and young alike and a very enjoyable evening spent.

HIGH SCHOOL NOTES: Everything is well with the faculty and their 85 students. A better spirit has never been shown in the history of the school. Everyone seems to have an unusual supply of "pep" and "stick-to-itiveness" and that is what will make Bryan president some day. (Referring to William Jennings Bryan?) Pep meetings are held each week for the benefit of the football team which should help them win all the games this year or show good feelings toward the players. At the first game Table Gove took the honors and the team is only more determined to have the rest of the season.

The agriculture class have their eyes and ears open wide ready to catch the pointers at the Farmers Institute Thursday evening at the Lyric Theatre. The instructor of the Home Nursing class spoke to the high school and teachers on "Sanitation and Hygiene." It is hoped that the name of the school board president, William Hartquist, will be on 24 diplomas next spring.

A Derailment: Friday evening as a west bound freight rain was passing over the cattle guards at road crossing in the east part of town, a long strip of the sharp pointed iron guard was torn loose in some manner and wrapped itself about one of the wheels of a freight car.

As the train passed over the street crossings in town, the rapid revolving g mass of tangled iron tore the wooden planks of the crossings loose and some of these became wedged in the trucks under the car. A few rods west of the Broadway crossing the car was derailed and the one following also left the tracks.

The derailed cars were near the center of the train and had it not been for the fact that the train was traveling at a moderate rate of speed, a serious wreck would have resulted. As it was, the track was considerable torn up for some distance and traffic delayed until the wrecker arrived from Fort Madison and lifted the derailed cars back on the track.

GROWING MORAL LAXITY: The Hamilton Press in a recent issue called attention to the growing laxity in morals in Hancock County as evidenced by the number of bastardy cases which have recently engaged the attention of the courts of that county and expressed the opinion that the responsibility for these conditions belonged largely to the picture shows which feature plots which center about the illicit relations of the sexes.

There is little doubt that the readiness of film concerns and picture theatres to pander to the depraved instincts of humanity is responsible in a large measure for conditions such as the newspaper mentioned represents to exist in the community; but it is also apparent that moral laxity in many other respects prevails to an alarming degrees in many communities, and that there are other agencies besides the picture houses which are responsible for these conditions:

Profanity, Sabbath desecration, disrespect for parents, disregard for marriage vows and other infractions of both divine and human laws are being passed over today with an indifference which would seem to indicate a general moral and spiritual decadence.

Take it in the matter of Sabbath desecration. There was a time when our own community prided itself upon the fact that Sunday baseball could not flourish here because of the public sentiment, but today a far large crowd of people may be found each Sabbath afternoon in attendance at the game than would be made up for the combined attendance at the churches in the village. This just one illustration of the way the pendulum seems to be swinging.

The history of the age long struggle between the forces of righteousness and of evil contains the prophecy of an eventual swing of the pendulum again in the right direction and of the ultimate victory of right and truth; but just now we seem to be sowing seed for a harvest of tares to be reaped by the succeeding generation. (And we think we now have troubles!)

1895 GRAPHIC: An officer of the law from North Dakota visited Stronghurst and took back with him a Mr. Sheldon who had, a short time previously, purchased an interest in a blacksmith shop here. It appears that Mr. Sheldon had deserted a wife and family of four young children in North Dakota and had come to Illinois in company with a woman who had been a sweetheart of his earlier days.

The couple had rented and furnished a residence here and begun housekeeping. D. G. Ragan sold his livery stable on Mary St. to Elmer Royse and traded his residence to James Clark for the Gilmore restaurant.

A Struble sold his new residence in the southeast part of town to Mr. Royse; J.F. Mains and wife sold their residence in the west part of town to Mrs. R. A. Hopkins of Carman.

Evangelist Bell opened a series of revival services at the Stronghurst U. P. Church. The new Baptist church in the village was dedicated on Sept. 29th.

The building cost about $2,500 and a debt of $1,600 remained on the morning of dedication. About one half was raised at that service.

In the afternoon the pastor, Rev. W. W. Morgan, was installed. (I was told that it was built on the now vacant lot east of Wynona Anderson's house.) The Oak Grove Fruit Farm was advertising 1,000 bushels of first-class winter apples at 50 cents a bushel.

