The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Upset With Representation
Dear Editor,
Today I drove 14 miles to the office of Representative Phil Hare in Galesburg. I carried with me a letter I had written Mr. Hare.
In that letter I was stating my opinion on the healthcare issue that is going on at this moment, in particular, the idea of using the Slaughter Rule.
I was polite and asked if they would fax my letter to the Representative.
I was told by one of the office workers that they would send it by snail mail.
I stated that time was of the essence and that I would like it to be faxed. When I asked her when he would receive the letter, she said it would be tomorrow (Thursday).
Realizing how foolish her answer was, she then said on Friday (another foolish answer).
Again, I asked for the letter to be faxed. No one else was in the office and the two staff people did not appear to be busy. I left upset with the following comment.
"So much for representing your constituency, REPRESENTATIVE Hare!!"
Carol Parrish
FOR THE RECORD HE Will Glady Eat Crow
Dear Editor,
I hope the recently passed health care reform legislation is successful in delivering high quality affordable health care to all Americans while at the same time reducing our national debt by over a trillion dollars.
I hope it is successful in delivering reform that is truly needed. I am highly skeptical, however, the proposed changes will deliver any kind of meaningful reform and even more skeptical it will work to control costs.
I am going on the record as declaring my opposition to this reform legislation as I believe it will cause more harm than good.
I encourage all patients to ask their physicians and government representatives to also declare their support or opposition.
If the legislation is successful and delivers on it's promises, I will gladly eat crow and our country will be better off.
However, if the legislation accelerates our country's path to fiscal ruin - as I predict it will - we all have a right to know whose judgment can be trusted in shaping future reform measures.
Tim Von Fange, MD
It's In Our Hands Be Counted In 2010
Dear Editor,
Every ten years the United States Constitution requires that the number of people who live in the United States must be counted. They are able to do this by conducting a count called the census.
As a resident of Henderson County, I did not realize the complete importance of the census. When I started reading the information that has been and continues to be available through the news media, I became more interested.
I have discovered that the census count determines the amount of money that is allocated back to Henderson County from the Federal Government.
This money comes from us, taxpayers, when we pay our Federal Income Taxes each year.
Depending on the number of people living in a county, who are counted, determines the distribution of more than $300 billion annually of government funding for critical community services.
This is based in part on census data.
Census data determines how many representatives we have in the United States Congress, as well as, your county's representatives in the state legislature.
Some other things that are included are: College grants and loan programs, Local school funding, Number of children determine number of classrooms, Public school grants and programs, Public health services, Road and community improvement, and Senior Citizen services.
As a teacher in Henderson County for 46 years, I urge each and every household to make sure that you are counted.
It only takes 10-15 minutes to fill out the "CENSUS" form you recently received in the mail.
Thank you for taking the time to fill out the form and returning it.
Alta Mae Brokaw
West Central School
District #235
by Elaine Slater Reese
I read about the Civil War - a huge division caused by two separate factions.
People took a stand - they made deliberate choices. Through the passing years, we Americans have become more and more focused on the fact that we each have a right to make our own choices.
And again, it appears that our country is divided. Almost everyone has their own opinion on morals, politics, and religion. We no longer listen politely to "the other side".
And as we approach Easter, the most important holiday in the Christian faith, we find those who simply celebrate a holiday of family, Easter bunnies and decorated eggs. We see those who ignore the whole thing. And there are those who give praise and honor in their belief that Jesus Christ was obedient to His Heavenly Father and was crucified on an old wooden cross for the sins of men.
The Scriptures tell that Jesus conquered death - has paid the price for each of us and is our key to eternal life.
Whatever we believe today, we have been given the gift of CHOICE.
We must each make that choice carefully. Eternity rests on our decision.