The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

West Central CUSD #235 July Meeting

On Wednesday, July 21, 2010 the West Central CUSD #235 Board of Education highlighted good news items as follows:

There were no members of the audience who wished to address the board xand the board approved the consent agenda which included:

Board approved the following:

The board briefly discussed a proposed renewal agreement from Eagle View Community Health Systems to conduct the random student drug testing program for FY11 and directed Superintendent Grimm to seek additional quotes from other vendors for this service and to bring those quotes back to the board for action in August.

The board heard a brief presentation on the tentative FY11 district budget from Superintendent Grimm who highlighted the fact that the Tentative FY 11 district budget shows anticipated revenues of $7,991,972 and anticipated expenditures of $9,619,775. This is a deficit budget for FY11.

Part of the reason for the deficit is the early receipt of FY11 property tax money. However; taking into account the early distribution of local property tax money, the tentative FY11 budget is a deficit budget by approximately $90,000. It was also suggested by the superintendent that the budget deficit could grow larger by the time the board approves the budget in September.

Following a brief questioning and answering session about the proposed budget, the board approved the tentative FY11 budget and directed that it be put on display. It was pointed out that the board will be asked to approve the final FY11 budget at their meeting in September.

The board also discussed again as to whether or not to continue with 4 sections of each grade level at the elementary level. After some discussion, it was the consensus of the board that we will review student enrollment numbers for each of the elementary grades at the end of the second day of registration. If the numbers warrant continuing a 4th section of kindergarten and first grade, the administration has permission to fill those vacancies.

The board approved a health life safety amendment for roof repair at the south campus in the a amount of approximately $125,000. This amendment will be filed with the State Board of Education and upon its approval, bid documents will be prepared by the district architect and bids will be solicited.

There were no reports this month.

The board heard an update on the progress of the summer work in the district by Superintendent Grimm.

The board heard a report on the activities that will be taking place the first couple weeks of August in preparation for the start of the 2010-11 school year. The board agreed to sponsor an all district staff luncheon on Tuesday, August 17, 2010.

The board entered closed session to discuss matters pertaining to personnel and student discipline at 8:05 p.m. and exited closed session at 9:26 p.m. and took the following action:

The board adjourned at 9:35 p.m. until the next meeting on Wednesday, August 18, at 7 p.m. in the elementary cafeteria.