A new Business Men's Association was organized with the following officers: Pres.-W. C. Ivins; V-Pres.-L. M. Loomis; Sec.-E. B. Campbell; Treas.-I. F. Harter; Board of Control-T. J. Hunter, C. R. Kaiser and J. F. Mains. George Roberts was building a residence in the southeast part of town. The death of Mrs. Fisk Marston occurred at her home in Dexter, Iowa on Sept. 29th.

TWO GOOD FRIENDS: Cheslie Towler and Charlie Stoutt, La Harpe's two young citizens who so tragically met death last week, were close intimate friends-cronies, and they were never any happier than when in each other's company; both at all times light-hearted, liberal, "jolly fellows well met," and everybody's friends. Either one of them would not only divide his last dollar with any one in need, but would give it all. Their friendly good-natured banter with each other was often noted by their friends who at the time, little thought how true they would sometimes prove.

Cheslie would ask Charlie to ride with him in his auto when Stoutt would reply: "No, not me, you drive too fast and reckless; some day that old "tin Lizzie' of yours will start rolling, and that will be your finish and I don't propose to be with you. When I ride in an automobile, I want to ride with someone who knows how to drive." And when Stoutt would offer to take Towler a ride in his airplane, Cheslie would say: "I always have wanted to take a ride in an airplane, but I wouldn't go up with you on a bet; I value my life too highly; you drive with no caution; some day that old "turkey buzzard' you fly around in is going to fail to function with you about a mile from the ground and the undertaker will have a job."

Both their predictions, while made in friendly jess, were all too true. They were buried the same day.-La Harpe Quill

FIRE! FIRE! Defective electric light wiring came near causing the destruction of the fine farm residence of Roy Hixson and family by fire. The family was returning from a visit with Mrs. Hixson's parents near Stronghurst when they discovered smoke issuing from the roof and side of the house. A call for help was quickly sent out and with the aid of the neighbors, the flames which had begun to spread from the point between the joists where the fire originated, were soon subdued. The damage by fire, smoke and waster was considerable but fully covered by insurance.

**OBITUARY**JAMES F. GALBRAITH: The following account of death of Mr. Galbraith of Emerson, Iowa is taken from the Mills County Tribune, Sept. 16th:

"After his beloved consort passed away a few months ago James F. Galbraith lost interest in earthly life. He had been afflicted with palsy and felt sensitively the care he was to those of his family who gave him every loving attention. His step-daughter, Mrs. W. A. Cole, in her ministrations to him, gave to the afflicted man's closing hours a benediction. He realized that his own generosity and love of the former years was like bread cast upon the waters that returned to him many fold:

James F. Galbraith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Galbraith, was born near Gladstone, Henderson County, Ill., Sept. 12, 1851. In this community he grew to manhood and in 1874 he moved to Emerson, Ia. On Sept. 19, 1877, he located on a farm and in later years moved to town. On Sept. 19, 1877 he married Albina McGrew and to this union were born three children: Ida May Kaugh of San Diego, Calif.; Harry Le Roy of Roy, Mont.; and Charles Oscar, who died about six years ago. In 1877 Mr. Galbraith was converted and baptized into the Christian Church at Henderson and in 1916 he transferred his membership to the Baptist Church of Emerson on which he remained a member until his death.

On March 11, 1908 he was united in marriage to Susan C. Babbitt, who passed away on April 24, 1920, and was laid to rest in the Malvern Cemetery on the 26th of the same month. Mr. Galbraith, after several months of steadily declining health, passed away on Sept. 11, lacking just one day of being 69 years of age.

The deceased leaves to mourn his loss the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Amanda Bell of Henderson, Mrs. Minerva Slump of Oakland, Mrs. Evelyn Bacon of Carson, Miss Jennie Galbraith of Stronghurst, Ill, Mrs. Clara White of Stronghurst, Ill. G. W. Galbraith of Oakland, and Clyde Galbraith of Missouri:

Those from a distance who attended the funeral were Mrs. Amanda Bell of Henderson, Mrs. Evelyn Bacon of Carson, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Galbraith of Oakland, George W. Galbraith and M. Galbraith of Gladstone, Ill.

