The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
By: Shirley Linder, Quill Editor
Christmas lighting contest winners, sponsored by the Village of Stonghurst, were
Tommy Crotts-1st place;
Barry Dowell-2nd;
Albert Renken-3rd;
Charles Vaughn-Honorable Mention.
At the regular village board meeting held on Monday, January 4th, Tony Anderson reported Cross Connection surveys are due to be sent out to home owners.
Anderson also reported he would be attending a conference in Effingham from Feb. 15-17th which will give him 3 hours credit on his continuing education.
The board agreed to do maintenance on 2 of the 4 sand filters at the sewer plant this year and the other two next year.
The Martha Warth house has now been knocked down and the fire department will be asked to burn it.
The police report for December included: 14 traffic stops; 17 verbal warnings; 1 written warning; 7 Uniform traffic tickets (5 issued on 1 traffic stop); 8 service calls; 4 agency assists and 5 arrests (3 criminal, 2 warrant).
Police Chief Smith also noted that Officer Arbry Vancil graduated from PTI on December 19th. The police department received a $500 grant from the fire department trustees which was used to purchase a Portable Breath Tester and additional soft trauma plates for the officer's ballistic vests.
The board entered closed session at 7:45 p.m. to discuss personnel issues. The board re-entered open session at 8:08 p.m. No motions or decisions were made.
Present were President Eric Chockley; Trustees, Mike Bohenkamp, Angela Myers, Chris Cook, David Vancil, and Mike Nelson (Trustee Lawrence Neff was absent), Clerk/treasurer Lou Ann Nortrup, Employees, Tony Anderson and Ronnie Gittings, Police Chief Gary Smith and guest Roger Cook.
The next regular board meeting will be held on Monday, February 1st at 7:00 p.m.