The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Minutes of the regular scheduled meeting for February 10, 2010.
The Biggsville Village Board met in regular session with Brian Sterett, Village President presiding and with the following present: Trustees -Bob Onion, and Gloria Minard; Clerk - Cindy Rhinehart and Treasurer - Gloria Jones and Visitors -Janet Monville, Larry Fry and Nancy Sterett. Absent - Jenny Hopkins, Brian Cochran and Renee Sprock.
Brian Sterett, Village President opened the meeting by leading the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:05 pm.
Clerk, Cindy Rhinehart, took roll call.
Minutes from the January 2010 meeting were circulated by Cindy Rhinehart, Clerk and the minuets were approved as presented by Gloria Minard and seconded by Bob Onion. Roll was called and all present voted to accept minutes as presented.
Gloria Jones, Treasurer, presented Treasurer's Report. Bob Onion moved that treasurers' report be approved as presented and seconded by Gloria Minard. Roll was called and all present voted in favor to accept report as read.
Bills were circulated by Cindy Rhinehart, Clerk. Bob Onion moved the bills be paid as read and seconded by Gloria Minard that orders by drawn on the treasure for the same. Roll was called and all present voted in favor of paying the bills as read.
Galena Road Gravel
Casey Bank
Gloria Jones
Cindy Rhinehart
Brian Sterett
Jenny Hopkins
Brian Cochran
Bob Onion
Renee Sprock
Gloria Minard
Illinois Dept of Revenue
Bonnell Industries Inc.
Goff Trucking
Gibb's Station
Gatehouse Media
Mechanical Service, Inc.
REC Recycling
Farm King of Monmouth
Lindsay Webb
Cessford Construction Co.
Waste Management
Cindy Rhinehart
Biggsville Post Office
Jeff Lant
Susie Goff
Carus Corporation
Old Business
Gloria Jones reported on the interest rate for the CD that matured the first week in February. The best interest rate was for a 13 month CD at 2.05% interest otherwise the Funds could be invested in a 6 month CD for 1.00%. Gloria Minard made a motion to reinvest all the Motor Fuel Fund except $20,000 instead of the $15,000 that was voted to keep out the previous month and invest the Motor Fuel Fund and all the other Funds in a 13 month CD and seconded by Bob Onion. Roll was called and all present voted in favor to accept motion.
New Business
Larry Fry reported that he is interested in taking over REC Recycling from Tom Edmonds and he would like for the village to continue to have their recycling picked up by them.
He would like to, in the future, be able to do personal pick ups for disabled and senior residences in the village.
Mr. Fry would like to have an agreement from the village that he would be paid $150/pickup and he would like to pick up twice a month but he stated that he would be willing to do the pickup for $150/month instead of per pickup.
Mr. Fry was asked to come back to the March meeting so the remaining board members could have a chance to hear and discuss his proposal.
Janet Monville from Henderson County Economic Development asked the village to sign a proclamation for Entrepreneurship Week of 2010 that is held from February 21 to February 28.
Gloria Minard made a motion to accept the proclamation for Entrepreneurship Week that was being held from February 21 to the 28 and seconded by Bob Onion. Roll was taken and motion was accepted by all present.
Janet Monville also passed out the Henderson County Economic Development Corporation Tourism Booklet and asked the board if they knew of any place that would circulate the booklets.
Janet Monville also reported that Jack Kinslow is now working on the Henderson County Rural Water Project.
Nancy Sterett reported that she would be interested in cleaning the Community Bldg on a monthly basis but was concerned about the floors needing a good cleaning. Bob Onion made a motion that Nancy Sterett becomes the new contracted person to clean the Community Bldg and seconded by Gloria Minard. Roll was taken and motion was accepted by all present.
Parks and Recreation
No report
No report except there had been one light that had been reported on Washington & Hwy 94 and taken care of.
Public Relations
Gloria Minard reported that Louise Webb had given her some information about other interested parties for the recycling in the village. Other options for the village would be Eagle Enterprise Recycling from Galva and Chad Brats from Macomb Solid Waste.
Brian Sterett reported that he had been approached about putting gravel on the side of the streets by a property owner. As previously decided during another meeting, gravel could be placed on village property that is next to the streets at the adjacent property owners' expense.
Dallas Rural Water approved the contract on January 14, 2010 and is now waiting for approval from Rural Development.
Sewer & Lagoon
No report.
No report.
No report.
Bob Onion made a motion for the meeting be adjourned at 8:20 p.m. and seconded by Gloria Minard. Roll was taken and motion was accepted by all to adjourn the February meeting.
Cindy Rhinehart, Village Clerk