Funeral services were held from the Baptist Church with interment in the Emerson Cemetery.

**JAMES T. WHITEMAN**James T. Whiteman, one of Henderson County's most widely known residents, died Sept. 18, 1920 at the Burlington Hospital following a short illness resultant from an operation. James Thomas Whiteman was born July 14, 1852 in Preble County Ohio, and was the eldest of eleven children born to Henry M. and Elizabeth Whiteman. At an early age he came with his parents to Biggsville, Ill. and here he made his home until the time of his death.

In early life he followed the occupation of farming, later entering the profession of raising and training fine horses, in which line of work he became very proficient, being a capable judge of equine qualities and also being a natural lover of horses.

In 1908 he was joined in marriage to Miss Margaret McKinley, daughter of R.A. and Mary McKinley. He is survived by his widow, one sister, Mrs. Mary Myers and six brothers: H.O., J.Y., W.M., S.C., A.F. and C.M., all of Biggsville, Ill. except H.O. who lives in Burlington, Iowa. He was preceded to the home beyond a number of years ago by his parents, two sisters and one brother.. He was a faithful member of the Biggsville U.P. Church serving as a member of the choir for over 30 years. His patient solicitude for his wife's invalid sister, who made her home with them, was the subject of much commendation. Funeral services were held at the U.P. Church with interment in the Biggsville Cemetery. (This obituary is longer but has been condensed for brevity.)

**WEDDING BELLS** At Burlington, Ia., on Sept. 23rd Joseph Crist, Jr. of Raritan and Miss Flossie Cox of Blandinsville were united in marriage, Rev. Cuttlipp of the First M. E. Church officiating. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bailey were witnesses to the ceremony. The newly married pair will make their home for a time with the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Crist of Raritan.

***OBITUARY*** ADONIRAM EDWARDS: One of the best known citizens of Smithshire neighborhood passed away at his home one mile north of the village last Sunday morning at the age of 77 years, 4 months and 23 days.

He was a native of the state of Ohio and came to Illinois with his father David Edwards, in 1853. They settled on the farm north of Smithshire which has been the home of the deceased since that time. He married Aug. 1, 1872 to Miss Mary E. Robinson and to this union was born one son, Arthur Edwards, who resides on the home place. Mrs. Edwards died Feb 12, 1916.

Mr. Edwards was a veteran of the Civil War, having volunteered at the outbreak of the struggle in the 11th Illinois cavalry. He was a member of George Crook Post No. 81, G.A.R. of Kirkwood and that organization had charge of the services at the grave. Funeral services were conducted at the home by Rev. Mr. Swisher, former pastor of the Smithshire M. E. Church and an intimate friend of Mr. Edwards, being in charge, assisted by Rev. G.D Adamson of Kirkwood M. E. Church of which organization the deceased was a charter member. Interment was in the Kirkwood Cemetery.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: A Nauvoo fruit grower is advertising Kiefer pears at 35 cents per bushel. Dean Cortelyou had five carloads of hogs on the Chicago market this week. Mrs. Fred Ross of the east country is a patient at Mayo Bros. hospital at Rochester, Minn.

Mrs. Albert Kaiser was present at a family reunion held at the home of her mother, Mrs. Mary Keane of the east country. Samuel Wiggins and granddaughter, Nellie Wiggins, of Ohio were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Kern. Irvin Houtchins and family were recent guests of relatives at Memphis, Mo. and Monmouth, Ill. While in Monmouth Irvin leased a 160 acre farm which he will operate the coming season.

The mayor of Carthage is said to have secured a contract for 20 car loads of coal from a Fulton County mine owner to be delivered at the rate of three cars per week, and to citizens of Carthage only.

