The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Foxes To State's Late Payments Discussed at L.H. City Council

-from the minutes of

Lucretia McPeak, City Clerk.

The La Harpe City Council had a busy meeting Monday evening with the entire City Council in attendance and four guests.

The Annual Memorial Day Services will be held in the city park at 10:00 am, on Monday, May 31. In case of rain, the ceremony will be held in the Jr. High school gymnasium.

It was noted that the Hancock County Road Department will only accept TV's and computer monitors on Fridays from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.

There was a Budget Committee meeting Thursday, May 20th, at 6:30 pm., at La Harpe City Hall. Committee members are looking for ways to cut the budget. The state is still behind in their payments by 5 months with the last state check received in December of 2009.

The board also heard there are police issues being dealt with.

Also, the council is pursuing putting a lien on the Brian Hilliard property for past water bills, as well as the city's bill for mowing the property.

Foxes are once again an issue in the village that the City Council is dealing with.

A motion was approved to pay for the concrete drop box installed north of Jim and Jeanette Ford's.

A motion was approved to accept the treasurer's report, and to pay all bills.

The regular meeting was held 7:00 pm.with the following present: Aldermen: Todd Irish, Brian Lovell, Marcia Stiller, Michael Bennett, Vicki Burford, Darrell Kraft; Treasurer-Marcia Neff; City Clerk-Lucretia McPeak; and Mayor-Kenneth Brown. Also present were: Jim Ford, Jeanette Ford, Brian Covert, and Dan Gillett.

The next scheduled regular council meeting will be June 14, 2010, at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall.