The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Village Considers The Remodeling Of City Hall

By: Shirley Linder, Quill Editor

Police Chief Gary Smith handed out a report on the department's operational plans and department goals to village board members on Monday, March 1st. This included the department's budget in the amount of $33,000 for the fiscal year of 2011.

He also presented board members with a floor plan for remodeling which would include office space to be used as the Police Department's administrative office and renovation to the current restroom to comply with the American's with Disabilities Act. The overall goal is to prepare the building/office to be used as "Command and Control Center" as part of the village's "Emergency/Disaster Plan."

Smith handed out, for board approval, the finished ordinance for signs and traffic codes to update the ordinance book. The new signs to be placed were discussed in depth at the January board meeting and according to Tony Anderson the signs have been received.

Michael Bohnenkamp suggested they let bids for siding the other two sides of city hall to make it more presentable. Bohnenkamp was instructed by the board to place an ad in The Quill requesting bids for siding and also one for the renovation of the police department.

Tony Anderson, who submitted his April 1st resignation at the January meeting presented the members with a proposal that he would be willing to sign a one or two year contract with the village and remain on part time as a contractor at the water and sewer plant. He needs more time to pursue his business adventure but would be willing to work 55/65 hours a month.

Jan Monville asked the board for permission to have a mail box placed at the ASC Office for the Economic Development. The board has no problems with this.

Curt Eisenmayer informed the board he had addressed some concerns from neighbors about burning the Warth house. Eisenmayer took care of the problem and the house will be burned at a later date when the weather improves.

The board entered closed session at 8:34 p.m. for the purpose of new employee hire.

There were no decisions made following closed except to run an ad for a full time employee.

Present: Mayor Eric Chockley; Clerk/Treasurer Lou Ann Nortrup; Trustees, Lawrence Neff, Michael Bohenenkamp, Mike Nelson, Chris Cook, and Angels Myers (absent David Vancil); Employees Tony Anderson and Ronnie Gittings; Police Chief Gary Smith; Guests, Jan Monville, Curt Eisenmayer and Roger Cook.