Now wouldn't it be fine if someone could be induced to play the good angel part for Stronghurst in this same respect? Miss Mary Voorhees returned home from Monmouth hospital where she submitted to an operation for appendicitis. Wick Crenshaw of Warsaw charged with the murder of Bert Langford during the Hancock County Fair a few weeks ago has been released from custody by Judge Grier of Monmouth on a bond of $10,000 (today it would be $106,600). More than 100 car loads of grapes are said to have been shipped from Nauvoo so far this season, most of them going to the Popel-Giller plant at Warsaw to be converted into grape juice.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Potter, who have been employed at the J.C.Brook farm the past season, have moved to Raritan where they will take chare of the telephone switchboard of the newly organized company there. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Towler have sold their two residences in La Harpe and will also probably dispose of the garage and vulcanizing plant which Mr. Towler and his son Chesley operated previous to the latter's death. They plan to spend the coming winter in Florida. Miss Bertha and Carl Rosen, children of Mr. Swan Rosen, who lives near Raritan, entered Augustana Hospital at Chicago for the purpose of the transfusion of blood to save the life of their father, a patient at that place.

A pint of blood was given by each child and at last reports the operation promised to be successful. J.T. Maxey and daughter are attending the fair at Knoxville, Ill. Mrs. Will Voorhees and son are visiting at the George Barnett home in Burlington. Jake Neff of the south country had a 10 acre field of timothy which yielded 15 bushels of seed per acre. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Crist at the Daniel Crist home west of Raritan on Sept. 20th Some of the boys of the local schools will have exhibits at the Pig Club show and sale at the county Farmers' Picnic at Biggsville; others might become members if its plans and purposes were better understood.

The Waymack Jewelry and repair shop in Raritan was robbed, some of the best watches in stock being taken and little else disturbed. Some of the cheaper watches were found later lying in the road west of the village. This is the second time that this place has been burglarized within the past year. The chicken supper at the Community Club rooms and concert at the church given by the Sept. group of the M. E. Ladies Aid Society last Saturday evening was highly successful; the treasury was enriched about $100.

Mr. Chet Adkins, Secretary of the State Dept. of Agriculture will address the people of this vicinity previous to the commencement of the Poland-China swine sale at the pavilion in Stronghurst. The Henderson County board of supervisors fixed the county tax levy for the year 1920 at $50,000, or $5,000 more than last year Mr. and Mrs. Sam Curry of Winfield, Ia., their daughter Evelyn of Fort Madison and Mr. and Mrs. Harrison of Burlington drove over to send the day at the N. E. Curry home.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: The trees on John Street just west of the Dyson building recently bought by Don Lee have been cut down improving the looks on John and Main Streets. Mr and Mrs. Tom Pogue of Fairfield, Ia. visited at the Thomas Stewart home. A farewell dinner was given at the U. P. Church for Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Douglass and family who leave for their new home at Ames, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Douglass were presented with a purse from the congregation Dr. Rena Rezner making the presentation. Their son Erwin will enter high school there and Wilbur expected to enter the Agricultural school at the same location.

Misses Annabell and Evelyn will remain at Monmouth College. Mrs. Andrew Renstrom underwent a minor operation at the Burlington hospital for a growth on the side of her nose. Leslie Perdue is a patient there too having undergone an operation for appendicitis. Graham Stewart returned home from the hospital where he had adenoids removed. Mr. and Mr. Will Stevenson returned home from a several weeks visit with relatives at York, Pa. Ed Wiegand, Mark Whiteman and Earl Rickets took the examination for rural mail route carriers. Charles Burrus is having his home north of town treated to a new coat of pain. Rev. J.L. Ritchie left for California hoping to find a climate which will benefit his health.

OBITUARY-DR. JOHN P. RIGGS: Dr. John Pattison Riggs, son of David C and Elizabeth Smith Riggs, was born on a farm near Monmouth, Warren County, Illinois, Feb. 11, 1844, one of a family of eight children, five sisters and three brothers of whom three sisters survive: Nancy of Chico, Calif.; Katy of Caldwell, Kans.; and Angeline living in Oklahoma. He departed this life at the Burlington Hospital at 8:30 o'clock Thursday morning, Sept. 23, 1920, aged 76 years, 7 months and 12 days.

His boyhood days and years of early manhood were spent on the farm where he endured the hardships and privations incident to that pioneer period. On Jan. 28, 1864 he married Minerva A. Brown of Lenox Township, Warren County, Illinois.

To this union one daughter was born, Mrs. Zoa Riggs Moore of Berkley, Calif., who together with her aged mother was present on this sorrowful occasion. He is also survived by four grandchildren, Marion, Channing, John P. and Minerva Grace Moore.

