The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The La Harpe school board met Tuesday night, December 15, 2009, in the school district library.
Board members in attendance were V.P. Dan Horton, Rex Huston, Mark Irish, Deanna Stambaugh, and Darren Spangler. Also present were Superintendent Campbell, Principal McKeown, and Jeanne Clayton.
Principal McKeown gave updates to the board on sports, student Christmas activities and programs, and the "Read 180" testing which 8th grades traveled to Illini West High School to participate in taking.
Facilities committee member, Mark Irish, gave an overview and recommendations regrading the no longer usable 1928 building and encouraged taking steps toward its eventual removal.
Superintendent Campbell reported news from the recent insurance cooperative meeting including premium increases and the addition of pollution liability insurance, gave an overview of the 4 districts' joint curriculum meeting.
Superintendent Campbell also spoke of limited state funding and the impact it may have on school districts urging the consideration of alternate funding plans for the near future, and the federal Race to the Top grant program intended to restructure and reform all aspects of education.
In addition to approving previous board minutes, the financial report and payment of bills, the school board held the tax levy hearing and adopted the tax levy for FY2011.
Superintendent Campbell was appointed Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) officer for the district and the board approved the purchase of gift cards for all district employees.