The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The Village of Raritan met in the meeting room of the Raritan Fire House September 9 and it was learned that the "roll offs" will be received on October 8, 9 and 10.
A discussion was held about the difference between commercial and residential property. It was decided to check with the village attorney about the above.
A discussion was held about garbage pickup for commercial businesses in the village.
The minutes and bills were approved and ordered paid as presented: Dallas Rural Water $837.25; Jay Blender $500.00; Phil Anders $84.00; Gary Powless $80,00; Carlyn Anders $99.00; Murphy's $90.00; Waste Management $877.20; Dennis Rankin $154.50; AmerenIP $557.97.
Present were trustees Blender, Anders, Magee, Powless and Waller and the President with Carlyn Anders was a visitor.