The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Finding New "STOP"s Around Town!

by Dessa Rodeffer, Quill Publisher/Owner

May 19, 2010

The stop signs are going up in Stronghurst, and several have found as they traveled along at their normal 20 plus speed, that they ran right through a stop sign that wasn't there yesterday.

Most of us aren't looking for something new when we're traveling the familiar streets of our small hometown. We just think we know it all too well.

But for awhile, we need to be aware of new big red octagon shaped signs that are continuing to appear along our village streets, because...they aren't through yet.

There is now a 4-way stop at Elizabeth and Main Street and for most all of our lives, the only stop we made on Main Street was at Broadway and Main, so, it might just come as a surprise. More "Stops" around town are to come, so keep your eyes alert, and your foot on the brake.