The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Seeks Funds
by Macy Davis, The Quill
Stronghurst--The Community Senior Citizens Corporation in Stronghurst began January 7, 1974 when two men, Merlin Foresman and Gilbert Hustead, had an idea.
The idea was to start a group with different activities, clubs, and functions specifically for senior citizens.
They visited with every senior in town and proposed their idea; it was a hit. Everyone agreed that their idea was a marvelous one and worked together to form the Corporation.
Now, nearly 37 years later, known to most townsfolk as "The Senior Citizens Building", the club is still going strong with about 50 members, although they always look forward to seeing a new face and enjoying the company of a new member.
Membership is only $10 a year and is open to anyone 60 years of age or older.
They hold numerous functions and special events such as a card club, domino club, hooks and needles (knitting and crocheting) club.
With a bigger group, they will once again be able to take fun day trips to areas such as the Quad Cities and the ever popular Circa 21 playhouse.
Five days a week the Henderson County Health Center utilizes the building to serve hot meals.
A library, that is open to people of all ages, can also be found in the senior citizens building. A few years ago, the seniors donated a large number of their books to Lomax, so that they might begin a library as well.
The Community Senior Citizens Corporation is a non-profit organization that depends on donations and fund-raisers to stay up and running.
One of their most popular fund raisers is their annual game day held every October. This game day is open to the public and held at St. Patrick's in Raritan.
They also rent out the facility for get-togethers.
They are now holding what they call a "Bakeless Bake Sale" which encourages all to give a little without the purchase of those extra sweets.
The funding from this will benefit the young and old, for there is always activities to be enjoyed by everyone at the Senior Citizens Community Building along Broadway Street in downtown Stronghurst. Stop in and say hi or join the club for some fun.
Dear Friends,
A lot of news we have today,
a "Bakeless Bake Sale' is on its way.
In these days now, who wants to bake
Pies and cookies, or even a cake?
You'd be surprised if you counted the cost
Of materials, heat, and time you've lost.
Cooking for a SALE is extra work,
Yet nobody really wised to shirk.
So, we have a plan that's really grand
And feel sure that you will understand.
In your envelope, please put the price
Of a pie, or cake, or something nice.
Without fuss or bother, you've done your part,
We're sure you'll give with a willing heart.
This is the end of our little tale,
Here's to the success of our "Bakeless Bake Sale!'