The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Village Of Raritan

In the Raritan Firehouse March 11, Raritan Village trustees heard that Dallas Rural Water has notified the village that water rates will be going up from $25.00 to $30.00 per month effective June 1, 2010.

A discussion was held about the baseball lights at the park and a motion was made by trustee Waller, seconded by trustee Powless to disconnect which was carried.

President Knapp turned the meeting over to Ron Stombaugh to explain the village ordinance about junk, debris and nuisances and the ordinance about demolition of unsafe buildings to our visitors. A copy of the above ordinances were given to chairman Savage and Larry and Doug Hensley.

A motion by Trustee Powless to give Doug Hensley until May 28, 2010, to clean up his property seconded by Trustee Magee carried.

A motion was approved to hire Larry's Recycling for collecting the recycables for the village.

Trustee Blender reported the Raritan Firemen's Auxiliary will be purchasing a bench for the park in honor of Carol Gibb. The village will help to install the bench.

Present at the meeting were Blender, Anders, Powless, Magee and Waller along with chairman Savage, guests Doug and Larry Hensley and Village Attorney Ron Stombaugh.

Trustees approved for payment the following bills: REC $50.00; Waste Management $843.20; Dallas Rural Water $609.50; PDC $14.50; Dennis Rankin $154.55; AmerenIP $964.75; Ron Stombaugh $448.00; Phil Anders $94.00; Gary Powless $80.00; Carlyn Anders $99.00.