The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Biggsville Discuses Fees

August 4, 2010 Biggsville

Village Board Meeting

The Biggsville Village board learned there have been some problems with fees and late penalties at the bank when the topic of "New Business" came at the end of the meeting.

"There had been some overdrawn fees for a couple of accounts at the bank," it was reported and for the time, the Village Clerk will transfer the amount of money needed in each account for future problems and fees to be avoided.

With Brian Sterett, Village President presiding and with Trustees - Bob Onion, Renee Sprock and Gloria Minard, and Clerk-Cindy Rhinehart and guests - Gloria Jones and Eddie Purchase the following business took place in absence of Trustees Jenny Hopkins and Brian Cochran, and the Treasurer Heather Lant.

President Sterett opened the meeting by leading the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:05 p.m.

July minutes and bills were approved but there was no treasurer's report to offer. The bills were from:

Heather Lant, Cindy Rhinehart, Brian Sterett, Jenny Hopkins, Brain Cochran, Bob Onion, Renee Sprock, Gloria Minard, Nancy Sterett, Tom Edmonds, Gibb's Convenience Store, Municipal Clerks of IL, Waste Management, AmerenIP, GC Service Lmt. Part., Carus Corporation Test, City Of Galesburg, Susie Goff, Jeff Lant

Under Old Business the IRWA membership bill was presented for 7/1/10 to 6/31/11 for $237 and approved for payment.

Under Reports:

Parks and Recreation

Bob Onion reported that the Biggsville Softball Teams are planning on having a tournament on September 17, 2010 to raise money for new bases and other equipment and supplies for the ball field.


Brian Sterett discussed the hole in pipeline near the Post Office that is needing patched and board members discussed the motor fuel tax audit report.


Brain Sterett reported that he was visited by John Roegiers and in the future, the village will need to build a new pump house estimated size of 14 x 12 and suggested for the building to pole/metal machine shed type building.

Shannon Duncan had been in contact asking about status of the village and the reports.

Ann Hawkins from the EPA had contacted the village to see about the status of the project.


Gloria Minard asked for a variance or amendment to the ordinance to put a concrete driveway to the property line. After discussion, the board noted that neither a variance nor amendment would be needed since the property line isn't next to the road, however from the property line to the road would need to be filled with gravel or dirt.

The meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM.

-from minutes of Cindy Rhinehart, Village Clerk