The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
by Shana Jackson, The Quill
Madena Chuvala resides in Macomb, where she raised her two kids and was a substitute teacher around the area for years. After her kids were grown and out on their own she decided to go back to work full time. For two years, she has been the Jr. High Science teacher in La Harpe.
She stepped out in great support for one of her colleauges, Doug Jones, who has been dealing with cancer.
When I asked her why she would shave her hair off she stated "I lost my grandparents and 2 aunts to this disease."
Madena knows first hand what cancer patients go through and that it can also be financially draining.
"Doug is a fantastic teacher and the kids just love him" states Madena.
"They wanted to be a part of what I was going to do. So to make it fun for all involved, whoever raised the most money out of the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade class could take a swipe of my hair with the clippers. Altogether, the kids raised $420.
The event took place Saturday night at the school dance fundraiser where Mr. Jones took the first swipe with the clippers.