The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
by db Conard, The Quill
This next week at the polls, Henderson County voters picking up their ballot will have two Republican women competing to run for the position of County Treasurer. Susan Meyers, and Jennifer Bigger-Livingston.
Present County Treasurer Susan Meyers has been in the job as Treasurer for eight years with a perfect report card from each year's audit of the books.
When asked what she felt were some of her accomplishment, Susan referred to the simplified and much less time-consuming process of drainage taxes which she has achieved by computerizing the process and combining the invoicing of taxes on one form.
In addition, Susan takes pride in establishing direct deposit transfers of state funds into county coffers which results in many additional interest earning days. The prior way of doing business was waiting for checks to clear the regular four days and it cost county taxpayers almost 50 days a year of interest on state funds coming to the county accounts.
In addition, Susan feels her making taxes payable using credit cards, has simplified the process for the many taxpayers who have Internet access and it is much more convenient.
Eight years of experience as treasurer, four years experience as Chief Deputy Treasurer, and seven years as Supervisor of Assessments, is Susan's justification for saying she is well qualified and deserving of your vote.
The new Republican blood on the block asking for your vote is Jennifer Bigger Livingston who gained five years of valuable experience working as the Chief Deputy Clerk in the County Clerk's office for Marcella Cisna. In this position Jennifer worked with the same computer programs being used today and feels she would have little problem doing the job as Treasurer.
What is unique about Jennifer is that after five years of working for the county, she found a job working for the BNSF Railroad as a Conductor/ Engineer which she has now been doing for five years. If Jennifer wins the election she will be taking a cut in pay of almost 50%, but she feels it would be worth it just to be nearer to her 10 year old son Baylon, and her husband Scott. She has also enjoyed working with the employees and serving the public at the courthouse.
Jennifer feels that she has more than demonstrated that she is not only experienced but capable of doing a good job at whatever she sets her mind to.