The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Meet Your Neighbor

by Shana Jackson, Quill Reporter

Meet your neighbor Myrtle Fife, born and raised just 3 miles southwest of La Harpe by her parents Earl and Elva Shutwell.

Myrtle was raised with 3 sisters. Elsie Magin of La Harpe, Ruth Kirschner of Keokuk, IA, and the late Lois Crane of Lomax.

Myrtle remembers milking the cows and getting the milk ready to be used, feeding the pigs and helping out with other jobs on the farm as a child.

Mondays was always laundry day and they also would have to do dishes through out the week. Some of these chores would be started before walking 1/2 mile to school every morning.

Myrtle attended Bradshaw School for 8 years and then La Harpe High graduating in 1936.

She then married David Fife on September 14, 1936. They raised 4 girls north of Ft. Green. Marilyn (Carl) Presley of Cameron, Margaret (Lyle) Oliver of Cantrall, IA, Norma Jean (Donald) Heckenkamp of Quincy, and Carolyn Hasten of La Harpe.

Carolyn passed away at just 21 years of age leaving a daughter (Krista Little) behind to be raised by Myrtle.

Myrtle worked 50 plus years cleaning, painting and papering houses and working on the farm. She moved in to town in 1990 where she still resides today south of the town park.

Myrtle has 11 grandchildren and several great grandchildren. She enjoys making quilts and has made several throughout the years.

Myrtle has made a quilt for each of her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. She has also given many quilts away to other friends, Sr Citizens, and Lincoln memorial.

Myrtle is now making the old time comforters.