The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The Wisdom Of Barnyard Bruke: "REMAIN IN YOUR CALLING!"

Greetings to everyone in western Illinois.

I'm a hope'n everyone is enjoy'n this nice weather we've been have'n. It shore does a lot in advanc'in harvest and adjust'n, positively a person's attitude. Some farmers are already completed with corn harvest, even before they started harvest'n soybeans.

As for our garden, my goodness the squash of all types and tomatoes have produced beyond expectation. We've been share'n em with neighbors and friends. The apples and pears didn't turnout so well. Too much summer rain, I suppose, and with it came various diseases.

Deer season, for those hunt'n with a bow is upon us begin'n October 1, and October 9-10 for youth firearm season. Soon those with a straight arrow or some young feller with a good aim will remove a few of those pesky critters that sneak along the side of the road wait'n to chase just the right vehicle to spoil that drivers trip. If'n you've ever had it happen you know just how frustrate'n the incident can be.

As for meself, I grants permission to any and all that volunteer to thin the ranks of America's version of terrorism in the form of a deer determined to commit suicide. Some semi trucks now-a-days are equipped to lessen the damage from deer collision. Those deer as a result, are quite noticeable, all smashed to smithereens with not much left but a blob on the road.

Buster Jigs sez deer hunt'n was the "in" thing in his younger days during his grow'n up years. Mostly because of where he lived. It was near areas of large timber growth and it gave opportunity to see deer come'n out to graze in the bean fields in the summer months.

In those days it was new and excite'n to hunt deer in Buster's territory down near skunk holler. Everything was dropped except chores, which were done before daylight, and then they concentrated on hunting.

There were two ways they used to hunt in Buster's community. One way was to go slowly and quietly through the woods and sometimes just sit peacefully in a tree to wait and watch. This was often a successful way to hunt if'n you had the right talent and patience.

The other way included more hunters, and in those days there seemed to be more hunters than deer. At least you saw lots of hunters and the deer were few unless you went way back deep into the isolated woods.

Hunt'n with a gang of hunters brought lots of excitement and go'in with the gang was just that. Buster calls it gang hunt'n. Not so quiet and not so peaceful.

Gang hunters would divide in teams with the "standers" or "posters" lin'in up along a field beside the woods. The drivers would come in through the woods opposite and scare the deer out.

Hopefully, they would run past the "posted" "standers". Buster sez, "They usually saw lots of deer that way but often watched the other fellers shoot them."

On this one particular occasion the leader of Busters gang was a very good hunter and his talent's usually netted him a deer. Because deer weren't that plentiful, that was quite a feat. Buster and gang recognized that he knew what he was do'in.

One day, after make'n several drives, a nice buck kept escape'n his hunters. The leader of Busters gang understood that woods almost as well as his own backyard, and he knew what deer usually do.

Instead of make'n a big drive, the leader let the main group go somewhere else and told Buster and two of his friends to stand along a ridge, and he would drive that big trophy buck to them by himself. The leader earnestly stressed to them to stay put and not leave until he came through.

Well, they were stand'n there wait'n when one of the hunters from the larger gang came tear'n up through the woods with his pickup tell'n Buster and friends they had seen some deer over yonder someplace. Everyone jumped on and went with him.

"Over there" was mostly confusion and no one knew what they were do'in and of course no one got a deer either.

"Back where Buster and friends were supposed to be, their gang leader had flushed out a humongous large trophy buck deer to where they had been stand'n. The leader was a bit beat out at them.

He patiently rounded up more hunters to make another stand. Rest assured though, it wasn't Buster and friends.

"The leader followed that big buck until someone else shot him. Someone that did as he was told.

Buster sez, "He learned a valuable lesson that day on remain'n in your call'n".

He quoted I Cor. 7:20 which states, "Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called".

There is a lesson for all of us folk in western Illinois who might wonder if'n the grass might be greener on the other side of the fence (county, state, occupation, size operation).

In a later column I'll write on ,"Make'n life on the farm" as it pertains to this hunt'n lesson and stick'n with your call'n. After that I'll give you King Solomon's wisdom on how to catch a thief. Might be a good lesson dure'n this political season just ahead of the November elections and how to discern the truth betwixt all the political rhetoric we are be'n endowed with.

Solomon's wisdom might be helpful when analyze'n negative campaign ads which politicians are use'n on their opponents, rather than speak'n in support of their own votes on health care and other very controversial issues.

Me and the boys is fix'n to put our heads together to give you'ns their ideas on how to handle a make for positive appreciation for life on the farm as well as apply Solomon's wisdom to the important election come'n up in about three weeks.

Keep on Smile'n

Catch ya Later

Barnyard Bruke