The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Dear Editor,
Over the past ten years I have been involved in property tax work in a 12 county area in western Illinois.
During that time I have had the opportunity to get to know and work with the treasurers in each of those counties. One of those counties is Henderson County, whose treasurer is Susan Meyer.
Ms. Meyer stands out in my mind as a true servant of the public and the taxpayers in her county, and one of the best treasurers I have come in contact with.
The job of county treasurer is not an easy one, as it involves far more than just counting money. The laws affecting the taxpayers and the treasurer are complex and become more so each year.
It takes several years for a treasurer just to become familiar with all the laws, let alone implement them to the benefit of his or her county.
Ms. Meyer has taken the time to not only learn the laws but to keep pace with changing laws. Whenever I have questions or problems both she and her staff have gone out of their way to be helpful.
However, what has impressed me the most about Ms. Meyer is her heart and soul for the people she serves in her county. She understands the tough times people are going through and tries to help as best she can.
On several occasions I have been in her office while she was calling taxpayers to let them know their taxes were due and needed to be paid so they wouldn't have a hefty late fee.
Few treasurers I know would go that extra mile. She is both a competent and caring professional.
Chuck Wrenn
Dear Editor,
I would like to encourage all voters to make sure you vote on election day, Tuesday, November 2nd.
The Sheriff's position that is going to be filled is a very important job! We need a Sheriff with experience, integrity and the leadership ability it will take to make our Sheriff's Department a working department our communities want and desperately need.
We have good working deputies. A Sheriff with strong leadership abilities working by their side will make them more effective and efficient.
It will take more than sitting in the office to bring our law enforcement back. We need a Sheriff that will be seen working and make accountability a priority. When you enforce the law you are not always "the nice guy"...or the "popular guy".
We NEED a Sheriff that will stand for the rights of others and enforce the laws without being afraid to do so.
Make sure you check the candidate's training, experience, endorsements and accomplishments. All of these factors will determine the effectiveness our new Sheriff will have in bringing professionalism to the department.
It is time for a change and time to take back our communities. It is time to take charge of the drug use and property crimes that are overcoming our COUNTY!! It is time for our young children, elderly and ALL of us to feel safe again.
Also, if you were a victim that received any negative campaigning information that was sent out (anonymously, whereas anything can be written) I encourage you to beware of it's content and express your concerns to any of the candidates it involves. The negativity is what our county needs to get away from and bring back the positive attitude we strive for.
I encourage all of you to take the time and check out the websites that are available.
Read what they have to offer, then make sure you make an informed decision on who will best enforce the issues that so desperately need dealt with.
Make sure your decision is for the candidate with the BEST EXPERIENCE, and CREDENTIALS it will take to lead Henderson County!!
Todd Miller
Steve Haynes
Steve Hinshaw...N/A
Nancy Jo Tennant
Dear Editor,
Phil Hare is obviously running scared. Recently TV ads have appeared on Quad City stations which are making personal attacks on Hare's opponent Bobby Schilling. These ads have mentioned Schilling "forgot" to pay his taxes as well as stating he wants to ship jobs to China. Why won't Hare speak to the issues? He voted for the Health Care legislation which he claims to have read 3 times (JOB KILLER!). He also voted for Cap and Trade which, in addition to bring a JOB KILLER would cost every person paying for energy more money. Phil Hare is just another PP (Pelosi Puppet) as he has voted for her agenda well over 90% of the time.
Meanwhile, Hare and his "friends" are making personal attacks on Schilling, thus avoiding his JOB KILLING, HIGH TAXATION votes to further the Pelosi agenda.
Some of Hare's stuff has a hint of honesty. It is true that Bobby Schilling did not pay taxes the first two years after he opened his business. What Hare fails to mention is that Bobby FILED 1040's for those 2 years but because of his business startup costs DID NOT OWE TAX. Hare and the DNR seem to forget how Tim Geithner and Tom Daschle intentionally avoided taxes by filing incorrect 1040's.
Another ad claims that Schilling wants to send jobs to China because he was quoted saying the Free Trade Agreement with South Korea was a good thing. That is quite a leap for Hare to take. Using that same logic one could say, "Hare hates babies" because he has always voted "Pro Choice".
It is time for a change in Washington and we can start by dumping Phil Hare. We need someone representing our 17th District who has our best interests at heart and someone who will oppose the Pelosi agenda. Bobby Schilling is our guy to do the job.
Jens Notestein
Dear Editor,
In 1995, as Chief Judge of the 9th Judicial Circuit, I had the honor of swearing Steven Bordner in as an associate judge of the circuit, consisting of the counties of Fulton, Hancock, Henderson, Knox, Mc Donough, and Warren. He is from Fulton County and was appointed by the nine circuit judges of the circuit.
As Chief Judge I assigned him to his duties as a judge. He handled cases of all kinds diligently, competently, impartially, and with integrity. This has continued since I retired. He has also served as administrative judge of Fulton County.
In a Judicial Evaluation Advisory Poll of the lawyers of the Circuit conducted by the Illinois State Bar Assoc. Judge Bordner received a recommended rating. His opponent received a not recommended rating.
I strongly endorse the election of Judge Bordner as Circuit Judge on Nov. 2.
I also strongly urge you to vote yes to the retention of Judge David Stoverink of Carthage as Circuit Judge.
Dick Ripple,
Retired Circuit Judge
Dear Editor,
I would like to urge all Henderson County voters to get out and vote on Tuesday, November 2.
I also urge you to cast your vote for Sheriff for Stephen P. Haynes.
Deputy Haynes has run an extremely clean campaign and has run his campaign on his own merits.
He sees that Henderson County has a problem with drugs and property crimes and will handle these in an expedient manner.
Please elect Steven P. Haynes, the conservative candidate, who can offer experience, dedication, decency and common sense.
Sally Day
Carman, Illinois