The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Board of Education
On Wednesday, April 21, 2010 the West Central CUSD #235 Board of Education conducted their regular meeting.
As a result of this meeting the following items took place.
Vice President Arnold called the meeting to order in the Elementary Cafeteria at 7:00 p.m. All board members except Brent and Anderson were present at roll call. Mr. Anderson entered the meeting at approximately 7:10 p.m.
Vice President Arnold led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
The following items were offered as good news items:
The board approved the agenda as presented with the addition of Item X.J Consider Approval of Artwork for West Central Early Childhood Center and Item XV.A2 Retirement: Vicki Wood, WCMS Cook. In addition the board was asked to table action on agenda item X.I Consider Approval of Quote for Security Cameras for North Campus.
Under recognition of audience request for presentation, the board heard an update from Carl Sandburg College Envoy Sam Sudhaker. The board also heard a report on possible changes to the IHSA By-Laws by former WCHS Head Coach Will Bavery as well as a plea to the board to upgrade the football practice field. The board also heard a report from district Art Teacher Cherry Simmons on our students' success at the LTC Art Show as well as the Town and Country Art Show.
The board approved the consent agenda as presented. Items approved under the consent agenda included:
With regards to the financial activity, the board approved payment of all bills including three additional bills that were presented to them at the board table. The board approved the February activity account and the February treasurer's report.
The board heard an update on the district's financial report from Supt. Grimm. It was pointed out to the board that at the end of February our actual revenue and expenditures amounts compared to budgeted amounts should be at 75.00%.
The board was informed that actual revenue received was 79.94% and expenditures compared to budget were at 68.42%. In addition, Superintendent Grimm pointed out that as of April 21, the state board has vouchered to the comptroller's office a total of $834,409.
Mr. Grimm expressed hope that the district would receive all of the remaining General State Aid that is owed to the district and one more transportation payment.
The board discussed a proposal to lend the name of West Central High School to a group of local residents who wish to sponsor a Scholastic Trap Shooting Program.
During this portion of the agenda, the board reviewed briefly a written summary of the proposed program.
Following a brief discussion, it was suggested that as part of the approval of the program, it be understood that WCHS students who participate in this program must adhere to all WCHS eligibility requirements, follow the district policy on extracurricular participants being submitted to random drug testing and not be allowed to participate in the program if a student is found to have committed a significant violation of school rules. The board approved the request with the three condition outlined above included.
The board tabled action on agenda item X.H due to the fact that no quote for the camera system was received prior to the meeting. This agenda item will be brought back to the board at the May board meeting.
The board reviewed and approved a drawing of a mural that the WC Early Childhood Staff wished to add to one of the cafeteria walls at the Early Childhood Center.
The board heard reports from Principal Dale Buss, Principal Jeff Nichols and Principal Phillip Geiser. They also heard a curriculum report from Mrs. Serven, a technology report from Mrs. Frakes and a special education report from Mrs. Farniok.
Mr. Blender provided the board with an update on the bi-annual sports participation survey that our 5-11 grade students recently completed.
Brief summaries of the proposed changes to the parent-student handbooks at each building were heard. It was explained that this year, a model parent-student handbook, developed by the Illinois Principal's Association, was used to help formulate the recommended changes to the current handbooks.
Mr. Buss and Mr. Nichols briefly explained the most significant proposed changes to their handbooks and stressed that the majority of the changes being recommended were due to the use of the IPA model handbook.
Mr. Geiser presented his proposed handbook changes with an additional handout detailing conversation that he had had with his staff and his handbook committee concerning athletic eligibility and the high school semester exam exemption policy.
After reviewing the content of the document with the board, Mr. Geiser suggested that the board leave the semester exam exemption policy alone for next year but that serious consideration should be given to changing that policy to include requiring all students to take exit outcome exams while leaving the semester exam incentive policy as it currently stands.
Some expressed a desire to see the attendance portion of the incentive policy removed and some thought that there should be a grade component factored into the semester exam incentive policy as well.
At the end of the discussion, it was the consensus of the board to have all three handbooks placed on the May board meeting agenda for act-ion but that more discussion on the high school hand book relative to the semester exam incentive policy and the athletic policy may need to take place before approval of the handbook could be given.
The board briefly discussed a request by district resident and WCES staff member Amy Wolfe to allow her daughter to participate during the 2010-2011 school year in the IHSA state swimming competition. Following a brief discussion, the board indicated that they would approve this request at the May board meeting.
As part of this discussion, it was indicated that the parents will pay the required entry fee and serve as volunteer coaches and that Mr. Blender will assist in registering the student with the IHSA. It was suggested that this opportunity be made available to all WCHS students.
The board took the following action regarding personnel:
The board was remindedof the Special Board Meeting on Thursday, May 13, 2010 at 7 p.m. in the WC Elementary cafeteria to discuss and take action on several matters pertaining to personnel and of the next regularly scheduled meeting at 7 p.m., Wednesday, May 19 in the West Central Elementary cafeteria - North Campus, rural Biggsville.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:10 p.m.