The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

West Central CUSD 235 Board of Education

Wed., Nov. 17, 2010- The West Central CUSD #235 Board of Education conducted their regular meeting, and as a result, the following items took place.

Board President Lonnie Brent called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. with all board members present.

After President Brent led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, the following "Good News" items were highlighted:

The board approved the agenda with no additions or deletions as presented.

There was no one present at the meeting who wished to address the board on any agenda item.

The consent agenda was approved as presented. Items approved under the consent agenda included:

The board approved payment of all bills presented as well as the activity accounts and treasurer's report for October. Supt Grimm briefly reviewed with the board the district's financial report. Highlighted in that report was that at the end of October the district was 1/3 of the way through FY11. It was noted that revenue received was at 35.69% of budget and that expenditures were at 29.45% of budget. Further it was pointed out that as of Wednesday, November 17, 2010 the State of Illinois owed District #235 $702,958.52. Of that total $263,855.25 was left over from FY 10 and $439,103.27 was FY 11 money that the State still owes the District.

The board heard a presentation on the calculation of General State Aid as it relates to the tax levy process from Superintendent Grimm. Following that presentation, the board approved the tentative 2010 tax levy. The tentative tax levy calls for a total extension amount of $4,006,702. This is an increase from the FY10 tax levy by approximately $184,000. The board will formally approve the tax levy at their December 15, 2010 board meeting. The $184,000 of additional local property tax money represents a 4.8% increase in the 2010 extension amount. It was pointed out during the presentation on general state aid that even thought the district was collecting additional money from local resources that due to the increased equalized assessed evaluation and declining student enrollment and the decline in the general state of the Illinois State economy, the district could stand to lose approximately $500,000 of general state aid in the 2011-12 school year.

The board approved a lease agreement for the 2011-12 school year with Midwest Bus Sales. This lease will provide the district with 18 - 2012, 71 passenger Thomas Saf-T-Liner buses. It was also pointed out to the board that the lease amount of $12,550 per bus is the same amount that the district has paid to lease buses from Midwest Bus Sales for the last two school years.

The board approved the WCHS ISBE Restructuring Plan as presented.

The board heard reports from the Building Principals, District Curriculum Director, District Special Education Coordinator, and District Technology Coordinator.

The board heard a presentation from District Math Consultant, Fern Tribbey on proposed revisions to the 6th-12th grade math sequence of courses. Following a brief discussion, the board indicated that they were in agreement with the recommendations. Superintendent Grimm informed the board that he would bring this back to them for approval at the December 15, 2010 board meeting.

The board briefly reviewed the first draft of a food allergy management plan that Superintendent Grimm and District Nurse Barb Scott had put together. Mr. Grimm indicated that this plan was a requirement of one of the policy revisions that the board had approved previously. Following a brief question and answer session, the board indicated that they would approve this plan at next month's meeting.

Under future agenda items, the board was reminded that Dave Pistorious from First Midstate, Inc would be present at the December 15, 2010 board meeting to discuss with the board the process of selling working cash fund bonds. Mr. Grimm pointed out that it was not his intent to ask the board to sell any working cash fund bonds in the near future but it might be advantageous for the district to get approval to sell bonds in the future should the need arise.

The board decided that there was no need to enter closed session, therefore, the board took the following personnel actions:

The board was reminded that their next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 15, 2010. This meeting will be held in the elementary cafeteria and begin at 6 p.m.

There being no other business to come before the board, the board adjourned their meeting at 7:26 p.m.