The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
On Wednesday, August 18, 2010 the West Central CUSD #235 Board of Education conducted their regular meeting. As a result of this meeting the following items took place.
The board meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by Vice President Arnold. Those board members answering at roll call were Anderson, Arnold, Clark, Goff and Sams. Board members Brent and Torrance were absent.
Vice President Arnold then led the members of the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Under good news items, the board recognized 20 Academic Excellence awards winners from the 2009-10 school year. The following WCHS students earned a perfect 4.0 GPA for the previous school year: Hannah Allaman, Rachael Allaman, Evan Bell, Hannah Brueck, Brandon Carter, Alissa Crandall, Brian Earp, Alexis Ensminger, Brock Heap, Gretchen Higgins, Abby Hubbard, Allison Lafary, Mary Lewis, Kristen Rankin, Samuel Sanning, Amanda Schneider, Bailey Stokes, Kara Stumphy, Mariah Wallace and Miranda Wallace.
Following the recognition ceremony the following items were highlighted as good news items:
The board approved the agenda as presented. Mr. Grimm clarified that there would be no recommendation for a WCHS assistant golf coach.
There were no members of the audience who wished to address the board on any of the agenda items.
The board approved the consent agenda as presented. Items approved under the consent agenda included:
The board approved payment of all bills presented.
The board also approved the activity accounts for the months of June and July for the elementary and middle school.
They also approved the June activity for the high school as the July's report was not available due to the recent absence of Mrs. Morrison and would be approved at the September meeting.
The board approved the July treasurer's report as presented.
Superintendent Grimm reported he August 17, 2010, the State owed District #235 $464, 422. Of that total $324,473 was carry over money from the FY10 budget year.
Supt. Grimm also informed the board that he had received some preliminary information regarding the education jobs bill that President Obama recently signed.
It was pointed out that it appears that the district's preliminary allocation of those dollars will be approximately $284,757.
It was suggested that this number could change before the final allocations are determined.
He also informed the board that our district enrollment as of the morning of Monday, August 16th was 992 students in PK-12 and 931 in K-12.
This was compared to 1182 students PK-12 in 2005 and 1122 K-12 during this same year.
Mr. Grimm suggested that loss of 190 students was not unexpected and it appeared that this trend of declining enrollment would continue.
The board briefly discussed a list of personnel reductions that have been undertaken during FY11 that have come about as opportunities have presented themselves to eliminate positions through attrition.
The board approved a proposal from the McDonough District Hospital to provide the district's student drug testing. This proposal calls for a 9 panel drug test at the rate of $35 per student per test and the district must guarantee them a minimum of 10 students tested per trip.
The board approved an intergovernmental agreement with ROE 27 for Early Childhood parent educator services.
Essentially this agreement indicates that Mrs. Angie Torrance will spend time in District #235 performing the duties of early childhood parent coordinator. The amount of that contact between District #235 and ROE #27 is $12,114.96.
The board heard reports from the Building Principals, District Curriculum Director, District Special Education Coordinator and District Technology Coordinator.
The board heard a brief update of the district's summer work and life safety projects from Superintendent Grimm.
It was pointed out to the board that all of the major projects have been completed successfully and on time.
It was also noted that the bid spec documents for the roof repair project on the south campus are almost complete.
Once these bid specs are complete, District Architect Bill Phillips will advertise the availability of those specs and it is hoped that those bid can be opened and the recommended bid be approved at the September 2010 board meeting.
Mrs. Serven reviewed with the board the wide variety of activities that were undertaken to prepare for the opening of the 2010-11 school year.
Specifically highlighted were the professional developments opportunities provided to existing and new staff.
The board spent a considerable amount of time discussing the 2009-10 ISAT, PSAE and ACT scores for District #235.
The board had a very productive discussion and learned about many of the activities that will be undertaken this year to Create a Culture of Achievement.
The board agreed that there was no need to enter closed session, therefore, the board took the following personnel actions:
The board also reminded that the September meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 15, 2010.
The board briefly discussed the activities that normally take place at the September board meeting, those being the budget hearing, the meet and greet new staff and the recognition of those students who earned a designation of exceeds or a perfect score on ISAT or PSAE.
It was decided that the budget hearing should begin at 6 pm and the regular meeting should begin at 6:30 p.m.
Since this was the consensus of the board, those changes will be made to the beginning times of the budget hearing and regular meeting of September 15, 2010.
The board adjourned their meeting at 9:05 pm.