Among the many incidents of this long and useful life might be mentioned a number of years of railroad service during which time he helped to build the old Rockford, Rock island and St. Louis Railroad, now the St. Louis Div. of the C.B. and Q.R.R., and pulled the first train from Beardstown to Sterling, Ill.

Although a staunch democrat in politics, he was appointed deputy sheriff of Cass county, Ill. by the sheriff elected on the republican ticket because of his recognized ability to cope with a situation then requiring nerve and cool judgment, and served in that capacity from 1872 to 1876, during which time he became feared and respected by criminal element of the river towns of Western Illinois and was largely instrumental in bringing to justice the noted whiskey ring at that time engaged in the illicit distillation of liquor in St. Louis, Pekin and other nearby towns.

He will also always be remembered by the older generation of Henderson and Warren Counties for his energy and efficiency as a veterinary surgeon in the earlier days, having traveled more miles by team and on horseback and visited more farms in these two counties than perhaps any other man ever engaged in that profession.

In 1891 he matriculated in the college of Physicians and Surgeons at Chicago and graduated at the end of four years course with high rank in his class, and actively engaged in the practice of his profession to within a few days of his death.

Three years of his professional career were spent in Hardsfield, N.Dak. and many were the interesting incidents the doctor was wont to relate of the long drives over that sparsely settled frontier.

In 1913 he was appointed Assistant Surgeon of the Duluth, Massabe and Northern Railway at Proctor, a suburb of Duluth, Minn., which position he held until failing health compelled him to return to his home in Media.

He took the keenest interest in all the latest developments of the medical science and had always been actively identified with the work of the medical organizations of the state, having served for many years as Secretary of the Henderson County Medical Society.

He was a Master Mason in Cass Lodge No. 23, Beardstown, Ill. in Oct. 1871 and later joined the Chapter Royal Arch Masons at Monmouth, Ill. A Unitarian in belief, there being no church of his chosen faith in his home town, he was a quite regular attendant of the United Presbyterian and Methodist churches.

He often remarked that he studied medicine that he might learn how to better care for his family and perhaps be of service to his friends.

Service was the keynote, an unselfish desire to help those around him was the ruling motive of his life. A true, devoted father, a kind and loving husband, a friend and neighbor whose first thought was always for others, his passing will be mourned by a wide circle of friends.

Funeral services were held from the residence in Media with Rev. R.J Kyle of the U.P. church officiating. Interment was in the Monmouth Cemetery in charge of Raritan Lodge, A.F. & A.M. of which the deceased was a member.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: A food sale will be held at the P.O. Building with proceeds to be for the school. Mrs. John Markman started for Rochester, Minn. to take treatment from Mayo Brothers. Mr. Markman has been a great sufferer from an attack of flu which he had last winter.

Frank Jacob is in Chicago in a hospital receiving treatment for illness which he contracted while in training for the U.S. army. J. L. Tate is treating his house to a new coat of paint. Mr. and Mrs. Graham are rejoicing over a fine baby boy born to them last week. Fred Dutton bought the James Moir residence in Burlington and expects to move to the city sometime this fall. Alex Milligan is in the state hospital at Iowa City taking treatment for a bad hand. Theodore Bush and family have bought a house in the north part of town and have moved from Oquawka .

PARENTS, BEWARE: Sometimes it is wondered if parents of young girls fully understand and know how they act when alone on the streets of the evening.

A little episode occurred last Sunday night that should put the mothers of some of our young girls thinking and a closer watch and more care should be exercised over the company they pick.

The idea of allowing girls of a tender age the full run of the town at all hours of the night without knowing where they are or who they are with will eventually bring grief and trouble to both girls and parents. Watch your daughters and see who they go automobiling with. It's a dangerous practice to turn them loose to select their own company.

Your girl is no different than your neighbor's child. They are just as liable to make a misstep and if they do, don't blame them altogether for it's the mothers and fathers who should be censured for not watching them closer.

This may hurt, but it's time for some of our parents to awake to the conditions as they really exist before it's too late. (Don't you wonder what happened?)