The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Board of Education
Board Secretary Paul Anderson called the regular meeting of West Central CUSD #235 Board of Education to order at 7:00 p.m.
The following board members were absent at roll call at the Oct. 20 meeting: Mr. Brad Arnold, Dr. Lonnie Brent and Mrs. Renee Goff.
After Mr. Anderson then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag the following "Good News" items were highlighted:
Supt. Grimm reported that the first two random drug testing of students involved in extra curricular events has concluded and that each student tested had a negative test result for banned substances.
The board approved the agenda with the addition of XV(C)2. Employment of Jay Ragar as a substitute custodian and XII(C). Fire Drill Report.
There was no one present at the meeting who wished to address the board on any agenda item.
During the discussion of the consent agenda, a request was made to remove action item XA 1 and XA 6 for further discussion. The board then approved the consent agenda as presented.
Items approved under the consent agenda included:
The board approved payment of all bills presented with the addition of a bill from Woodrum's in the amount of $6000 for a used van that will be used to transport special education students.
The board also approved the activity account and treasurer's reports for September 2010 as presented. Supt Grimm made a few comments regarding the district's financial report. It was pointed out that at this time the district has received approximately 19.4% of budgeted revenue and expended approximately 21.4% of budgeted expenditures.
The board approved agenda item X.A-1 proposed revision of Policy 2:160 and X.A-6 Policy 7:235 as presented.
The board approved a request for the school district logo to be painted on the north wall of the elementary gym.
The board approved an agreement with Larry Lawson to continue providing sewage treatment plant operator services. Mr. Lawson's request is for a one-year contract with a nominal increase in his fees. This proposed increase is the first fee increase that the district has approved in 6 years.
The board approved the FY10 district audit report as presented.
The board approved the 2010 district and school report cards as presented.
The board heard reports from the Building Principals, District Curriculum Director, District Special Education Coordinator, District Technology Coordinator and WCHS Dean of Students.
The board reviewed a report from Mr. Dwyer regarding the district's participation in the 21st Century Community Learning Centers grant. Mrs. Schneider, District Librarian gave a brief summary of the library operations for the district as part of the requirement of the Secretary of State's library per capita grant.
The board heard a preliminary report from Supt. Grimm on the 2010 district tax levy. The board was presented with two possible tax levies. One calling for an approximate 4.8% increase in the 2009 tax levy extension and one that showed what the impact on the extension would be if all funds were levied at the maximum rate. The board indicated to Supt. Grimm that they would prefer to see the levy with the 4.8% increase presented at the November board meeting as the tentative tax levy for 2010.
The board heard a brief report from Supt. Grimm on the possibility of selling working cash fund bonds. It was suggested that a representative from First Mid State out of Bloomington attend the November board meeting to discuss with the board the possibility of seeking approval to sell these bonds but not taking the final step to authorize the sale of the bonds until such time as it becomes necessary to do so. The primary advantage to the board for taking this step at this time is to reduce the amount of time between initiating the process to sell working cash fund bonds and being able to actually sell the bonds if or when such time it becomes necessary to do so.
The board briefly reviewed the recent full participation fire drill that took place on the north campus.
Under future agenda items, a request was made of Mrs. Frakes to have available at next month's meeting the notebook computers and the cart that they will be stored on that was purchased with district Title I funds for the board to review.
The board decided that there was no need to enter closed session, therefore, the board took the following personnel actions:
The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 17, 2010 in the elementary cafeteria to begin at 6 p.m.
The board adjourned their meeting at 8:09 p.m.