The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The Raritan Board of trustees wants to remind the citizens of the Village of Raritan that it is illegal for anyone other than an authorized representative of the village to shut off a water meter. A penalty for tampering with the water meter could be a fine up to $500.00.
A discussion was held about abandoned vehicles in the village. The president will instruct the village attorney to send letters.
The trustees wants to remind the citizens of the Village of Raritan that there is an ordinance against accumulating junk and unlicensed vehicles in the village. A copy of this ordinance is available upon request.
It was decided to take down the Christmas lights Saturday, January 16, 2010, at 9:00 a.m.
The trustees met in the meeting room of the Raritan Fire House January 14, 2010, with trustees Blender, Waller, M. Knapp, Magee and Anders answering roll call and with Trustee Blender opening with prayer.
After minutes were approved the following bills were presented and approved as follows:
Megan Barber $22.50;
Dallas Rural Water $713.86;
Ameren IP $776.14;
PDC Laboratories $14.50;
Waste Management $843.50;
Julie $34.50;
Dennis Rankin $154.55;
Gary Powless $80.00;
Carlyn Anders $55.00;
Phil Anders $181.25.