The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Through grant monies, 20 laptop computers have been purchased for use by special needs students, which should be ready for use by the end of January. An additional 20 computers have been ordered for one of the business labs, also using grant money.
The report came at the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Education of Illini West HSD #307 which was held on Wednesday, January 13, 2010.
Students of the Month for December, Sara Frakes and Kayden Guymon, were honored.
Student Council at IWHS sponsored numerous activities during December including "Twelve Days of Christmas" activities, all school Bingo, and a food drive for local pantries.
They also purchased a LCD screen which has been installed in the cafeteria to display the daily announcements, along with photos of school activities.
A CIPA hearing was conducted (Children's Internet Protection Act), addressing technology protection measures and the District Internet safety policy.
A two year agreement with Great American Plan Administrators was approved to administer the Illini West 403(b) Plan.
The 2009 School Improvement Plan was approved.
Investigation on options for increasing the size of the current cafeteria to provide additional seating and serving space has begun.